Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6227 Old acquaintance

After Dong Can shouted loudly, no one dared to say anything more.

Hu Peng looked at Chen Yang with a sarcastic face, still thinking that Chen Yang was all lying.

Yu Lu said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, don't waste time. The situation is critical. Now is not the time for you to argue. You should immediately tell us how to solve the crisis at this moment."

Chen Yang smiled, pointed to the stone wall, and said: "This stone wall is full of cracks, but these cracks are not cracked by the impact of the demonic energy just now."

Everyone observed it, and sure enough, the cracks on this stone wall were different from the cracks on the other stone walls. They appeared more slender, connected to each other, and curved like a totem.

Dong Can frowned and said, "Chen Yang, don't tell me that these are runes carved by the demon clan?"

"It is indeed a rune, but it is not a demon seal." Chen Yang looked at Dong Can and explained: "The rune text comes from heaven and earth, so it is not uncommon for natural runes to form between heaven and earth. On this stone wall The runes are formed naturally."

Dong Can asked in confusion: "Then, what does it have to do with us dealing with the demon clan outside?"

"In fact, the demon clan is not attacking us, but warning us." Chen Yang looked at the passage. Because the passage was curved, he could only see a gap outside the passage. A huge scale was looming, but he didn't know what kind of demon clan it was. .

He continued: "The location we are in at the moment is the lair where the demon tribe gives birth to their children, so strictly speaking, we were attacked because we broke into someone else's house."

Hu Peng was the first to question: "Chen Yang, stop talking nonsense. When we first entered this cave, there was nothing here, and there was no demonic energy left. How could it be the lair of the demon clan? What's more, the cave outside Although I don’t know what the monster looks like, it is obviously huge, how can this cave accommodate it?”

Everyone nodded, as if they thought Hu Peng's words made sense.

Chen Yang said: "This is indeed the home of the demon clan, but it is not her current home.

I guess that when she gave birth to her children, she took a fancy to the runes on this stone wall, so she gave birth here.

After that, she left. It was not until recently, when her child was about to be born, that she returned, but unexpectedly met us.

To prevent us from harming her children, she attacks us as a warning. "

Hu Peng laughed and said: "These are all your guesses, and they are baseless. Moreover, if the demon tribe gave birth to a child, why didn't she take it away, but keep it here? What's more, she gave birth to a child in the past year, and you said now The child has just been born, so what’s the point?”

Everyone also thought that Chen Yang's remarks were a bit too whimsical.

Dong Can pointed to the stone wall and asked, "What kind of rune is this?"

"Actually, these are two runes." Chen Yang explained: "One of the runes is a guardian rune. The other is a flame rune. The guardian rune can protect the descendants of the demon clan. The flame rune , can help her hatch offspring."

Having said this, Chen Yang turned to look at Hu Peng and said: "As for the question you just asked, I can answer it. Why was the child of the demon clan born then and only now? Because this demon clan is not born in the womb, but in the egg. Moreover, the bloodline of this demon clan is not simple, so it took several years of incubation for the child to break out of its shell."

After saying this, Chen Yang thought others would understand, but unexpectedly everyone stared at him blankly.

Dong Can asked: "What does viviparous and oviparous mean?"

Chen Yang was helpless, so he had to spend a lot of time explaining the meaning of viviparous and egg-laying, and everyone suddenly understood.

Dong Can asked: "If that's the case, what about the eggs?"

Before Chen Yang could answer, there were sounds coming from outside the cave, but they were not the roars of the demon clan, they seemed to be talking.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang shouted outside in the language of the demon clan, and the outside suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Chen Yang in surprise.

Dong Can was surprised and asked: "Did you just communicate with the demon clan outside?"

"Exactly." Chen Yang said.

Dong Can said unexpectedly: "I didn't expect that you actually understand the language of the demon clan. Nowadays, there are not many people in the entire Zhonghao world who understand the language of the demon clan."

Because of the decline of the Monster Clan, the Monster Clan living outside the Separated Mountains also understand the common language. Therefore, although Dong Can and others can easily learn a language, they have never thought of learning the Monster Clan language.

Yu Lu said seriously: "Chen Yang, there is no need to explain too much. What should we do if we want to leave safely?"

"You just need to return the demon child to her. Although she has a high level, she is not evil. She just wants to take away her child."

Chen Yang put his hand on the stone wall. The cracks on the stone wall lit up with a faint light, and then the entire stone wall moved to the side, revealing a small hidden stone room.

In the stone house, there were two bucket-sized eggs placed on the ground. The eggs were rolling at the moment, making a thumping sound from inside, as if something was trying to get out of it.

"There are really eggs."

Dong Can said in surprise, now he really believed Chen Yang's words.

Others no longer question Chen Yang, because the facts are before their eyes, proving that what Chen Yang said is indeed true.

Although the information was not difficult, no one else present understood it.

This comparison makes Chen Yang even more knowledgeable.

Hu Peng looked at the two eggs in front of him with a look of embarrassment on his face. He felt that his question to Chen Yang just now made him appear very ignorant.

"Just give the egg to the demon clan."

Chen Yang stepped forward, bent down and picked up the two eggs on the ground, and then walked out of the cave first.

Dong Can and others followed. Although Chen Yang said that the demon clan would not do evil, they were prejudiced against the demon clan and always felt that something would happen. They were still nervous at this moment.

A group of people walked outside the cave and took a closer look. They saw a huge silver-white snake standing in the forest, as tall as a mountain.

The head of the silver snake is as big as a house, and the scales on its body are several meters long, shining with light and shining, which is actually extraordinary.

She was looking down at the people walking out of the cave at the moment, and there was a bit of coldness in her slender red eyes, which made everyone shudder.

And from close range perception, everyone learned that Silver Snake's realm was that of an eighth-level holy master.

If Dong Can's strategy was adopted, it would be completely meaningless for him to attract the Silver Snake and give everyone a moment to escape.

With just one face-to-face encounter, Silver Snake could kill Dong Can instantly.

Just when everyone was afraid of Yin She, Chen Yang showed a look of surprise, flew towards Yin She in the air, and said: "Yin Yue, it's you!"

Seeing this, Dong Can, Yu Lu and others were all shocked.

None of them expected that in the depths of this split mountain range, Chen Yang actually knew a demon clan.

Didn’t it mean that he had never entered the Split Mountain Range?

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