Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 926: Everyone's blessing


"Mom! I told you to stop staring outside, the sun is so big! Also, Sister Qingqing and Sister Tongtong, why are you two here too? Don't you need to work?"

Seeing the three'females' standing under the scorching sun waiting for him to come out, Lin Feng's heart was full of emotions, life is like this, so what can the husband do?

"Today is the day when our Xiaofeng participates in the college entrance examination. Sister, I asked for a vacation very smartly. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā. Pingshu.com stinky boy, stay with you for these two days, come on!" Luo Qingqing raised his bangs, domineering To say.

"Yeah! Lin Feng, the sky is big, and what is your college entrance examination? Let's go! My car is parked over there, let's go back to the hero restaurant for dinner together? The kitchen is ready for you, Chan Gongzhe Gui!"

Li Yutong also said with a smile. It seemed that when he was waiting outside, he had a good chat with Luo Qingqing.

"Hey! Thank you Sister Qingqing and Sister Tongtong for your hard work. Then let's go!"

Nodded, Lin Feng didn't pretend, and took one person's hand with his left and right hands, and walked out like this.

"This little bunny is really a'yan' blessing. Oh! But this is also a headache! It stands to reason that this girl Qingqing is the best match for our little bunny. She has been together since childhood and knows the foundation. , Although the temper is a bit pungent sometimes, but it happens to control Xiao Feng a little bit, but...the Tongtong girl is also impeccable! She also helps us in the Lin Family Heroic Restaurant..."

Walking behind, watching his son Lin Feng holding a beautiful ‘girl’ in one hand, Lin’s mother was happy and worried, and she had a dilemma.

At noon, today’s Heroes’ Restaurant seems to have been reserved for college entrance examination candidates and parents.

Almost every parent who comes to eat for the college entrance examination will order a toad palace for their children.

"Yo! Sister Huang, why did you bring your children to the Hero's Restaurant? Did you order Toad Palace Zhegui? I heard that this Hero's Restaurant was opened by the little hero Lin Feng, and I know why Lin Feng scored in Zhizhi Is An Yi advancing by leaps and bounds? I heard that I ate the dish of Chan Gong Zhe Gui!"

"Isn't that right? Our child is far away in the 7th examination room in the suburbs. If it weren't for this toad palace, he would have to run so far without any effort! The math test will start at 2 o'clock in the afternoon!"


Many candidates’ parents made a special trip to the Hero’s Restaurant, first to eat this famous dish that means the highest champion, Toad Palace, and second, to be dazzled by the light of Lin Feng, a dark horse schoolmaster. A few more points for your own children.

Sometimes, the score line is so different that it can completely determine fate.

Even parents who no longer believe in ‘superstitious’, at this time, they would rather believe that they are not trustworthy. Who would make fun of the fate of their children? The incense of Guangxiao Temple outside the city has been prosperous since the beginning of the year. The parents of these candidates came to pray and wish.

"Come on! Xiao Feng, eat more, you have to answer your maths in the afternoon!" Lin Mu gave Lin Feng a dish.

"Mom! Don't worry! I know it in my heart."

Lin Feng ate very fragrantly and said with a smile.

"Xiao Feng, I heard that there was an explosion in your examination room earlier, what's the matter? Has it affected you?" Luo Qingqing asked with concern.

"Yes! I've also watched the news, Lin Feng, two'very' disgusting students." Li Yutong also frowned and asked.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with me. Sister Qingqing, Sister Tongtong, you guys eat too. When I come back to give you a champion, be so proud!"

Lin Feng was cheeky, and also served Luo Qingqing and Li Yutong.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, your cell phone has fallen home long ago. I heard your cell phone ringing all the time and brought it to you. Quickly look, is there any important news?"

Father Lin, who had not spoken, took out Lin Feng's phone and handed it to him.

"Dad, I put it at home deliberately. Anyway, I'm taking an exam, and I can't bring my mobile phone in. I'm too lazy to bring it out."

Lin Feng didn't look at it when he took the phone. He was shocked when he saw that there were a dozen missed calls and several unread text messages.

"I'm telling you! Xiao Feng, it turns out that you didn't take your phone with you! I also made several calls. I wanted to cheer you on before the exam, but unfortunately I didn't get through..." Luo Qingqing muttered.

"Hee hee! Not only did it happen, Lin Feng, I also did it."

Li Yutong also smiled slightly and said.

"Well! I saw it."

Lin Feng clicked on the phone and found that it was not just Luo Qingqing and Li Yutong who had received several missed calls. In the list of missed calls, there were Qin Yanran, Zhang Zhen, Xiao Nishang, Aunt Ping, and two people whom Lin Feng could not think of.

"Teacher Xu, is it the teacher who called me? And Senior Sister Zixuan, who also called me? It's a pity, I didn't take the phone with me after I left'door' early. But good Yes, they seem to have texted me."

After seeing the missed calls from Xu Minjing and Su Zixuan, Lin Feng's mood instantly improved a lot, and he quickly clicked on the unread text messages.

The first thing I saw was Qin Yanran's text message

"Lin Feng, go for the exam! Promise me, we will continue to be classmates at Qingbei University, okay?"

Seeing Qin Yanran's slightly mischievous tone, Lin Feng couldn't help but curl up slightly, and quickly replied a text message to her, "Okay! Yanran, I have been waiting for this day."

Then Zhang Zhen's text message

"Crazy man, come on! Hey! It's my turn to be the dark horse this time, you should be brave enough to get the top score! I won't be ashamed of you."

Seeing Zhang Zhen's fighting spirit, Lin Feng replied, "Cut! Don't let Tian Yunyun disappoint you, you can't lose my face!"

As for Xiao Nishang’s text messages, it’s more fun

"Lin Feng, you have a kind of test to come to the capital, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has arrived at my site, it is my turn to spank you."

After Lin Feng looked at it, he couldn't help but snickered, and replied, "Come on! I'm afraid of you! But, crazy girl, my **** is not as flexible as yours!"

But the text message from Aunt Ping is the most normal

"Lin Feng, I want to cheer for the college entrance examination. Auntie is waiting to give you and Yanran a celebration wine!"

Lin Feng replied, "Aunt Ping, don't worry! Yanran and I will get good grades."

Finally, it was Xu Minjing's and Su Zixuan's SMS that they didn't read. Lin Feng put Xu Minjing's last, and opened Su Zixuan's first.

"Lin Feng's junior, senior sister is waiting for you to continue to be my junior at Qingbei University. Go on the college entrance examination! Fightg!"

"Thank you senior sister! I will definitely try to continue to be your junior." After Lin Feng replied to Su Zixuan, he mustered up the courage to open the text message sent by Xu Minjing. </ntent>


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