Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3903: Lobbyist

One month's salary.

Lin Feng gave him so many soul sources directly, without saying a word.

He didn't even think he would run away.

This made Xiao Er's eyes a little more complicated, and a little more confused.

This person, just rest assured him?

Xiao Er sat in the shop thinking.

After leaving the shop, Lin Feng just walked a few steps, and suddenly a voice came from the crowd.

"It's him!" I don't know who yelled. In the next moment, countless disciples rushed towards the qualified position, which belonged to the Heroes and the Alliance.

"I wipe it, it's not going to die!" Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise when he felt these guys rushing over, and his whole body quickly moved back, his eyes rounded, and he shook his head, "still chasing. I?"

Lin Feng's body quickly went outside the city.

The disciples of the Union League and the Heroes' Association stopped Lin Feng at the gate of the city.

"Boy, run away again!" A big guy stopped Lin Feng and smiled, "Today I want to see how you run out!"

Lin Feng stood there without moving. After a long time, he smiled and said, "I think you may have misunderstood what you can't run. Do you think I am that kind of person?"

Lin Feng held the Fengtong sword in his hand, "I think you are a bit too much. The previous incident was just a misunderstanding. Now that all the misunderstandings are resolved, there is no need for everyone to dwell on this matter, right?"

Lin Feng glanced at these disciples, "Fighting, you always kill the eighty hundred and lose one thousand, isn't it?"

Lin Feng smiled very calmly.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, the big guys snorted coldly and moved closer to Lin Feng.

"Boy, don't toast or eat fine wine, I tell you, this matter, we are not finished!"

Hearing what the big man said, Lin Feng snorted coldly and greeted him directly with the Fengtong sword in his hand. Lin Feng's speed was very fast, and he hadn't reacted there yet. Lin Feng had already killed a disciple from the League.

Those disciples were frightened by Lin Feng's shots, and they didn't react one by one, Lin Feng rushed up again.

"Since I don't let it go, how about enjoying it?" Lin Feng's expression was gloomy, and he licked his lips fiercely. "Don't worry, I am a fair person. I will not be soft on either side. "

When the disciples of the two sessions heard Lin Feng's words, their body trembled unconsciously, and then the whole body quickly moved back, raised his head to look at Lin Feng in front of him, and his body trembled.

Madman, this guy in front of you is a complete lunatic!

They clearly saw Lin Feng's shot, and they were dealing with a lunatic right now!

In the next moment, the disciples from the two sessions quickly greeted him and fought with Lin Feng.

There was a smile on Lin Feng's face, but the long sword in his hand hadn't stopped, a pair of eyes swept over the people, and his shot became more and more rapid.

Feeling Lin Feng's action, the members of the two associations who originally thought they could use their number advantage to solve Lin Feng were getting more and more alarmed.

Lin Feng's shot speed is not fast, but they have already damaged several brothers.

The broken soul means their death.

In Divine Soul City, they belong to the League or Hero Club, but in the Lower Realm, they come from all over the world. They just get along for a short time in Divine Soul City. They misunderstand themselves for a laugh and countermeasures, which hurt themselves here. , Some are not worth it.

Thinking about this, the disciples of the two sessions began to step back. Although they were still alert in their eyes, they obviously relaxed, and they didn't mean to offend Lin Feng.

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng sneered.

He knew these guys would be like this.

Still fighting...

Feeling the retreat of these guys, Lin Feng snorted coldly and accelerated the speed in his hands.

The disciples of these two sessions had no intention of fighting. After feeling Lin Feng's faster and faster shots, all the disciples left faster and faster. Lin Feng shook his head. These guys are still too weak.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took advantage of this opportunity to leave the Spirit City directly.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to his body.

"Master, are you okay?" Chitaki jumped out first, "The final combat power, you worked too hard, those guys are just mobs."

"I'm okay." Lin Feng waved his hand, turned around and shook his body, and ate a few soul sources. With the nourishment of the soul sources, Lin Feng's spirit became more comfortable.

"Those guys are mobs, but once they have their interests, they are sure to take action. I can't hit those things every time I go up." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a wry smile, "So the best way, It is to give those guys a heavy blow at once."

While talking, Lin Feng sent a message to the four of Xu Lang below, and he asked them to investigate Yuan Chen.

After not seeing Yuan Chen for a long time, Lin Feng naturally didn't know much about Yuan Chen's news, but when he was fighting before, Lin Feng clearly felt the breath of Yuan Chen. This guy participated in the battle against him.

If this guy joins ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then it will be troublesome.

Xu Lang returned Lin Feng's message, and Lin Feng glanced at it, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Feng's expression quickly cooled down, Liu Shuo glanced at each other, and both saw the weight in each other's eyes.

They understood Lin Feng's character, and Lin Feng's appearance was clearly an accident.

"the host?"

Hou Tu yelled a little uncertainly.

"Let me go." Lin Feng turned around and walked down, got off Changfeng, and went directly to the treasure house.

This time, Lin Feng was going to confirm his case. Xu Lang told him just now that his case had been detained here.

"Lin Feng?" An uncertain voice sounded, Lin Feng looked up, and Luo Jianqing stood not far away smiling and waving to Lin Feng.

"Grand Elder." Lin Feng immediately smiled on his face and greeted Luo Jianqing. Lin Feng was about to leave after he said hello, but Luo Jianqing took the initiative to greet him.

"Lin Feng, are you going to the treasure house?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Your case question?"

Lin Feng nodded again.

"Actually, Changfeng has only you as a disciple. For these examples, you can just hold your own." Luo Jianqing whispered, "Although Yuanmen is still the number one in the world these years, as the disciples become more and more More and more resources are becoming more and more tense, and the resources each disciple gets are getting less and less."

Lin Feng stopped and looked at Luo Jianqing.

Luo Jianqing came to be a lobbyist.

These people are clever. They have found the one who has the best relationship with Lin Feng, and come to him as a lobbyist while the matter is still beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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