Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6055 Arbitrary

"Are the contents in the spiritual ultimatum true or false?"

The first thing Chen Yang had to determine was the authenticity of the contents of the spiritual ultimatum.

His current situation is not good. If the dark figure who gave the spiritual ultimatum really wanted to lie to him, it would be completely unnecessary.

Therefore, he believed that the contents of the spiritual ultimatum were true.

As for the person who gave him the spiritual ultimatum, although he couldn't see him, he guessed that it was probably Tao Li.

Combining the previous information, he speculated that Tao Li might have surrendered to Tao Sui on the surface, but in fact this was not the case.

However, because the city above the clouds must be under Tao Sui's control, Tao Li should not go against Tao Sui even if he does not follow him.

So who does Tao Li really support?

"Little junior sister?"

Chen Yang frowned, and an unbelievable thought occurred in his mind, and he murmured: "Isn't the junior sister Tao Sui's sister?

But even if that were the case, would the younger junior sister's silly temperament compete with Tao Sui for inheritance rights?

And how is the inheritance right of the Tao family determined? "

"Chen Yang, have you thought about it?"

At this time, Tao Yuanhao walked in.

Chen Yang withdrew his thoughts and decided to believe in the contents of the spiritual ultimatum.

Now that the junior sister is at least safe and sound, Chen Yang is much less worried.

After signing the application form on the table, he handed it to Tao Yuanhao and said, "Take it."

Tao Yuanhao looked like he had succeeded in his plot, and walked out with the application form in hand, saying, "Follow me."

Looking at this posture, Tao Sui will take action in the next selection assessment.

However, Chen Yang believed that he could handle it.

Unless Tao Sui really thinks highly of him and sends several holy masters.

Although Tao Sui's status is extremely high, and there are even top experts following him, the Saint Master is not a common person.

Chen Yang believed that Tao Sui could send out holy masters, but it was absolutely impossible to send them in large numbers.

Moreover, even if Chen Yang defeated Tao Yuanhao, those holy masters would never take him seriously and regard him as an equal being.

In this way, as long as the other party despises Chen Yang, she has a greater chance of dealing with it.

It is also possible that it is not as difficult as imagined, and there is not even a Saint Master.

Tao Yuanhao brought Chen Yang to the main hall and directly entered the registration backstage, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Isn't that Chen Yang?"

"Is he going to join the cloud group?"

"As expected of Chen Yang, he went directly to the backstage. We still have to wait in line here."

"You are as powerful as Mr. Chen, you can do it too."

Tao Yuanhao handed Chen Yang's registration form to a female staff member. The staff member took it respectfully and said to Chen Yang with a smile:

"Mr. Chen, although you are the person requested by the leader of the Yun Group, anyone who wants to join the Yun Group must pass the assessment and selection.

The content of the assessment is talent, potential, strength, speed, actual combat and other items.

During yesterday's battle, it was confirmed that your abilities in all aspects met the requirements, so you passed the assessment directly and became a reserve member.

But the selection task must be carried out.

Only by completing the tasks can you become an official cloud team member.

Now you are given a selection task. You will complete this task together with several other reserve members.

This is your mission, you accept it... Huh? "

The staff member suddenly let out a startled sound and looked at the parchment in his hand with a puzzled face. It seemed that the task content on it was a bit strange.

Tao Yuanhao urged: "This is Chen Yang's mission. It has the signature of the Yun Group on it. Why do you make a fuss? Just distribute it directly."

"But this mission..."

The staff was very responsible and argued with Tao Yuanhao, but Tao Yuanhao interrupted: "Don't you think that Chen Yang is not qualified for this task? You must know that he is one of the top geniuses in the City on the Clouds. One, you don’t need to worry about him.”

"Deacon Yuan Hao, I'm sorry, I need to confirm."

The staff did not dare to argue with Tao Yuanhao, so they picked up the parchment and ran towards the back, planning to ask their superiors for instructions.

But just as she stood up, a burly man blocked his way and said in a deep voice: "Tao Xing, where are you going?"

"Captain Hu!"

The woman named Tao Xing was stunned for a moment, raised the parchment recording the mission in her hand, and said: "Captain Hu, this mission is the official mission of the Yun Group. For some reason, it was issued to the reserve members as a selection mission. I need to report to the team. Elder Luan asked for instructions to confirm whether the task can be issued."

Tao Hu said with a cold face: "Are all the procedures for the task list complete?"

"All...complete." Tao Xing frowned.

Tao Hu said: "If that's the case, then why do you need to ask? Just issue it directly. You don't even look at how many people are queuing up behind you. For such a trivial matter, why did you go to trouble the elder Luan and let everyone go?" Wait, is this your job description?"

Tao Xing lowered her head after being scolded, but she still insisted on her principles and said: "Captain Hu, among the people who performed the mission, except Chen Yang, everyone else is a formal member of the Yun Group. I think Chen Yang was released In this important task, it should be..."

"Nothing you think."

Tao Hu grabbed the task list, handed it to Tao Yuanhao, and said, "Give it to Chen Yang and let him see the task content and gather on time to set off."

"Thank you Captain Hu."

Tao Yuanhao took the task list, bowed to Tao Hu and thanked him, then grabbed the reserve member token just made for Chen Yang on the table, then walked out and greeted: "Chen Yang, let's go."

Chen Yang glanced at Tao Hu. There was no doubt that this was Tao Sui.

Although the leader of the Yun Group did not submit to Tao Sui, it does not mean that other members of the Yun Group did not follow Tao Sui.

Besides Tao Hu, there must be others who have taken refuge in Tao Sui.

"Thank you."

Chen Yang thanked Tao Xing and left with Tao Yuanhao.

"Do your job well, don't be too smart and meddle in other people's business!"

Tao Hu glared at Tao Xing, which frightened Tao Xing so much that she didn't dare to raise her head, with a look of grievance in her eyes.

"Humph, are you still aggrieved?"

Tao Hu snorted, becoming more and more dissatisfied, and simply ordered: "Okay, you don't have to stay here, you are fired."

As a staff member, Tao Xing belongs to the entire Yun Group organization, but she is only a member of the Selection Department, not a member of the Yun Group.

As the captain, Tao Hu has reached the third level of Saint Master and has a high status. He is fully qualified to decide Tao Xing's stay.

No one expected that Tao Xing would be fired just because he was responsible for his work.

She suddenly looked up at Tao Hu, her expression gloomy and uncertain, and stammered: "I...I was fired?"


Tao Hu nodded slightly, turned and left without saying a word to Tao Xing.

Tao Xing froze on the spot, her eyes blank, unable to accept this fact for a while.

The staff behind the counter all looked at her with pity, but they did not dare to talk to her for fear of being implicated.

"Not only did it violate the rules, but you also fired me?"

Tao Xing was silent for a while, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, with an expression of disgust on his face.

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