Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 925: Yu Yu Gong Yu

The prosperous and splendid Qing Dynasty imperial palace, the show ‘women’ enter the palace year after year, and some are lucky to be selected as talented people to serve the emperor. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a mobile phone terminal is even more fortunate, is to be favored by the emperor continuously, and eventually even become a concubine.

However, most of the show ‘females’ entered the palace at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Perhaps they did not even see the emperor's side in their entire lives, not to mention being favored and enjoying a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

Even those "girls" who are lucky enough to be favored as concubines cannot resist the ruthless abandonment of time. The beauty is old and the face is haggard. The king who once appreciated your beautiful appearance and color will only be ruthless. Forget you in the cold palace, and never look again.

It was such a scene. When he decided to write such an essay, Lin Feng's mind seemed to have lived through a desolate and deserted life of a "female" in the palace.

After writing down, Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh. He didn't think about it carefully at all. Instead, he wanted to write the sorrow and mellow sadness in his heart.


The curtain rolls with Zhu Sha, and the Zhu curtain is long and hazy. The rain gradually winds up, and the wind and rain wash the sky. Yan song dances drunk, dance song dreams in Changle Palace. "

In the first paragraph, Lin Feng wrote it almost without pause, and it was about everything he saw from that cold palace. The curtain rolls the red yarn, the rain gradually winds up, and the days of the cold palace are no longer known how long has passed.

Perhaps, only in the dream can I return to the lively Changle Palace again, twist my waist again, and dedicate my graceful dance to the first person to rule the world.

"Qing Qi Zhu's'lips' murmured skillfully, the delicate drips into the eyes and the heart was red. The pale pink face and thin moon eyebrows, the snowy color, the charming eyes and the flowery moon face. The golden lotus three inches lightly cut steps, and the slender jade hands Caress the waist'chest'. Fei Si ribbon dances colorfully, a song of drunken king!"

Looking back at the beginning, Miao Man's posture, the face of the country and the city, can make the king who read countless beauty linger, how beautiful is it?

But now? Looking at this cold palace, who has ever remembered the scene of the drunk king with the flying silk ribbon?

"For a few years, the talents have exhausted their poses and colors, and they have returned to the empty boudoir with joy. Looking at the willow catkins in front of the window for a long time, they shared with the monarch in the past. Once the beauty is old, the dancing sleeves are difficult to wave. Three thousand beautiful ladies Same as the'servant', there are still a few concubines on the side of the king!"

How many new people change for the old, but when they see the new people laugh, they haven't heard the old people cry.

"Served the king for three or five years, but fell to the side of the palace for the first time in autumn. If the city's "gate" courtyard is no longer there, my lonely heart is empty and sorrowful. I have a sad life in my singing, and I am also a prisoner. I don't know anything, I would have known where I would be with the princes. Day after day and year after year, the beauty of beauty is gone.

Thousands of people have spoken all the mouths, and all the beauties have missed the country. Ling's ‘chaotic’ hall is brilliant, so who does Qing Boudou complain about? "

With a sigh of relief, when the last word "say" was written, Lin Feng seemed to see the old and haggard show'woman' who lived deep in his memory, and let out a long, satisfied sigh. It is gratified that someone has been able to span thousands of years, and said all her complaints that have nowhere to be placed.

"I finally wrote it out. But in my heart, why is there such a melancholy? It seems that my previous life was like the ‘female’ show who was forgotten in the cold palace..."

Putting down the pen heavily, Lin Feng reviewed this article again. It is really like a "girl" who has been in a deep palace, facing herself, calming down her life experience and grievances. Like.

"This one is enough for me to get a full score. Moreover, it is very appropriate to the subject. There is no problem with the college entrance examination paper."

After writing all of this, Lin Feng took a look, and there was more than half an hour left. Because the college entrance examination was not allowed to'hand in' papers in advance, Lin Feng carefully checked some of the previous questions several times.

It was not until the time for the final exam was up and the invigilator collected the papers, and Lin Feng followed the army of candidates and exited the exam room in an orderly manner.

"Hey! Have you heard that? It turns out that the loud noise I heard before today's language test turned out to be an explosion in the toilet of the second teaching building!"

"Explosion? No way? What the **** is going on? Did someone plant a bomb in the toilet?"

"It's not a bomb explosion. I just watched the news and it was upset. Our Zhi'an City...no! It should be Zhi'an II that was completely on fire, do you know? It was him and that Hong Tianyi who were in the toilet. Fuck a base, and then I don’t know what happened. It exploded when the methane in the underground pipe of the toilet exploded."

"Ah? No? With Hong Tianyi, it's no wonder that when I see them tangled together all the time, they turned out to be...bent! Tsk tsk, it's really not a person to look like...haha..."

"It's more than that! You see, this is a live high-definition picture, and the unscrupulous editor doesn't even make mosaics. How about? Blind your dog's eyes, right? Now they are calling Hong Tianyi to "pee" brother. ..."

"It's embarrassing to even take the two of us, Emma! When I was in college, I guess my roommates would talk about it!"


After coming out of the examination room, Lin Feng heard many examinees talking about the explosion in the morning toilet.

However, Lin Feng didn't bring his mobile phone to the examination room today, so I regret that I didn't see the ‘fine’ comments.

In addition to the early toilet explosion, everyone talked more about the super-difficult language test paper this morning, especially the weird question.

"Hey! Azhong, how did you do in the test? My work is a mess, I don't know what to write, I wrote it in a mess."

"Yeah! I am also ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ some kind of ‘messy’. I also ‘made’ it casually, otherwise I won’t have time to write at all!"

"It's over! It is estimated that this time, I can only take 30 or 40 points for my work. I originally prepared a lot of materials, and I thought I could rely on one or two! As a result, I came up with such a strange topic... "


Hearing the complaints of these examinees, Lin Feng just smiled and walked out of the big ‘door’ of the second campus.

At this time, not only was his mother anxiously waiting in the crowd at the'door', beside her, Luo Qingqing and Li Yutong also looked inside expectantly.

As soon as he saw Lin Feng coming out, Luo Qingqing waved and shouted happily: "Xiao Feng, here! Here... how is your exam?"

Li Yutong was also under the light veil, ‘Lu’ showed a drunken smile, and waved at Lin Feng.


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