Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 916: Li Yutong breakthrough

In the Jinou community, Lin Feng wiped the hand that had just been pulled by the nurse sister Liu Yanru and returned to his new home with a smile. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā. Pinshu

"Parents...I'm back!"

All day long, Father Lin and Mother Lin didn't go to the hero restaurant class. They were all busy at home, decorating furniture, and cleaning everywhere. There are three-story bungalows with seven single bedrooms. Until now, Mother Lin is still wearing an apron and rolling her sleeves to clean the lobby on the first floor. Father Lin was also helpless to help Mother Lin on the side, working so hard, he didn't hear Lin Feng coming back.

"Mom! "Hand over" these tasks to me! You and Dad go to rest first..."

Lin Fengqian snatched the rag from his mother and said.

"No! Xiaofeng, you can't do this job. You look at the ground. Some stains and paint left over from the decoration are difficult to remove. I have worked hard to get rid of a little bit. If I change you Come, I don't know how to get it to the Year of the Monkey." Mother Lin wiped her sweat and said.

"Yeah! Xiaofeng, your mother and I have been busy all day, and we are missing the last living room on this floor. The bedrooms on the other side have been cleaned up, and your bedroom is on the second floor corridor to the first one on the left. It's just convenient for you. Your mother and I are on the right hand side, the other bedrooms are still empty, we will arrange it later..." Father Lin said.

"Don't worry! Mom and Dad, you two have been busy all day. Take a good rest! I can fix this stubborn stain."

With that said, Lin Feng took the rag to the ground and wiped the stain that Mother Lin had not wiped off for a long time, and then easily removed the stain.

"Huh? It's weird, Xiao Feng, what's going on? The stains that the old lady hasn't gotten off for a long time, why did you get them off?" Mother Lin widened her eyes and said in surprise.

"Hey! Mom, this is called Shanren's own trick. You see, I should do this job!"

Lin Feng smiled and continued to wipe away other stains. One rubbing accurately wiped out most of the stains on the floor of the living room in an instant. To ask Lin Feng's secret, it was his ability to control water. For Lin Feng, the very stubborn stains were easily wiped out by the water droplets controlled by Lin Feng.

In just a few minutes, the entire floor and walls of the lobby on the first floor were ‘cleaned’ by Lin Feng. Moreover, Lin Feng also used the water control ability to brush the entire building inside and out again, making it cleaner and tidy.


It was already time for dinner. Just as Mother Lin was about to put down her men and go to the kitchen to cook, the ‘door’ bell rang.

Lin Feng ran to the ‘door’ to open the ‘door’ and found that it was not someone else who came, but Li Yutong. Moreover, at this time, Li Yutong was still carrying several high-end take-out boxes in his hand, with the four golden ‘color’ characters "Hero Restaurant" written on the surface.

"Sister Tongtong, why are you here?" Lin Feng said in surprise.

"I'm here to bring you food! But it was our hero restaurant kitchen that just came out of the pot! Uncle Lin and Aunt Zhang, I'm afraid you will be too busy to eat, so I packed some food from the restaurant. Haven't you eaten yet?"

Li Yutong smiled and shook the fragrant food, and said.

"No! Sister Tongtong, you came just right. My mother just said she was going to cook..."

Lin Feng took the take-out food from Li Yutong's hand, and then the family and Li Yutong ate happily at the dining table of the new home.

The new home has a new look. Moving from the snail house in the past to the spacious and bright three-story villa now, Lin Feng's family feels like a dream, something that they could not imagine before.

After supper, Lin's father and Lin's mother were tired for a day, so they went to wash and rest early. Lin Feng took a bath, and then slipped to Villa 19 next door to find Li Yutong. After all, now the two are one building apart, Lin Feng is more free to come and go.

"Sister Tongtong, how is your practice now? Has the level of Qi training stabilized?"

Entering the alchemy room, Lin Feng saw Li Yutong sitting cross-legged, wearing tight sportswear, meditating and sweating, making the sportswear tighter to the skin. Moreover, when Li Yutong was at home alone, he did not wear a veil, so that beautiful face, like a fairy, also made Lin Feng's eyes bright.

"Lin Feng, you are here. Do you practice together? My dantian vitality has now condensed and stabilized, and should be considered the peak of the first qi training level. As long as I accumulate a little more vitality, I will break through to the second qi training level. It shouldn't be a problem anymore." Li Yutong smiled and stood up when Lin Feng came in.

"Sister Tongtong, what we lack now is the aura. The ecology of the earth is so severely destroyed that the aura of the air is so thin that we can't find any spiritual grass that contains aura, so the vitality is also used a little less. One point. Must find a way!"

Lin Feng sat down cross-legged in front of Li Yutong, stretched out his hands and said, "Now, I will give you a little bit of my vitality to help you break through the second level of Qi training. As for the future, I will find a way to find some spiritual grass. "

"Yeah! This can only be done first, but Lin Feng, I have also noticed some domestic auctions. Many of these precious'medicine' materials have been auctioned for centuries and millennia. Although the price will be higher, for us, It's good value for money." Li Yutong nodded, his palm and Lin Feng pressed tightly together, flushing across his cheeks.

"Attention! My vitality has passed, Sister Tongtong, you must keep your mind free from distractions and be connected with my mind. Otherwise, it will cause vitality backlash..."

It's not the first time that the two of them have delivered vitality~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so they have become very familiar with each other. The vitality in Lin Feng's body penetrated little by little to supply Li Yutong, and then burst out after being compressed and condensed in Li Yutong's Dantian.


After several repetitions, Li Yutong's dantian had undergone a qualitative change. The concentration of vitality was further compressed, and his spiritual consciousness was further strengthened, reaching the level of the second level of Qi training.

"Lin Feng, I broke through!"

Li Yutong breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from Lin Feng's forehead, and said with a smile.

"En! Sister Tongtong, I didn't expect your pure ‘yin’ physique to cultivate so quickly, I’m afraid if you have enough aura, you can drive me away."

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile. Now their top priority is to find more sources of spiritual energy, so that they can quickly cultivate and break through the cultivation base. Otherwise, once the vitality in the dantian is used up, many cultivators will The spells that can be used cannot be displayed at all.


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