Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 915: Lin Feng is wrong

"How could this happen? What is the relationship between Lin Feng and'Yan' Ru sister?"

Hong Fangfang, who is upset about being'chaotic,' doesn't know how to choose, but should he do nothing? Or do you rush out to expose Lin Feng's mask of sentimental hypocrisy? But is it really good if you do it yourself? These things had nothing to do with him, but Hong Fangfang couldn't bear to watch Qin Yanran and Liu Yanru being so caught up by Lin Feng. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā.

While Hong Fangfang was standing in the yard at a loss, from the yard of Liu's house, Liu's mother Li Huizhu opened the'door' of the house and walked out of it.

"Aunt Li, be careful! Why did you come out of the house alone?"

Hong Fangfang hurried to greet Mother Liu to help her a little bit, because she thought she could not see her eyes.

But who knows, Mother Liu waved her hand at her, pointed at her cheerfully and said, "Are you Fangfang? You look so cute, more like your father."

"Like my dad? Aunt Li, you... can you see me? Can you see me?"

When she heard Mother Liu's words, Hong Fangfang was also shocked. He stretched out his hand and shook her in front of Mother Liu's eyes before asking again.

"I can see it! I can see... Fangfang, I and Yanru always bothered your family to take care of them before. Now my eyes are better. If you need our help in the future, just let me talk about it." He recovered his eyesight and looked at the outside world greedily. He looked up at the already gloomy sky and the bright moon kneeling to the west, and said in surprise, "It's Crescent Moon. I haven't seen the moon for more than ten years. , It looks so good!"

"Aunt Li, it's really great. You can really see it!"

Hong Fangfang also jumped up'excitedly', and even the incident of seeing Lin Feng and Liu'yan' Ru embrace'kiss' just outside was forgotten.

"Yeah! Fangfang, thanks to Yanru finding a good boyfriend, he helped me heal my eyes. Our Yanru must have accumulated virtue and benevolence all his life. Only in this life can we find such a good man. ..." Mother Liu said with a smile.

"Boyfriend? Sister Yan Ru is looking for a boyfriend? Why don't I know?" Hong Fangfang was surprised, and the picture of Lin Feng and Liu Yanru kissing outside came into his mind.

"Yeah! Fangfang, don't you know? It seems that the girl ‘Yan’ Ru is not only hiding it from me, but even you guys!"

Mentioned the boyfriend of the'female' child, Liu mother was satisfied with 10,000 and 10,000, and she praised with a smile, "Actually, I just learned that this girl is still shy and refuses to bring her boyfriend home. If Lin Feng hadn't taken the initiative to come in today, how could my old lady's eyes have a chance to see things?"

"What? Lin Feng? Aunt Li, you say it again, what's the name of the boyfriend of ‘Yan’ Ru’s sister?" Hong Fangfang jumped up when he heard Lin Feng’s name as if the cat had stepped on its tail.

"Lin Feng! Fangfang, what's the matter? Do you know this Lin Feng too?"

Seeing such a big reaction from Hong Fangfang, Mother Liu asked strangely.

"I...can't! Why did Sister'Yan' Ru really be with Lin Feng? And brought him home, I...I'm going to tell her the truth..."

In a hurry, Hong Fangfang turned her head and ran towards the ‘door’. She planned to expose Lin Feng in front of Liu Yanru and let Liu Yanru see the truth about Lin Feng.

However, Hong Fangfang just ran to the gate of the yard and ran into Liu Yanru who had entered the gate.


Hit by Hong Fangfang, Liu'Yan'ru ​​muttered and smiled, "Fangfang, what are you bravely doing? Are you rushing to find a man? Running so fast, without eyes of?"

"Ah? Sister'Yan' Ru, I...I'm going to find you! Don't you know that Lin Feng and my deskmate Qin Yanran are..."

When Hong Fangfang saw Liu'Yan'ru, he spoke out loudly.

As soon as Liu'Yan' Ru heard what Hong Fangfang was saying about Lin Feng, and seeing that his mother was there again, he immediately blocked Hong Fangfang's words back. "I know! Of course I know that Lin Feng and you are at the same table as Qin Yanran. Relatives, what about that? Fangfang, don't you know that he is my boyfriend?"

"Relatives? This..." Hong Fangfang was stunned, not knowing what Liu'Yan' Ru was talking about.

However, immediately, Liu Yan Ru made a gesture to her, telling her to stop talking, and immediately greeted her mother and said, "Mom! You just can see with your eyes, why did you run into the yard? ?"

"'Yan' Ru, mom is okay, I can see with my eyes, how can I not come and have a look outside? I can't always be bored inside, right? By the way! What did Fangfang just say? Lin Feng and her fellow The table is a relative? Haha! This is a coincidence!" Mother Liu didn't hear anything unusual, and said with a smile.

"Yeah! Mom, you just regained your eyesight, so you should go back to the house first! Didn't you say you are going to try cooking today? I'm hungry. I haven't eaten the food you cooked for me in many years. , How about you hurry up to cook in the kitchen?"

Liu'Yan' Ru quickly helped her mother back into the house, and then found a gap and slipped out, and went to Hong Fangfang's bedroom and said to her, "Fangfang, I just couldn't say that in a moment of desperation."

"Sister'Yan' Ru, what is going on? Why did Lin Feng in our class suddenly become your boyfriend? I remember what I told you! Lin Feng and my deskmate Qin Yanran are A couple, they are both recognized by our school as the golden boy "jade" and "girl". Lin Feng is really a big carrot with a "flower" heart. He is not clear at school with his deskmate Xiao Nishang. I'm here to provoke you again..." When Hong Fangfang saw Liu Yan Ru ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~, she seemed to have something to say.

"No, Fangfang, you...Don't blame Lin Feng. It's really not Lin Feng's fault, it's me... I let Lin Feng pretend to be my boyfriend." He bit his lips. Liu'Yan' Ru said to justify Lin Feng.

"What? Sister'Yan' Ru, you asked Lin Feng to come over to impersonate her boyfriend? What is going on?" Hong Fangfang was stunned.

"Yeah! Fangfang, didn’t I do this to make my mother feel at ease? Otherwise, she always felt that I would definitely not be able to marry. However, I really want to thank Lin Feng today. If I didn’t bring him home, my mother’s The eyes can't be better. So, Fangfang, you really don't blame Lin Feng, the two of us really...really have nothing to do with..." Liu Yanru nodded with certainty.

"It turned out to be so, so it seems that it is really me... Lin Feng is wrong."

Hong Fangfang also secretly blamed himself, that he had thought of Lin Feng too much. But when she changed her mind, she felt something was wrong again. Since Lin Feng was just the boyfriend of ‘Yan’ Ru’s pretending to be a boyfriend, then why did the two of them just now have real male and female friends holding hands enthusiastically on the corner?


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