Urban magic doctor

Chapter 5911 Leave it alone

Through Chen Yang's defensive shield, the Wolf King glanced at the surrounding wolves that were constantly attacking the defensive shield. With a look of compassion on his face, he said to Chen Yang: "I beg you one thing. After you kill me, can you let me go?" Wolves. They just followed my orders to attack the oasis and are innocent."

Chen Yang said: "They killed many people, and I saw desert wolves eating people with my own eyes. Is this also innocent?"

"This is the nature of wolves. We are enemies of humans. Do we still have to be soft on the enemy on the battlefield?"

The Wolf King smiled bitterly, frowned, and said: "It seems that you are not planning to let our desert wolf group go."

"I didn't say I would kill you all."

Chen Yang curled his lips and said, "I'll arrest you first and wait until we find out what's going on with the secret cave and Tianhan before we talk about anything else."

The Wolf King said in surprise: "You want to keep carrying me like this?"

"of course not."

Chen Yang used the pulse-sealing technique to imprison the Wolf King's bloodline, then opened the door to the small world and threw the Wolf King in.

During the whole process, the Wolf King looked confused, having no idea what was happening, and was extremely surprised by Chen Yang's methods.

The wolves were also stunned when they saw the Wolf King disappear.

Chen Yang did not stop and immediately returned to the core area of ​​Geduo Oasis, intending to open the secret cave with his own hands and find out what was going on.

As soon as he moved, the wolves immediately swarmed in pursuit in order to save the Wolf King.

"Strange, why did these desert wolves suddenly stop attacking and run back?"

Looking at the retreating desert wolves, Wei Youyou had a look of confusion on his face.

At this time, Xu Jin flew down and said with a proud face: "Junior sister Wei, don't worry, the desert wolves are frightened by my strength and don't dare to get closer."

Wei Youyou gave a thumbs up and praised: "As expected of Senior Brother Xu, he has single-handedly frightened the entire desert wolf pack. There is no other person in Bayin Pavilion."

"Junior Sister Wei is overly praised."

Xu Jin had a smile on his face, feeling quite proud.

Wei Youyou said: "Senior Brother Xu, what should we do next?"

Xu Jin pretended to be thoughtful and said: "Under my deterrence, the desert wolf no longer poses the slightest threat, but it is not unknown. However, as Deacon Wei Zhaolin said, the storm swirling around the Geduo Oasis is very threatening. If it sweeps past, We will all be shattered into pieces. Therefore, the top priority is that we should return to Sound City immediately from the teleportation array."

Wei Youyou agreed: "What Senior Brother Xu said is reasonable, and I also agree. I will return immediately."

At this time, Cao Ji, who heard the conversation between Xu Jin and Xu Jin, walked over quickly, frowned and asked: "You two young heroes, are you planning to leave now, but that young hero Chen has not returned yet, should you leave him alone? "

Xu Jin looked around and then noticed that Chen Yang was not here.

Wei Youyou sighed: "Hey, Junior Brother Chen was not strong enough and was killed in the confrontation with the Desert Wolf."

Hearing this, a glint flashed in Xu Jin's eyes, and he nodded slightly without any trace, as if he had completed something with satisfaction.

But Cao Ji, as well as Chai Cuo and others who were rescued by Chen Yang, all looked ugly, feeling sorry and sad.

Recalling the scene of Chen Yang's battle, Chai Cuo felt something was wrong. He stepped forward and said to Xu Jin and Wei Youyou: "It's strange. Chen Shaoxia is very strong. The second-level earth master was killed by him instantly. What happened to him? He actually knows how to fight." die?"

"Kill the second-level earth master instantly?"

Xu Jin and Wei Youyou both looked surprised, they couldn't believe that Chen Yang was so strong.

After all, killing cultivators of the same level instantly is not an easy task.

Xu Jin looked at Chai Cuo and said seriously: "Are you sure?"

"We all saw it."

Chai Cuo pointed to the people behind him.

Xu Jin frowned slightly. He received instructions from Wei Zhaolin. Chen Yang had offended the elder Tao Yingbing and wanted to get rid of Chen Yang in this mission.

If successful, you will receive generous rewards from Elder Tao Yingbing.

Although in Bayin Pavilion, people with foreign surnames are hostile and repulsive towards Tao, but in the face of interests, Xu Jin certainly will not be repulsive.

What's more, now that he knows this, he has no choice but to complete it.

If Chen Yang was really not dead, he would have to deal with it first before leaving the teleportation array.

"Junior Sister Wei, are you sure that Junior Brother Chen has died?"

Xu Jin looked at Wei Youyou and asked in a deep voice.

Wei Youyou frowned and said: "At that time, he rushed into the desert wolves and was surrounded by them. With his level of second level earth master, it was absolutely impossible for him to survive."

Hearing this, Chai Cuo, Cao Ji and others all looked surprised and stared at Wei Youyou with ugly expressions.

Cao Ji couldn't help but said: "Wei Shaoxia, since you saw everything so clearly at that time, why... didn't you help Chen Shaoxia?"

Wei Youyou showed a displeased look on his face and said coldly: "Hmph, how do I do things, do you need to teach me? If I could have saved him, of course I would have taken action long ago. The situation at that time was that I was also beaten by two second-level earth masters. The desert wolves are besieging him, and he has nothing to do. Otherwise, I would have brought him back now."

Although Cao Ji and others didn't quite believe what Wei Youyou said, they didn't dare to question it any more.

After all, the status of the two sides is very different.

Xu Jin looked at the dark wolf pack, thought about it secretly, and felt that Chen Yang should not be able to escape the wolf king's pursuit, so he said: "Junior brother Chen has died in the battle. If we continue to stay, we will only be in danger. Everyone is the same age. Now we all enter the teleportation array and head to Sound City to escape the storm."

Most of the residents of Gedo Oasis had been waiting for these words for a long time, and they quickly entered the teleportation array.

However, some residents rescued by Chen Yang walked slowly towards the teleportation array, looking back from time to time, unwilling to give up on Chen Yang, but there was nothing they could do.

"I think Mr. Chen is not dead yet."

Chai Cuo murmured something in a low voice, then turned to Cao Ji and said, "Clan leader, Mr. Chen is now alone among the wolves. Seeing... we can't do anything?"

"Hey, how can our strength..."

Cao Ji sighed, but suddenly his eyes lit up and he said, "By the way, that heroine named Lu Feishang, can she help?"

"Lu Feishuang?"

Xu Jin and Wei Youyou both looked puzzled. When did Lu Feishuang appear, they were completely unaware of it.

They looked at Cao Ji and Chai Cuo, and saw the two walking towards the teleportation array. There was an outstandingly beautiful woman sitting cross-legged, looking calmly into the distance, like a sculpture.

"Who is this?"

Xu Jin looked displeased. He was obviously the master here, but now Cao Ji and others were asking for help, which made him feel insulted.

He snorted coldly, stepped forward, and was about to scold him, but his expression suddenly changed.

Because he sensed Lu Feishuang's realm, he was a fourth-level earth master, stronger than both him and Wei Youyou.

Facing a strong man, Xu Jin immediately did not dare to speak.

But, when did this Lu Feishuang appear? What's the origin?

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