Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2347 Zhilongyi

The old man's reaction speed was fast enough, but the Gray Ridge people he mentioned were obviously well prepared. Several more figures popped out from the thick ashes below, blocking his way.

Chen Yang looked at these Huiling people, there were a total of nineteen of them.

Three people from the middle stage of the True Palace, six from the early stage of the True Palace, and nine people from the peak stage of the Fake Palace surrounded Chen Yang and the old man.

These Gray Ridge people are all very tall. The shortest one is two meters tall.

Their bodies were covered with thick ash, and their bodies were pitch black. When flying, the ash that fell off their bodies was still covered with sparks.

Although their bodies were covered with ashes, because they were not wearing clothes, the outlines of all parts of their bodies could be seen.

These people gave Chen Yang an uncivilized feeling, as if they were still in primitive civilization.

Nineteen Huiling people intercepted Chen Yang and the old man, but did not take action. One of them, a man from the middle stage of Zhenfu, held up a giant ax made of ashes in his hand, pointed at the old man, and mumbled something in his mouth. , but it is not the universal language of Chongwu Star.

However, Chen Yang still understood.

Because the language of these Gray Ridge people is the language of the demon clan.

This shocked Chen Yang. Although he was a human being, he spoke the language of the demon clan. Perhaps the legend of Long Fucheng was true. The real dragon taught the people of Gray Ridge here to speak the language of the demon clan.

Although the old man is in the middle stage of Zhenfu, he is extremely timid.

He kept backing up until he was next to Chen Yang. The corners of his mouth twitched and he said to the Gray Ridge people with a bitter look on his face: "Can you speak human language? I don't understand what you are talking about."

Chen Yang glanced at the old man and said in a deep voice: "They asked you to hand over the Zhilongyi."

"Can you understand?"

The old man looked surprised and asked quickly: "What language are they speaking? Why can't I understand them?"

Chen Yang said: "They speak the language of the demon clan."

The old man was stunned for a moment, and said with a cry: "How is it possible? They are humans, why do they speak the language of the demon clan?"

Chen Yang was speechless for a while. This old man looked to be in his seventies or eighty years old. He was not young yet. He dared to break into the Ash Ridge alone. How could he act like a kid who had just debuted?

He rolled his eyes at the old man: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

"Then how come you can speak the language of the demon clan? You don't know how to speak the language of the demon clan. Are you one of them?"

The old man trembled and looked at Chen Yang with fear.

"Do you think I'm with them?"

Chen Yang glared at the old man and said, "In addition, I learned the demon language by myself, but I only understand a little bit."

Chen Yang was hiding something. Now, although he is not proficient in the demon language, he is almost there.

The old man pointed at the Huiling people and said hurriedly: "Don't worry about how many demon languages ​​​​you know, negotiate with them quickly. I don't have any dragon-control instruments. Ask them to let me go, no, let us go."

Chen Yang looked at the Huiling people, pointed at the old man, and said in the language of the demon clan: "He said he didn't point at Long Yi, please let us go."

Seeing Chen Yang speak the language of the demon clan, the people of Huiling were stunned.

The leading man looked Chen Yang up and down, then pointed at the old man and said: "The Zhilong Yi is on his body. Our tribe has seen him take it out before."

Chen Yang pushed the old man and said, "He said that his tribe saw you taking out the dragon instrument."

"No, I really don't."

The old man had an anxious look on his face, as if he was about to be frightened to death by the people from Gray Ridge, and he didn't look like a mid-level Zhenfu cultivator at all.

After Chen Yang conveyed the old man's intention to the Huiling people, the Huiling people looked fierce and said, "Since you don't want to hand it over, don't blame us for being rude."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Gray Ridge man was about to take action.

The old man trembled, hurriedly hid behind Chen Yang, and shouted: "Oh my god, I really didn't point to Long Yi, don't kill me."

"what are you doing?"

Chen Yang turned around and glared at the old man fiercely, wondering if the guy behind him was a lunatic.

Seeing that the Huiling people were about to attack, he quickly said: "Wait, wait a minute, do we have some misunderstanding? First, please tell me what Long Yi looks like."

The people of Gray Ridge didn't seem to be bloodthirsty or ruthless people. They all stopped when they heard Chen Yang's words.

The leader said: "The Zhilong Yi is a circular thin piece that looks a bit like a mirror, but it has many formation patterns carved on it."

Hearing this, Chen Yang thought for a while. Could it be that what the Gray Ridge man was talking about was the compass-like thing he saw the old man holding in his hand before?

He said to the old man: "I saw you holding a compass before. Does that mean Long Yi?"


The old man exclaimed and said, "Then... does that refer to Long Yi?"

"I'm not sure, but the Gray Ridge people's description seems to be that thing."

Chen Yang stretched out his hand to the old man and said, "Hand over the things you brought first, otherwise, these Gray Ridge people will take action."

The old man's eyes rolled slyly, hesitated for a moment, and said: "That thing is of great use to me, I...I can't hand it over."

"What's that for?"

Chen Yang asked. He thought that thing might be related to the search for Long Fucheng.

The old man kept silent, as if he wanted to keep it a secret.

At this time, the people of Huiling couldn't wait and roared: "If you don't hand over the Zhilongyi, I will kill you."

The old man was frightened by the fierce appearance of the Gray Ridge man and stammered: "He... what did he say?"

"He said he was going to kill you!"

Chen Yang threatened the old man and asked, "Tell me, what does Zhilong Yi do?"

The old man gritted his teeth and said, "Zhi Long Yi can find Long Fucheng."

"Find Longfu City!"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up. In this case, he would naturally not hand the Zhilong Yi into the hands of the people from Huiling.

"Grab the Zhi Long Yi."

At this moment, the people from Huiling lost their patience, roared, and swarmed towards Chen Yang and the other two.

"I'll give you the Zhilongyi, please let me go."

The old man was trembling with fear and raised his hands to beg for mercy, but he had no intention of putting up a fight.

After all, it was the middle stage of Zhenfu. This look made Chen Yang speechless.

"Let's go!"

Chen Yang pulled the old man into his arms, used the Gale of Wind mood, and used his speed to the extreme. With a movement of his body, he rushed out from the siege of the Huiling people and ran away.

The moment he pulled the old man over, he felt that the old man's palm was tender and soft, not like an old man's hand, but like a woman's hand.

However, at the critical moment, he didn't have time to think too much, he just escaped from the pursuit of the Gray Ridge people and saved Zhilong Yi.


The Gray Ridge people roared angrily, and a group of people chased Chen Yang.


The old man screamed like a pig, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was full of fear, and he kept shouting: "Don't kill me, I handed over the Zhilong Yi, I was wrong..."

"Shut up!"

Chen Yang was upset by the old man's quarrel and roared angrily.

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