Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1339: Embarrassed

In Zhi'an City, Chen'Lu'ping's political achievements are obvious to all. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā. . Before Chen Lu Ping took office, the entire city of Zhi'an was one of the country's one hundred impoverished counties. It relied on receiving a certain amount of financial subsidies every year for government spending and some poverty alleviation projects.

At that time, Zhi'an City could really be said to be poor. Even some stone roads are not accessible. Many children from poor villages have to walk five or six miles of mountain roads if they want to come to the town to learn.

However, after improvements over the years, under the vigorous development of the mayor Chen Luping, Zhi'an City has taken off the label of a poor county. Although some of the state’s subsidy funds have been lost, it has won more. Development opportunities have introduced many tourism industries, and a series of local products processing enterprises have also been established in supporting areas.

In these aspects alone, it can be said that Chen Luping’s efforts have provided many jobs for the entire Zhi'an City, and helped many farmers who were unable to open the pot to eat well. The cement roads built allow children in the countryside to ride. Bike to the town to learn, instead of getting up and down every day and taking the dangerous mountain road.

There are corrupt officials in Zhi'an City. There is nothing wrong with this. A shock of officialdom also removed a group of people, but the mayor Chen'Lu'ping is a good official in the eyes of the people in Zhi'an City. The slightest stain. Some are just a halo of doing practical things for the people conscientiously, and some are just praise from the people.

Unlike some other officials, Chen'Lu'ping's political achievements are not simply in the archives of the newspaper, but in the hearts of every citizen in Zhi'an City, in the elementary schools and concrete roads built in the mountains. In the faces of poor farmers who are smiling at the New Year.

Let me ask, when such a good mayor who really does things for the people is openly criticized by the top leaders in TV news, what kind of reaction will the ordinary people of Zhi'an City have?

"I'm going to fucking, is this deputy governor blind? Mayor Chen is able to develop our Zhi'an City into the way it is now. I don't know how much effort and effort it took to spend. Once, I saw Mayor Chen accompany some businessmen who came to investigate tourism resources along the muddy paths and mountains under the rain, and was almost buried by mudslides..."

"Standing talk doesn’t hurt your back. These provincial officials always emphasize this and emphasize that. They think poverty alleviation is so easy? Do they think that the development of an industry depends on their mouths? People, Mayor Chen, have basically been doing this in the past few years. Rural towns and villages run by themselves. Let’s ask, which political official can do this?"

"I want to cry out grievances for Mayor Chen, and for the sake of our environment in Zhi'an City, I firmly oppose industrialization..."


Suddenly, in front of the televisions of every household, as long as they were watching the news of Zhi'an City, regardless of whether they were male or female, old or young, they were filled with righteous indignation, and made injustices for Mayor Chen Luping. Moreover, many young people who can play Tieba have already captured the Zhi'an News Station's Tieba, Zhi'an Tieba and other territories in an instant, and made a sound that belongs to them.


After this news was broadcast, the reaction of the people in Zhi'an City was too violent. They screamed for Mayor Chen'Lu'ping, and they also wanted to speak out for the land of Zhi'an City. Because if these people living in this land are not yet standing up against it at this time, when all kinds of smog and all kinds of polluted sewage flow in the future, who can expect to be the master and speak for them?

Moreover, some ordinary people in Zhi'an City are posting it, and they also launched a post to help Mayor Chen Luping attract investment. Basically, people in Zhi'an City know that it is not difficult to solve the problem of tourism development in Zhi'an City. As long as there is sufficient funds, the roads and supporting facilities leading to each scenic spot will be built, plus some tourism promotion resources. , Can gradually rely on word-of-mouth response to beat the reputation of Zhi'an City for this beautiful landscape.

"Uncle Biao, what should I do? Look at it and Weibo, it's all the voice speaking for Chen'Lu'ping!"

In a high-end club in Zhi'an City, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao was receiving his uncle and vice governor Zhou Nan. He had a good time, but seeing the voices of so many citizens of Zhi'an from the mobile phone, I felt a little uncomfortable. Up.

"Huang Tao, what are you afraid of! Chen'Lu'ping is a good official who does practical things. Who doesn't know this in our province? You don't take her for granted, so this mountain of her is pressing you down. It's almost impossible for you to make a little grade and get a promotion."

Zhou Nan only glanced at those comments, but he didn't take it seriously and said casually.

"Ah? What should I do then? Uncle, according to what you said, don't I have a day in my life?" Huang Tao said bitterly.

"En! If you follow the normal procedures, Chen'Lu'ping will have to stay at the position of the mayor of Zhi'an for at least a few years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are not the first deputy mayor, waiting for your turn At that time, it is estimated that it will be seven or eight years later. At that time, at your age, at most you will reach the deputy department level before you retire."

Taking a look at Huang Tao, Zhou Nan shook his head and said, "Aside from ability, your heart's **** and Chen Lu's are so different. Fortunately, my cousin is working hard to help. You are planning. Other than that, with the military order made by Chen Luping today, I can guarantee that the day when Chen Luping voluntarily resigns a year later, it will be the day you become mayor of Zhi'an City."

"Really? Great, uncle, my proposal for industrialization was not prepared for nothing. The bosses of five or six large chemical plants in the province have talked with me. Once this plan is implemented, they will take it. Give me 30% of the shares. As long as my cousin helps me implement this plan and let me be the mayor of Zhi'an City, I will give you half."

Zhou Nan’s such affirmative promise made Huang Tao's heart surging. However, based on his fear of Chen Luping for so many years, Huang Tao said with some worry, "But, in case Chen Luping is really in love. During the year, investment was brought in and the tourism industry in Zhi'an City was done. What should we do?"


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