Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1028: WeChat follow 300 plus more

"Hey! Old Ding, this time your language group can finally produce a full score. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā.. Our math group on the mobile phone has never lacked a full score, but this time the paper is difficult. Not many, seven, usually when the difficulty is suitable, there are ten scores with full marks..."

Lao Jiang, the head of the math group, pointed to the computer's score statistics table, and said triumphantly to Professor Ding Li. However, he just took a look, but suddenly he screamed as if he had been electrocuted, "Wait...Old Ding, you just said...what is the name of the candidate whose full score is in your language group?"

"It's Lin Feng! Is there any problem? Lao Jiang, you said that you are such a big person, and you were taken aback. You almost scared me just now." Ding Li asked strangely.

"What Lin... What Feng?"

Upon hearing Ding Li's question, Lao Jiang's voice trembled even more, but it was a kind of trembling of excitement and excitement, not a tremor of fear.

"Oh! Lao Jiang, you're going to be weird. Asking so clearly what to do? Don't you want to come and fight with us? Is it not convinced that our language group also has full marks this time, and deliberately came to find the difference?" Said vigilantly and displeased.

"No! No... Lao Ding, I... What kind of student did Qingbei University and I rob? Tell me... what is Lin Feng?" Lao Jiang was obviously anxious, as if I can't wait to know which two characters Lin Feng's name is.

"What other forest? Shuangmulin, "Feng" is the "Feng" of the princes of Fenghuo play. Does it matter?"

Old Professor Ding Li asked inexplicably.

"Lin Feng! It's really Lin Feng, the same Lin Feng. Old Ding, Old Ding! Come and see... Come and see this full score..."

After confirming Lin Feng's name, Lao Jiang was about to jump up'excitedly', pointing to the computer screen and almost shouting at Ding Li.

Regarding Lao Jiang’s series of abnormal behaviors, Ding Li frowned, and while poking his head to look at the computer screen’s full-point candidates list, he wondered, "You Lao Jiang, did you take the wrong medicine today? What is the relationship between the full score candidates in the group and my language group? Let me see what they do...

However, the old Professor Ding Li hadn’t finished speaking, he seemed to be choked by fish bones, his eyes fixed on the computer screen in front of him, and his voice instantly became excited and'excited' and he choked slightly. ...This is... is Lin Feng?"

"Yeah! Old Ding, I didn't expect it! Lin Feng, who got a full score in your language group, turned out... Mathematics also got a full score! Double full scores, this is not common! And there is a'gate' that is Your words."

Lao Jiang came to pat Ding Li's shoulder and said with a smile.

"I actually got a full score in the test again. It's impossible or impossible... Would it be... Will it have the same name and surname, Lao Jiang, wait a minute, I'll see what Lin Feng's admission ticket number is, maybe Is it the same name and last name?"

With patient ‘excitement’, Ding Li changed his appearance in the math group just now, and Fei also ran back to the rewriting office of the next-door language group.

"Teacher Ding, what's the matter with you? Running back panting, are there any temporary tasks?"

Because the papers and scores of the language group were all counted, Huang Renzheng and several teachers who changed the papers were chatting and drinking coffee. Seeing Ding Li rushing back, he asked quickly.

"Huang Ren, you... go and check, what is Lin Feng's admission ticket number? It is Lin Feng, the ancient genius of Zhi'an City. Hurry... Hurry up!"

Anxious to verify that these two Lin Fengs were the same person, Ding Li's heart was pounding, even when he was evaluating the title of professor, he had never been so nervous.

"Ah? Lin Feng's exam number? Teacher Ding, how come you suddenly think of Lin Feng again..." Huang Ren was drowsy, somewhat reluctant.

"Forget it, I'll check it myself..."

After squeezing Huang Ren away, Ding Li turned on the computer where the paper was revised. After entering his authorization number, he searched for information about Lin Feng. When he saw the candidate number of Lin Feng, he suddenly laughed. .

"It's him! It's really him... He really doesn't brag, he does have such a strength! Don't bully the young and poor! The next generation is terrible! Haha... I didn't expect Ding Li to see such an excellent country in my life. To the enchanting student?"

After confirming that Lin Feng's candidate number and Lin Feng's score on the math group's full score paper were not bad at all, Ding Li was overjoyed, and at the same time carried a trace of guilt, a trace of guilt for not believing what Lin Feng said two days ago.

"What enchanting student? Teacher Ding, are you...are you okay?"

Including Huang Ren, the teachers in the language group were a little bit inexplicable. Huang Ren asked strangely, "Teacher, haven't you confirmed it before? Lin Feng is indeed a perfect score! Why are you suddenly reacting so much now?"

"Haha! Huang Ren, you probably don’t know yet? I just went to the math group. Their scores have just been counted. There are seven full marks, but do you know? These seven full marks happen to have one The name of the candidate is also called Lin Feng..."

After confirming that it was Lin Feng, Ding Li triumphantly said to Huang Ren and other teachers.

"Huh? Teacher Ding, don't you mean... Lin Feng's math paper also got full marks?" Huang Ren asked with wide eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with an incredible expression on his face.

"Yes! That's right, otherwise my old bones can be so "excited"? Double yolk eggs! Single score is already rare in the college entrance examination, let alone Lin Feng is two subjects. Huang Ren! When we were at Lin Feng's house, we thought we were going to give him special enrollment places, but look at it... Now Lin Feng's language and mathematics are both full marks, which already has a total score of 300 points. Moreover, the relationship between mathematics and language is not very big. If his mathematics can get a perfect score, other subjects will definitely not be bad..."

Speaking of this, Ding Li suddenly shuddered and grabbed Huang Ren and asked more'excitedly', "Right! Huang Ren, what did Ye Lao say when he came that day? She seemed to say that Lin Feng was in Zhi'an. What score did you get in the last mock exam?"

"Yes... it's a full score. All of them are full scores in Chinese, mathematics, English, and science. Teacher Ding, you should... don't you think that Lin Feng can really get a full score in the test?" Huang Ren is now I was completely stunned. He has assisted various provinces and cities to revise the college entrance examination papers for so many years. I have never seen a student with full scores in two subjects at the same time, let alone a full score in seven subjects. He would not believe that Lin Feng was possible if he was killed. Seven subjects with full marks.


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