Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6056 Mysterious

"This is your mission. Take a good look at it for yourself. As long as you complete the mission, you can become an official member of the Yun Group. The Yun Group has a very high status in the Tao family. If you can enter the Yun Group, with your talent, you will definitely achieve success in the future. Extremely high. So, go for it.”

After leaving the Selection Department, Tao Yuanhao gave Chen Yang a high-sounding encouragement, then handed Chen Yang the parchment recording the mission, showed a meaningful sneer, and walked away.

Chen Yang took the task book, which recorded detailed information such as his teammates, task time, location, and goals.

There are a total of four teammates, all of whom are official members of the Cloud Team. Only their names are recorded, and there is no specific information such as realm, appearance, etc.

However, the content of the mission is very detailed.

The goal of this mission is to explore a ruins and bring back a treasure called the "Fearless Eye" in the ruins.

Originally, Chen Yang didn't care much about the mission content, but when he saw that the destination was actually the West Pole Continent, he was suddenly surprised.

"It turns out to be the West Pole continent!"

Chen Yang thought that almost no one in the Tiannan Region knew about the existence of the West Pole Continent. Now it seems that the top forces have actually known about that territory for a long time.

However, there is no deep intersection between Tiannan Territory and West Pole Continent.

This time we went to the West Pole Continent to explore the ruins, there must be very precious treasures, otherwise the Tao family would not take action.

"That treasure called the 'Fearless Eye' must not be simple. It seems that the main goal of this mission is not to kill me, I am just here to kill you."

At first, Chen Yang thought it was specifically targeting him, but he didn't know it was just in passing.

However, this is not important.

What he wants to know now is the strength of the other four teammates and whether they are all enemies.

With more information, he can deal with it calmly.

After returning to Bayinyuan, Chen Yang told Chu Yao and Lin Hanfeng about his current situation.

Upon hearing that Chen Yang was going to perform a mission, both Chu and Yao looked worried.

But Lu Shengfu, who was passing by the door, heard it and was envious of Chen Yang.

In his opinion, if he could join the Yun Group, he would have the opportunity to become a core member of the Tao family.

Unfortunately, the Selection Department is only open to official residents of the City on the Clouds. Without Tao Yuanhao's leadership, Lu Shengfu cannot apply to join the Cloud Group.

The gathering time is that evening.

The mission had already been determined, and Chen Yang joined in temporarily, otherwise he would not have set off in such a hurry.

The gathering place was the south gate of the City on the Clouds. According to the agreed time, Chen Yang arrived early, and there was already a young man waiting there.

The young man wore a black robe with white clouds embroidered on it, which was the standard uniform of the Yun group.

"Chen Yang!"

The young man recognized Chen Yang, saw him coming, smiled and waved to him.

Chen Yang stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Hello, who is this brother?"

"I am Sun Lie."

The young man introduced himself with a smile.

He is the only one among Chen Yang's four teammates whose surname is not Tao.

Perhaps because they both have foreign surnames, he is very close to Chen Yang and does not reject Chen Yang because he is a reserve member.

Moreover, although he had not witnessed the battle between Chen Yang and Tao Yuanhao yesterday, Chen Yang's heroic deeds had been spread throughout the city, making him admire Chen Yang quite a lot.

Of course, Sun Lie's realm is not low, reaching the seventh level of Heavenly Master, but he is just an ordinary member of the Yun Group.

This made Chen Yang marvel at the strength of the Yun Group. If ordinary members were like this, what kind of existence would those leaders and elites be?

Moreover, Sun Lie is already a seventh-level heavenly master at a young age, and he will definitely reach a higher realm and strength in the future.

After talking for a while, Chen Yang praised: "Although I knew that the Yun Group was powerful, I didn't expect that the Yun Group was so strong."

Sun Lie said proudly: "Brother Chen, although you are extremely talented and have outstanding personal abilities, I still want to say that there are many outstanding talents in the cloud group.

People like me are just ordinary members.

Others include masters who are good at formations, weapon refining, runes, etc.

As for the strong ones in the entire Yun Group, they are countless.

Moreover, our team is the forty-two team.

In other words, according to the team strength level, we are ranked 42nd.

There are forty-one teams ahead, which are stronger than us. "

Chen Yang wondered: "How are the teams divided?"

Sun Lie explained: "The Cloud Group currently has a total of 132 teams, with ten people in each team. They are assigned to different teams based on their individual strength.

The overall level of the team is consistent with the team number, from one hundred and thirty-two to the first team, getting stronger and stronger.

Especially teams one to ten, they are even more special existences, their strength is unfathomable and very mysterious.

It is said that some of the top ten teams are all composed of holy masters.

However, the information of the top ten teams has never been made public. It is said that only the head of the family knows it completely.

By the way, the first team was led by the commander himself.

The leader is the Ninth Level Saint Master, and with him leading the team, one can imagine how terrifying Yun's team would be.

Perhaps only the most difficult tasks will be taken by a team.

But one team is mysterious and has never been heard of carrying out a mission. "

What Chen Yang didn't expect was that the overall strength of the Yun Group was much stronger than he expected.

Judging from the confidentiality work of the Yun Group, the leader is directly subordinate to the head of the family, so it is naturally difficult for Tao Sui, who has not yet inherited the position, to control the Yun Group. He can only infiltrate and win over some captains, such as Tao Hu.

Chen Yang asked again: "Since there are ten people in each team, why are there only four of you on this mission, and there are only five including me."

Sun Lie said: "In the last mission, the other six teammates were killed. The current team members have not been replenished, so only the four of us can take action. Now with you, there is one more person. With your strength, As long as the mission is completed, we will definitely be able to stay in Team 42, and we will be true teammates from now on."

"With the five of us on a mission, will there be any trouble?"

Chen Yang always felt that it was too risky for just a few people to go to the West Pole Continent.

Although the overall strength of the West Pole Continent is not as good as the Tiannan Region, Thirteen States, and Beiyuan Region, there are also Star Masters and many Saint Masters there.

If there is a real danger, the members of Yun Group 42 will definitely not be able to deal with it.

However, Chen Yang can draw on the power of Zhengxuan Sect, which makes him more confident than others.

After all, when he left the West Extreme Continent, Nie Jun, the leader of the Zhengxuan Sect, said that the Zhengxuan Sect would welcome him back at any time.

Faced with Chen Yang's worries, Sun Lie was very relaxed and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be no danger in exploring the ruins this time. The only thing you need to worry about is breaking the formation. The difficulty with that ruins is the formation. Other than that, there is no other danger.”

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