Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1234: Archbishop White

"This price increase is too...too fast, the second place is 300 million in the blink of an eye?"

"Who would buy it until it's so expensive?"

"But if you don't buy it, you won't even have a chance to enter the secret realm.? шщЩ.suimEnG.1a Marco is about twelve o'clock!"


Those warriors and genetic warriors who were preparing to bid for the second place were stunned. Lin Feng's price increase on the ground really killed them by surprise.

Faced with the protests and dissatisfaction of these people, Lin Fengke did not listen to a word, so he put his hands on his'chest' and looked at them quietly.

"Dasheng, will the starting price of 300 million yuan be a bit expensive? What if these people don't shoot?"

Xiao Yulong was really shocked by Lin Feng's handwriting. In a blink of an eye, one spot sold for 300 million, and now the second spot is still starting at 300 million. Thinking about it this way, the ten million dollars they paid for following Lin Feng's'fuck' were simply'Mao' and'Mao' rain. However, he was also worried that the starting price of 300 million yuan would be too high, worrying for Lin Feng.

"What are you afraid of! We are not short of money, if they don't shoot or shoot! Anyway, it is them who want to enter the secret realm, not us, what are we anxious about?"

Facing Xiao Yulong's worries, Lin Feng waved his hand gently and said.

"Yeah! If those people don't shoot, what would they take to enter the secret?" Brewer smiled cheerfully with a piggy mask. From today's series of scenes, following Lin Feng is indeed the correct one. No way out.

At this time, Xiao Nishang, who was standing in front of the crowd, was not sure that the great sage in front of him was Lin Feng. Now that he saw the price of such a damaged sitting ground, Xiao Nishang was 100% sure that the great sage in front of him was Lin Feng. Feng undoubtedly.

"Okay! Lin Feng, this stinky kid, wore a mask and ran to Changbai Mountain to pretend to be a ghost. He saved me last night and he didn't dare to show his true colors."

With a slight smile, after confirming that the great sage was Lin Feng, Xiao Nishang became more confident, and she did not expose Lin Feng, so quietly watching Lin Feng pretending to be "forced" to cheat money.

Sure enough, after a few dozen seconds of silence, some warriors were still uncomfortable and stood up and shouted, "300 million yuan, I'm out."

After the first person stood up and shouted the price, the others became even more unable to sit still. They were all afraid of buying the more expensive spots later, but they were all worried that the starting price of the latter spots would be too high.

"I gave 310 million!"

"Three hundred and thirty million, don't grab it with me! The more we grab, the more expensive the price behind!"

"Three hundred and fifty million, I want it! Don't grab it, everyone!"


That's the case. The starting price of the second place is 300 million yuan, and those who increase the price later are afraid to increase too much at once. Moreover, every person who shoots will emphasize that others should not grab and don't raise the price behind. But these words are of no use at all, or one after another, people continue to increase the price by 10 to 20 million.

At this moment, at the top of the valley, a strong man wearing a white robe and mask looked down below, and his subordinates kept reporting the current situation to him.

"Boss, the last two serpentine'Jade' pendants and the dragon-patterned'Jade' pendant have all appeared. Twelve zodiac'Jade' pendants have all appeared now. We have seven in our hands, and one piece of Sam from the United States below. , A piece of Yamamoto from the country of Japan, one piece for the'girl' child who rushed in before, and two pieces for the great sage who had just arrived. The twelve pieces of'jade' are all in place, are we...are we going to start planning? "

A believer of the Began religion respectfully asked the white-robed man for instructions. The white-robed man is this time the white-robed archbishop of the twelve archbishop leaders of the Bi An sect.

"Great Sage, it's interesting. This person dares to claim himself as the legendary Monkey King Monkey King. He thinks that he has a high self-esteem. The'naked' eyes don't seem to be able to see his cultivation, but he just showed it from his skill. Look, it is very likely to be a congenital warrior. It is also considered to have this arrogant capital..."

The masked archbishop in white smiled slightly and said, "Wait a minute, his auction is interesting. Our plan can be put on hold, but I want to see it and wait until he sells all these places. Now that our plan will be implemented, what will he do?"

Looking like he was waiting for a good show, the archbishop in white didn't panic and looked down.

Looking at the valley below, Lin Feng also noticed such a sharp gaze watching him above his head, but he pretended not to feel it. He also wanted to see, this is still hidden in the top of his head. People, when will they be ready to shoot.

The auction was in full swing, and the second piece of'Jade' was finally sold at a sky-high price of 530 million yuan. Naturally, Lin Feng was irritated and excited, and went to congratulate the Guwu ‘men’ elders who took this spot.

Of course, immediately after the starting price of the next spot, Lin Feng lived up to expectations and raised it to 530 million. Hearing this price, the faces of all the warriors and genetic warriors in the room looked bad, each of them was ‘meat’ and unwilling.

Like the second place, the third place finally reached a new high auction price after a slow price increase and game, reaching a price of 710 million yuan, which is a full two of the first place. More than doubled.

By analogy, twelve o'clock is getting closer, and the process of Lin Feng's auction has also accelerated. All the nonsense of congratulations and introductions have been taken away, and the starting price is the most important thing.

The fourth place is 850 million yuan.

The fifth place is the price of 910 million.

By the time the last place was reached, everyone present knew that it was the last chance to enter the secret realm, so after the price increase of the first two places was weak, this last place was even more brutal.

"One billion eighty million!"

"One billion..."

"I give out 1.2 billion..."

"The last place is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't **** it from the old man, 1.3 billion, a price!"


In the end, the price stayed at 1.3 billion. After Lin Feng shouted three times with a smile, there was no higher price anymore, so he happily shook hands with the white-haired old man, congratulated, "Old man, congratulations You are! 1.3 billion, won the bidding king of this auction! This means that no one in the country has given a dollar! This last place is yours..."

"Haha! Great Sage, this method of yours is truly inexhaustible. Old man, I obviously couldn't bear to take out 500 million before, but now this last place, I shouted 1.3 billion all the way, and I really didn't say anything. I can't admire it..."


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