Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1027: Full marks! Full marks! Full marks

"Professor Ding, could it be said that this Lin Feng really got a perfect score?"

The staff in the same car also asked Professor Ding Li, although they knew that this matter was in place, they still wanted to confirm again. *WwWW.suimeng.lāPin Book Net

"Yes! Director Liu of the College Entrance Examination Office Reconstruction Team has repeatedly checked every question in Lin Fengyu's test paper, and there is no problem. No one of the teacher who revised the paper cheated on'private', so he could not believe it. Knowing that I came to Lin Feng today, I made a special call to ask my opinion."

Because the current staff of the car are all college entrance examinations, Professor Ding Li has nothing to hide, "Based on the short one-hour contact between me and Lin Feng, I can also conclude that this child is definitely of real talent. It is true, and it is absolutely impossible to cheat. Now the college entrance examination office is waiting for my special consultant to sign and confirm."

"Wow! That's really the full score of the language test paper? This is probably the first full score test paper in the history of our Fujian province! No wonder that Lin Feng has just been able to boast so confidently that he went to Haikou to test Qing Bei University. Now In this case, he is really humble."

"This is not necessarily true. His language scores are good, but other subjects are not necessarily. You know, the total score of the college entrance examination is 750 points, and he can get a full score of 150 points in Chinese. If other subjects are poor, It’s also difficult to reach the admissions score of Qingbei University. Don’t think that Qingbei University is so good."

Although he had already witnessed part of Lin Feng's strength, Huang Ren was still a little unconvinced. He didn't believe that Lin Feng was really so talented and could really develop comprehensively in moral, intellectual, physical, and beautiful.

"Hey! Huang Ren, what you said makes sense. Lin Feng's language test scores full marks. It should be that he has a strong foundation in Chinese studies and language skills since he was a child. I really can't see other subjects. However, in general, He can get full marks in his language, which is far beyond my expectation. The scores in other subjects are a bit lower. I am also sure to apply to Lin Feng for another special recruitment with the principal's office. He can choose his major..."

After all these things today, Ding Li is more optimistic about Lin Feng. Even if Lin Feng doesn't want to join the department, he hopes that talents like Lin Feng will not lose their reputation.

"Teacher Ding, this is too... I love that Lin Feng too much? After all, he said he didn't want to come to our department!" Huang Ren frowned and said.

"It's okay, no matter what you study, it is ultimately the pillar of society and the hope of the country's future. From Lin Feng's talk, I can see that this young man is arrogant, which is a good thing. Great, Lin Feng has this talent, and he is naturally worthy of his pride."

No matter what Huang Ren said, he couldn't change Lin Feng's impression of Ding Li's heart. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he felt that this trip was worthwhile to meet Lin Feng, a young talent.

At the same time, under Damin's forums and news report pages, it was also due to today's events.

"Speaking full score? Are you kidding me? If other English, mathematics... or even science comprehensive papers get full scores, I wouldn't find it strange at all. But if you want to get full scores in Chinese, let's talk about it? I remember that our record of the highest score in the historical language of Fujian Province seems to be 149 points, and he is also a great person who made a perfect score. Unfortunately, one point was deducted for reading questions, which is still one point away from the full score."

"Yeah! The highest score of our best learner in Double Ten is only 145 points. How could someone be able to rely on full marks, are you kidding?"

"This time the difficulty of the college entrance examination has increased. If you can get full marks on such a language test paper, I will kill myself!"


It is not others who have the strongest voice of questioning. It is the candidates from all over the province who have experienced the college entrance examination this time. After all, each of them has done this paper for the Chinese college entrance examination. They all know the difficulty of this paper and understand the paper. To get a perfect score, you have to be non-human.

However, some other voices pointed out that if this language test scored against the sky, if there really exists, only one person is possible, and that is Lin Feng, who took the full score as the first place.

Although there are nine other full-scale works, Lin Feng is the most eye-catching, and the other full-scale works are more regular. Only Lin Feng was exposed to the media spotlight, and everyone naturally focused their attention. Lin Feng's body.

Moreover, some students from Zhianyi exposed the results of Lin Fengci's mock exam, which aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of candidates in other provinces and cities.

Humans are such a jealous animal, especially when they are at the same level, they will not be convinced by others. Candidates from other provinces and cities did not witness Lin Feng's rise like the ones from Zhi'an City, and knew how non-human Lin Feng was. They felt that Lin Feng was nothing great, didn't he write a good old article? The tone is still that big!

For these doubts ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng did not stand up to make any excuses, because he knew that under the current circumstances, the more he explained, the more chaotic he would become. In the two or three days after accepting the live interview, Lin Feng hid at home, either playing games with Zhang Zhen, or concentrating on practicing, without paying too much attention to the arguments of these people.

But Lin Feng didn't care, it didn't mean that this matter would be subdued, and the public opinion would not be said. Two days later, as the scores of various subjects were counted out one after another, the entire college entrance examination office of Fujian Province was all stunned.

This morning, because the language subjects were tested first, the correction and score statistics were faster, and other subjects were a little late. After the old professor Ding Li repeatedly verified that Lin Feng's papers and scores were okay, he leisurely wandered around the paper revision area of ​​the college entrance examination office, wanting to see how the other subject groups were doing.

In the afternoon, the statistics of the math group came out. Professor Ding Li put his head around and asked the professor in charge of the math group, "Lao Jiang, how is it? How many people do you have in the math group this time? Our language group this time He actually got a full score against the sky. You should have heard of it too? It was Lin Feng from Zhi'an City. The writing is really amazing! If I hadn't seen him with my own eyes, I would really hardly believe it, now My child can write such ancient poetry."


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