Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1338: Military order

In the presence of so many officials of Zhi'an City, large and small, and in front of the news media, Vice Governor Zhou Nan directly accused Mayor Chen'Lu'ping of doing things badly. WWWW.SUIMENG.lāPin Book Net

At the same time, Zhou Nan also pointed out Huang Tao’s industrialization construction plan, which actually came to support Huang Tao, by belittling Chen'Lu'ping to discourage her prestige in Zhi'an City, in order to support Huang Tao’s plan. And implementation.

However, when Zhou Nan said so, some officials present began to speak for Mayor Chen Luping.

"Vice Governor Zhou and Mayor Chen have been implementing tourism development plans for the past few years. It's just that the conditions in our city of Zhi'an are really bad, and the roads to the major scenic spots are not yet fully accessible. ..."

"Yes! Vice Governor Zhou, the conditions in Zhi'an City are too bad. Although Mayor Chen is working hard to improve his position, it still takes a while..."


Hearing these officials speaking for Chen'Lu'ping, Zhou Nan nodded smoothly and said, "Everyone is right, I said before! I didn't deny Mayor Chen's ability to do things, but... just like you As said, the development of tourism in Zhi'an City is relatively reluctant, and the cost is relatively high. It is better to change the development policy and strategy, develop industry, and combine some local minerals and rare earths to build chemical plants and heavy machinery plants..."

Before Zhou Nan's words were finished, the mayor Chen'Lu' Ping couldn't help refuting. "I'm sorry, Vice Governor Zhou. Now all parts of the country are plagued by industrial pollution. We are fortunate that there are not many factories in Zhi'an, and the environmental index has always been It is the first few regions and cities in the country. If a large number of factories are built now, although the economic level of the entire Zhi'an City can be improved to a certain extent, it will be the last resort, and the sacrifice will be the entire Zhi'an City. Years or even a hundred years later..."

"Mayor Chen, what do you mean by this? Your position for Zhi'an City is to develop tourism, but the tourism industry is now half-dead and unable to develop, so my industrialization plan is not allowed? No matter which country or city the industrialization process is, They are all a set of basic plans. To build more factories, it may not necessarily cause serious pollution. We can set strict environmental protection standards and let the built factories discharge pollution in strict accordance with our requirements."

With the support of his cousin Zhou Nan, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao refuted Chen'Lu'ping's words on this public occasion.

"Factories are profit-seeking. Once they build factories, they will become a major taxpayer in Zhi'an City, which is related to the salary of tens of millions of people. Even if they do not meet our pollution discharge standards, they can use these as a The threats and the bargaining chips have been dragged on without rectification, and our government has nothing to do. There are few such cases in major cities across the country? At that time, we will get a little profit, but the sacrifice will be a century-old plan related to the environment and ecology. what!"

Chen Luping felt very angry about the short-sightedness of Deputy Mayor Huang Tao. She didn't care if someone sang her against her, and didn't care if other officials under her hand had ideas that disagreed with her, but all of this must be based on It is the fundamental interests of the people in Zhi'an City, not the merits of a certain individual.

"Mayor Chen, what do you mean by this? You mean, our government still can't control the businessmen in those factories? Our country has always abided by laws and strict law enforcement. You should not use these as excuses. I think this set of industrialization plans by Deputy Mayor Huang is very good, and I am in charge of the tourism of the whole Fujian Province. Isn’t it clear to me whether Zhi’an City can develop tourism?” Vice Governor Zhou Nan immediately replaced Huang Tao began to speak.

"Deputy Governor Zhou, I am confident. Give me three more years. I will definitely..." Chen Luping became a little anxious, but she was interrupted by Zhou Nan before she finished her words." The development of a city is not your own experimental field. The past five years have been delayed by your own thoughts. Look at the several cities near Zhi'an City, not all relying on the development of industry and taking advantage of Asia Has the financial crisis gained a lot of orders from abroad? On the other hand, Chi’an City, your economic development has been very slow in the past ten years. Mayor Chen, what I want is not your current frustrated promise, but profound reflection. do you know?"

"That's not the case, Vice Governor Zhou, one year! Give me another year, and I Chen Luping is willing to make a military order. If the tourism industry in Zhi'an City cannot be developed, lead the people in Zhi'an City To get rich together, I, Chen Luping, voluntarily resigned from the post of mayor of Zhi'an City."

Being ‘forced’ to this point, although Chen ‘Lu’ping knew that this was a trap, for the sake of the people and the environment in Zhi’an City, she jumped without hesitation.

"Mayor Chen, you are crazy! In one year, I am afraid that even these roads in Zhi'an City cannot be repaired well. How can we develop tourism?" Secretary Xiao Liu is the one who knows the'door' most. After that, she hurriedly pulled the mayor Chen Luping, hoping that she would take her words back quickly.

The other officials of Zhi'an City at the scene were shocked when they heard that. They knew Chen Lu's **** and they always sought stability, and they never said something and policies that could not be done. , But today was'forced' by Vice Governor Zhou Nan to get such a military order, which is almost impossible to complete.

"Okay! Mayor Chen! No wonder the leaders in the province often praise you as one of the few'female' mayors in our province with the most courage and execution ability. I believe that you have this military order in Zhi'an City. In a year or so, the tourism industry will definitely develop well and become a major tourist city in Fujian Province."

Seeing Chen'Lu'ping jumped into the trap designed to be ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Nan was overjoyed and smiled, "However, I remember your military order in my heart! You watch TV and media and record it. After that, we will wait for a year to test the effectiveness of your Mayor Chen!"


The news screen was switched out when it arrived here, but after seeing the whole people in Zhi'an City, they all felt uncomfortable in their hearts. It is obvious that Mayor Chen Luping worked so hard to develop the tourism industry and various economies in Zhi'an City, but he did not see any signs of dynamism, so that the deputy governor Zhou Nan had an excuse to be held accountable, which led to Chen Luping. 'Ping had to make such an almost impossible military order.

"Bah! That deputy governor really doesn’t hurt standing up and talking. He doesn’t look at how many mountains there are in Zhi’an City. In the past few years, don’t say anything else. I saw my mother, Chen Shi There are a lot of village roads and mountain roads built under the leadership of the mayor. The fruits and melons that could only be piled up in the mountains and could not be transported can now be transported out. Mayor Chen’s credits, can he not see Huh?" Mother Lin was sitting on the sofa. After reading the news, she was so angry that she lashed out at the mayor Chen Luping.


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