Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6228 Team exploration


The huge silver snake spit out the snake letter, stared at Chen Yang, and scolded in the demon language: "Don't come over, I don't know you."

Although Silver Snake's tone was fierce, it was a bit nervous, as if she was a little afraid of the humans in front of her.

Then, her eyes spurted out a strong demonic aura, entangling Chen Yang and making him unable to move.

Then the two eggs in Chen Yang's hand slowly flew up into the air and fell into the silver snake's mouth.

Seeing Chen Yang being controlled by Silver Snake, Dong Can and others were worried.

But after Silver Snake took away his two eggs, he let go of Chen Yang, then turned into a silver shadow, flew away in the distance, and disappeared into the forest.

Seeing that it was true as Chen Yang said, by taking away their children, Silver Snake would no longer cause trouble, and everyone heaved a deep sigh of relief.

Dong Can came to his senses and ordered everyone: "Leave this place immediately."

Everyone did not dare to hesitate and immediately followed Dong Can and continued to rush east quickly.

They had not hidden their whereabouts before, but after being disturbed by the silver snake, they began to be cautious, worried that they would encounter such high-level monsters again.

However, during the next thousand miles of journey, they did not encounter any monsters above the realm of Heavenly Master. Obviously, the silver snake that suddenly appeared was just an exception.

After flying thousands of miles in hiding, Dong Can led everyone into a cave to rest temporarily.

After entering the cave, the first thing Dong Can did was to give an order to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, please check the cave first to see if there is anything abnormal."

Chen Yang was distracted, but he didn't hear Dong Can's words.

He was sure that the silver snake was Yin Yue, but for some reason, he didn't recognize him?

What happened over the years that caused Silver Moon to lose her memory?

Where's Cannon, has he found Silver Moon?

Yinyue has given birth to a child. Is it Cannon's or someone else's?

Logically speaking, the offspring produced by the combination of different groups of the demon clan are determined by the strength of the bloodline. Cannon's bloodline is extraordinary. If Yinyue gave birth to his heir, then it should be viviparous, not oviparous.

But since it lays eggs, it is most likely not the descendant of Cannon.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat. That idiot, Cannon, don't do something stupid just because he didn't catch Yin Yue.

"Chen Yang?!"

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't respond, Dong Can called out again.

Chen Yang came back to his senses and said to Dong Can: "Captain, what are your orders?"

Dong Can pointed to the cave and said, "Check it out. If it's safe, we will camp here temporarily."


Chen Yang stepped into the cave. Others were waiting at the entrance of the cave. Dong Can followed to protect Chen Yang's safety.

Entering the dark cave, Chen Yang checked and confirmed that there was nothing abnormal here, and then said to Dong Can beside him: "Captain, there are no traces of the monsters living here, so they can be stationed."

Dong Can nodded and shouted to the outside of the cave: "Everyone, come in."

Yu Lu led the others into the cave, and after lighting the bonfire, everyone looked at Chen Yang differently than before.

Although Chen Yang's level is lower than all of them, no one despises Chen Yang at this moment.

His previous performance has impressed everyone.

Not to mention, Chen Yang saved everyone.

Dong Can asked: "By the way, Chen Yang, I have another question. Why didn't Su Fa follow our energy residue?"

Chen Yang said: "I have been flying at the end and dealt with everyone's energy residue."

"How?" Dong Can asked doubtfully.

Others also find it strange, because the energy residue cannot be completely eliminated no matter what.

Moreover, when Chen Yang processes the energy residue, he will move the star energy, won't it also leave new traces of energy?

Chen Yang did not hide it and said bluntly: "I carry a small world with me. It opens when I fly and puts it behind me. All the traces of energy we left behind are sucked in."


Everyone looked surprised and didn't notice what Chen Yang did at that time.

And you carry your little world with you, what kind of trick is this?

Dong Can was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: "I heard from Xiaolu that Xiaotong has always been in front of her, admiring her senior brother Chen Yang. Now I know that what Xiaotong said is true."

Yu Lu glanced at Dong Can and said, "Transferring Chen Yang to our team is the most correct decision for your trip."

Everyone also praised Chen Yang, and for a while the atmosphere was much more harmonious than before.

Hu Peng's face turned red, he took the initiative to approach Chen Yang and whispered: "Chen Yang, there were many misunderstandings before, I hope you don't mind."

Chen Yang was quite surprised to see the other party apologizing to him.

Although the age of everyone in the seventh team seems young, except for Ding Ke who is slightly younger, the others are all over a thousand years old.

When an old man like Hu Peng lowered his face and took the initiative to apologize, there was no reason for Chen Yang not to accept it.

He hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Brother Hu is too polite. Your doubts about me before are all reasonable and not directed at me. How can I mind."

Hearing this, Hu Peng's complexion improved a little and he said with a smile: "In the future, we will all be our own people."

After everyone rested for a while, Dong Can said seriously: "Now I am giving orders. Using this place as a base, we will divide into four teams to look for the monsters in the Saint Master realm and ask about the situation in the Split Mountains and the monsters coming out of the mountain. s reason."

After a pause, Dong Can glanced at Chen Yang and continued: "Based on the previous encounter with the Silver Snake, not all the monsters in the Split Mountain Range are vicious people. So if you meet the Saint Master Monster, You have to decide for yourself whether it is peace talks or war. Of course, the most important thing is to act resolutely and avoid being surrounded by monsters."

Obviously, Dong Can's attitude towards the demon clan has changed slightly because of Chen Yang and Silver Snake.

He continued: "Now let's divide the teams. Yu Lu and I are in one team each. Hu Peng, Ding Ke, and Chen Yang are in one team, and the remaining three people are in one team. According to the order of the teams, with this cave as the center, we go to Explore in four directions: southeast, northwest, and after five days, regardless of whether we have harvested anything or not, we will gather in the cave. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Everyone responded in unison.

Dong Can nodded and said: "In that case, let's set off."

After leaving the cave, a total of eleven people went to the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Chen Yang, Hu Peng, and Ding Ke went to the west, which was away from Luoxin River. Judging from past experience, the farther away from Luoxin River, the safer it is.

I don’t know if Dong Can deliberately arranged for Chen Yang to go in this direction, or it was a coincidence.

A group of three people flew at low altitude, exerting their spiritual power to the extreme, sensing the farthest distance, looking for high-level Celestial Masters and Saint Master Demon Clan.

Half an hour later, suddenly, the three people's eyes lit up at the same time and they looked to the right.

Hu Peng said excitedly: "The demon clan in the first-level Saint Master realm is not dangerous to us. Let's go over immediately and capture him. Don't let him escape."

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but frown.

The demon clan had no fault, so Hu Peng would take the initiative to attack. Chen Yang did not agree with this behavior.

Just when everyone changed their route to the north, Chen Yang's expression changed, he grabbed Hu Peng and Ding Ke with both hands, stepped back quickly, and said: "Run quickly, there are nine holy masters and monsters on the other side."

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