Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1235: After-sales service

This is the cleverness of Lin Feng's methods. Even the last white-haired senior who'spent' a huge sum of 1.3 billion yuan to buy the last place, does not feel at all unworthy. ? WWW.suimeng.lā! On the contrary, my heart is full of regret, why not take it when it is cheaper in the front?

As for the five people who were photographed earlier, everyone found that the price of the last spot was up to 1.3 billion, and his heart was filled with the excitement of taking advantage of it. Why would you feel that the price was expensive when you photographed it?

Look at those people who have not bought a place at the scene. At this time, their faces are full of regret, and they are all talking that if they were cruel and cruel just now, maybe 1.4 billion can win this last precious place.

The first place is 300 million yuan, the second is 530 million, the third is 710 million, the fourth is 850 million, the fifth is 910 million, and the last is 1.3 billion places.

It's just six places to enter the secret realm. Under Lin Feng's operation, in less than an hour, he brought him a full 4.1 billion yuan, which is almost the same if converted into US dollars. It was 700 million U.S. dollars. On average, for every quota, Lin Feng sold a high price of 100 million U.S. dollars.

"It's nearly 700 million dollars. It's been a long time since I am, this great saint is too good at making money, right?"

Sam in the U.S. saw this and was completely petrified. This secret realm has not been opened yet. Lin Feng has earned a lot of money with six quotas. Just like the African crow mine, this great sage is completely invincible, regardless of whether there are treasures in the secret realm. Whether the people from Secret Territory can come out of the secret territory, Lin Feng has already earned 700 million US dollars.

"Talent, it's a **** money-making talent! Someone said before that Huaxia people are Eastern Jews and have a hand in making money and doing business. Now it seems that this is one hand? No wonder the business in China is so developed now. What about such a "fine" fellow, those of us who are in the West, what will future generations do?"

Jimmy from the European Union couldn't help but shudder, worrying about the lives of his European citizens for decades and hundreds of years. With the acceleration of globalization, the abhorrent Chinese in the future will surely make money. People in other countries around the world can use their money, and then citizens of other countries will live under debt forever.

"In this way, this great sage really does everything for money. When Jiaci was in the crow mine, he did not deal with us in particular. It means that he may not be so hostile to us, and there is a chance to win him... "

Ninja Yamamoto of the Japanese country, he has no abilities, and what he thinks all day is to win some powerful backers. Before, I was leaning against the United States, but now seeing Lin Feng's power and money-thirsty appearance, he started thinking about it again.

As for the brainless genetic warriors of Hercules in Russia, it is still unclear why so many fools ‘spend’ so much money to buy this entry into the secret realm with a starting price of 100 million. In their opinion, the best way is to grab it. Now that the six places of the Great Sage are all sold out, can they just grab this place?

As a result, under the command of the big Lofsky, the two genetic warriors of the late acquired period, with a bang, directly killed one of the six-layer acquired warriors who had bought Lin Feng's quota.

"Honestly, ‘hand over’ the quota you just purchased and give it to Russia. Otherwise, you will say goodbye to this lovely world."

A genetic warrior under Lovsky's body, with bulging muscles, carrying the martial artist on the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow, as if carrying a little chicken, the sword in the warrior's hand slammed toward The'chest' of the genetic warrior pierced past, but it broke with a sound.

It turns out that this genetic warrior is an upgraded version of the earth genetic warrior. It incorporates the characteristics of stone. His body can be covered with a layer of high-strength cloud stone at any time. Even the most powerful sword will touch this high. The strong Yungang stone can't penetrate.

"Ah! Let go of me, why are you old ‘Mao’ so unreasonable..."

Unable to resist, even the sharp sword in his hand was broken, and the martial artist on the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow shouted. The warriors and genetic warriors around saw it, and they all took a step back in fear.

"This is the genetic warrior from the old'Mao' son? It seems to be called Tovsky. The whole body is like an iron barrel. Ordinary weapons can't hurt him at all. He is invincible. , It seems that the guy who was caught by him is going to be unlucky now."

"Shooting the best! The old'Mao' is really overbearing. They directly went to these warriors who had purchased the qualifications and started to grab spots."


Seeing the overbearing of the Russians, the surrounding warriors all evaded a little. The powerhouses in the United States, Europe, and Japan are also sitting and watching the changes, wanting to see what happens. As for the other warriors and genetic warriors who bought Lin Feng's quota, everyone was even more at risk, avoiding the crowd, for fear that they would be the next one to suffer.

"It's easy to let you go. You promised to transfer the quota you just bought to us for 100 million yuan, and I let you go."

Tovsky's voice rang coldly, and there was no room for discussion.

"Don't think about it, you bought it back for 530 million yuan. You want to buy it back for 100 million yuan, just like grabbing it."

The warrior struggled, and then looked at Lin Feng who was wearing a great saint mask, and shouted, "Great Sage, save me..."

Hearing the martial artist's call for help, the people present had not had time to discuss whether the Great Sage would make a move. The gene warrior Tovsky who had grasped the martial artist was slammed and flew out like a cannonball.


Tovsky’s heavy, big head hit the mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sank into a pit. Everyone hadn’t had time to react. This change happened so quickly that no one saw it. The moment Lin Feng shot, it seemed that Lin Feng suddenly teleported to Tofsky.

Because everyone only saw Lin Feng's figure standing there, no one saw how Lin Feng made the move just now, even the warrior suddenly felt that someone had rescued him from Tofsky's hand. , I couldn't see how Lin Feng made the move.

When everyone looked at Natowski again, they found that he was bleeding from his orifices and spit out his tongue. It was obvious that he had suffered severe trauma and had died. In an instant, everyone understood that the strength of this great sage was so strong.

"Oh! You old'mao' son, didn't I just talk about it? All the customers who have purchased a place, I will guarantee his safety and provide excellent after-sales service. After all, I do business with justice. These two words are written on the face." Lin Feng looked at the dumbfounded group of people, and pointed at the old Russian "hairy" with a pity.


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