Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3816: 1 trip

Although these forces were weak, he felt them.

Formidable power, formidable aura, the surrounding environment constantly shuttled in front of him, Lin Feng could feel the different auras around him, those auras enveloping Lin Feng's body, the chaotic air and the chaotic world in Lin Feng's body The chaos of Qi began to slowly connect.

I am me, I am the world.

Lin Feng's mind shuttled around, wrapping the whole thing in it.

The various aspects of this world are now fully revealed in front of Lin Feng's eyes, and Lin Feng can feel the intimacy from this world to him.

After a long time, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

"How long is it?" Lin Feng turned to look at Chitaki, and asked in a low voice.

"This world has been for three months." Chitaki grumbled a little mouth and said, "Nine days have passed outside, and we haven't contacted Porch. I wonder what's going on outside?"

Hearing Chitaki's words, Lin Feng nodded, swept his mind, and Boqi immediately returned the message.

The situation outside is not optimistic.

The corpse Yinzong is still in contact with this side, and the two ships are walking together.

This old thing!

Feeling what the old guy did, Lin Feng's heart was blocked.

"Sir, please take advantage of this world to cultivate well here." Chitaki whispered, "Here for ten days, one day outside, the tassels in the world are much slower than outside. Cultivation here, adults, you also have more time to come. Complete what you need yourself, don’t you?"

Hearing what Boqi said, Lin Feng gave a cold tone and nodded instead.

Without business, he spent less time cultivating here, but he could gain more.

However, Lin Feng shook his head.

Cultivation here is good, especially at a critical moment. The aura here can provide Lin Feng with sufficient conditions, but even outside, the chaos seed is at the center of his aura, and it is constantly providing strength to him and to Lin Feng. For Feng, here and outside are actually the same.

But outside, he can feel the difference in the world even more.

Regardless of whether it is cloudy or sunny, day and night, or even the four seasons, this is not in the chaotic seed.

Lin Feng's mind moved and fell in the valley.

The girls had just returned from beheading a little monster beast, and each of them had excited expressions on their faces. They looked up and saw Lin Feng standing there. Everyone was stunned for a moment and then lowered their heads.

"grown ups."

"Still used to it?" Lin Feng glanced over the women and asked in a low voice.

"Thank you, adults, we are all fine." The girls glanced at each other and then whispered, "Thank you, adults, for giving us a place to survive."

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"You guys do things well, I think you are building well here, and I am also very satisfied." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, "Please tell me if you need it, and I will assist you in the first place. You guys get it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the expressions of the women eased a lot, and Lin Feng gave them some high-tech products.

"These are not available in this place, and you have never contacted them." Lin Feng smiled and looked at the women, "If you have time, you can study and study. This may be good for your death talent in the future."

After the explanation, Lin Feng returned to Bo Xunsuo.

Boqi leaned on the boat and saw Lin Feng come out, and immediately reported the outside affairs to Lin Feng.

"My lord, the two ships have been talking. I guess that the ship of the corpse Yinzong should be separated from here these days. The place where the girl Lisi is going is still some distance from the place where the corpse Yinzong is going. of."

Poch whispered, "Also, this ship is not going to the Demon Cult over there. It will take a while before we go there."

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng nodded, his mind was hidden in Bo Xunsuo, completely afraid to let go.

There is a strong man who is infinitely close to the immortal emperor's level. Lin Feng is not a fool, so naturally he won't go out to get bad luck at this time.

"It's okay." Lin Feng waved his hand, "I'll wait until the Yin Clan Sect leaves."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Boqi nodded.

Lin Feng had been lurking in Bo Xunsuo for three days before the ship of the corpse Yinzong had gone away. After two full days, Lin Feng had put up Bo Xunsuo and climbed up from below. Lisi waited for Lin Feng on the deck.

"I knew you weren't that kind of honest person." Liss looked at Lin Feng with a smile, her eyes twinkling with stars, "Mary was obviously brought here by me, and she was very devoted to you."

Mary stuck her tongue out behind Lin Feng, and Lin Feng smiled, "This shows that this girl is reliable and is worth training."

Lin Feng squinted and passed Lisi, "I'm hungry, do you want to have something to eat together? Tsk tsk, this more than a month has been really hard for me, the old man Bai Cang has the ability." Lin Feng shook. After a while, with a wave of his hand, there were a few more spirit fishes on hand, "Should you come and drink a bowl of fish soup with me while the time is right now? It’s not me who said I, my fish soup, can Not everyone has something to eat."

Lin Feng's skillful fish-cutting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is ready to change the ingredients again.

"Really?" Lisi leaned against the railing, and seeing Lin Feng's skillful preparation, Lisi's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Before you became a cultivator, you weren't a cook?" Seeing Lin Feng seriously preparing to make fish, Lisi said with a smile, "If this is the case, I will investigate you in a different direction."

"Before I became a cultivator, I was an excellent student, do you believe it?" Lin Feng's voice was a little hoarse, his eyes swept over Lisi's body, and finally stopped on the two small peaks of Lisi, "In our Schools, like you, Miss Lisi, are all school flowers."

Lin Feng split his mouth to reveal a beautiful little white tooth.

"Come on!" Lisi rolled her eyes when she heard Lin Feng's garden, "Just like you are now, you are completely a little wolf!"

Lin Feng chuckled, and waved his hand, the flames of the heart of the earth fell directly on the bottom of the tripod, the fire slowly tormented underneath, a faint fragrance lingered around, Lin Feng waved his hand, and a fairy water fell Entering inside, a faint smell of fish spread instantly across the boat.

Lisi's lazy body stood up straight, Mary stood behind Lin Feng, her eyes shining with stars.

"Brother Lin, it smells so delicious, I really want to eat it." There was saliva falling from the corner of Mary's mouth, and her eyes stared at the tripod in front of Lin Feng, without any intention to look away.

"I'll eat it in a minute." Lin Feng smiled, sprinkled the condiments, a few root vegetables, and the surrounding fragrance became more and more intense. Feeling this rich fragrance, Lisi no longer pressed I couldn't help but took a few steps forward.

(End of this chapter)

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