Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5912 Stay

Xu Jin and Wei Youyou looked at each other and reached a consensus. Neither of them approached Lu Feishang, a cultivator who appeared out of thin air. They planned to see the situation first before making a decision.

Cao Ji walked up to Lu Feishang, bowed his hands, and said, "Young Master Lu, Young Master Chen should be in crisis now. Can you please take action and come to the rescue?"

"He's not going to be in crisis."

Lu Feishuang shook his head and said calmly: "These desert wolves are just like ants to him and do not pose any threat."

As soon as these words came out, Cao Ji and Chai Cuo were stunned, not knowing how to respond.

Xu Jin and Wei Youyou looked puzzled, wondering why Lu Feishang trusted Chen Yang so much.

Cao Ji frowned and said to Lu Fei Shuang: "Chen Shaoxia fell into a pack of wolves. The situation..."

"If even he can't solve the problem, I won't be able to do anything. Besides, the order he gave me is to protect you."

Lu Feishang stood up and walked to the teleportation array.

When Cao Ji saw that Lu Feishang could not move, he stopped talking and sighed helplessly.

Xu Jin thought about it again and again, then took the initiative to come over and said to Lu Fei: "I wonder why your Excellency Gao Gao is here?"

"My name is Lu Feishang, I am Chen Yang's...servant."

Lu Feishang didn't want to cause trouble, so he responded to Xu Jin calmly.

Xu Jin's eyes flashed with surprise and he said, "I wonder how Miss Lu got here?"

"Go with the young master." Lu Fei said.

Master, servant.

These two words made Xu Jin and Wei Youyou think they had obtained useful information.

In their view, Chen Yang's background as a well-connected family member was stronger than expected. Otherwise, there would not be such a beautiful and hands-on maid accompanying him.

But when did Lu Feishang start traveling with Chen Yang?

Xu Jin did not ask this question.

He then said to Lu Feishuang: "Miss Lu, I wonder what you plan to do next?"

Lu Fei said: "The young master ordered me to protect the residents of Geduo Oasis. If you want to teleport away, go with them."

Xu Jin pretended to be surprised: "Don't you plan to stay and help your young master?"

"It's not necessary." Lu Feishuang shook his head.

Xu Jin's thoughts were racing and he immediately made a decision. He turned to Wei Youyou and said, "Junior Sister Wei, activate the formation and take them back to Sound City first. I will stay and wait for Junior Brother Chen."

Wei Youyou was surprised and sent a message to Xu Jin: "Senior Brother Xu, are you worried that... Chen Yang is not dead yet?"

"Since it is Elder Tao Yingbing's wish, we must complete the task, otherwise it will be a huge trouble for me when Chen Yang returns to Mocheng alive. Have you forgotten what kind of person Tao Yingbing is? ?”

Xu Jin sent a message to Wei Youyou, his tone firm but also revealing a bit of helplessness.

Wei Youyou was worried and said through a message: "Senior Brother Xu, Chen Yang's strength seems to be stronger than imagined. It is possible that even you are not his opponent."

"A second-level earth master, do you think he can defeat me by leapfrogging? Not to mention, he is a well-connected person, so his strength must be very ordinary. As for what the woman named Lu Feishang said, I don't believe it."

Xu Jin glanced at Lu Feishang, and then sent a message to Wei Youyou: "Take the people away immediately, and leave the rest of the things here to me. If you are really in danger, I will teleport back."


Wei Youyou nodded heavily, landed in the teleportation array, and said loudly: "Everyone enters the teleportation array. We will leave immediately. Senior Brother Xu will stay and wait for Junior Brother Chen."

Hearing this, Cao Ji, Chai Cuo and others were relieved. After all, it was safer to have someone to assist Chen Yang than Chen Yang alone.

Lu Fei glanced at Xu Jin, his eyes full of indifference. No matter what Xu Jin was going to do, it didn't matter to her.

The teleportation array was activated, and under the light, Wei Youyou, Lu Feishang and others teleported back to Sound City.

"Chen Yang, don't come back alive."

Xu Jin stood at the edge of the battle formation and looked into the distance. If Chen Yang didn't show up before the desert wolves attacked, he would teleport away.

At this moment, he found that the desert wolves that had retreated like a tide had all turned back, and the ground made a loud rumble, like an earthquake.

Xu Jin was startled and only waited for the desert wolves to approach before leaving.

But suddenly, he saw a black spot in the distance approaching quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was already a thousand meters away. He took a closer look and saw that it was Chen Yang, wasn't it?

"This guy is actually alive and well!"

Xu Jin looked at the wolves in the distance. He was sure that Chen Yang rushed out of the wolves, but the wolf king and the desert wolf of the five ferocious levels did not stop Chen Yang, which surprised him.

Could it be that what Lu Feishang said was true, that Chen Yang was so powerful that he could ignore the Desert Wolf?

Without enough time to think too much, Xu Jin flew towards Chen Yang and shouted: "Junior brother Chen, are you okay? Let's leave quickly."

"Senior Brother Xu, don't panic. I discovered a secret here. Let's leave after we figure it out."

Chen Yang looked at Xu Jin and found that Lu Feishang, Cao Ji and others near the teleportation array had disappeared. They had obviously returned to Sound City first.

This made him think that Xu Jin stayed here to wait for him, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Xu Jin put away his thoughts of taking action, looked puzzled, and asked: "Junior Brother Chen, what's the secret?"

Chen Yangfei landed in the settlement of Geduo Oasis below, glanced at the ground, and said to Xu Jin: "In this area, there is an underground secret cave, and there are some secrets hidden underneath."

"Secret cave?"

Xu Jin frowned slightly. He had been in Bayin Pavilion for many years and had never heard of a secret cave under Geduo Oasis, so he shook his head and said, "Junior Brother Chen, where did you get the news?"

Chen Yang said: "The Wolf King told me."

Xu Jin was stunned for a moment, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, feeling that Chen Yang was just talking nonsense, because he could not get any information from the Wolf King.

In this case, there is no need to continue talking.

Moreover, the Desert Wolf was attacking extremely fast. If he delayed any longer, he would not be able to return to Sound City in time.

Xu Jin's star energy surged inside his body, and he wanted to attack Chen Yang.

But at this moment, Chen Yang opened the door to the small world and captured the Wolf King.


Xu Jin couldn't help being shocked. Seeing the Wolf King being controlled by Chen Yang, he quickly restrained his eager Xing Neng for fear of being discovered by Chen Yang.

He glanced at Chen Yang and took a breath. He couldn't believe that the Wolf King who had been beaten and fled was actually caught by Chen Yang.

And looking at it like this, Chen Yang subdued the Wolf King without expending any effort.

Could it be that, as Lu Feishang said, Chen Yang was powerful enough to crush the desert wolves?

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