Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2346 Ash Ridge

Yao Zhengtao said: "Yes, it is Longfu City. According to legend, a long time ago, a real dragon came there and pressed the ground out of the dragon-shaped valley. Later, someone built a city in the dragon-shaped valley, and it was named Longfu City. The land of nothingness is said to have been formed by the mist that the real dragon was occupying at that time."

"The real dragon is greedy for all kinds of treasures, and the mist in its mouth also contains violent demonic energy, so it leaves some treasures in the land of nothingness and creates weird virtual beasts."

"Of course, these are just legends. No one knows what the truth is."

Chen Yang asked: "Where is Longfu City?"

Yao Zhengtao took out a map of the Northern Continent, pointed to a dark area, and said to Chen Yang, "Longfu City is here."

"Hey, isn't this Ember Ridge?"

Zhao Kun next to him saw where Yao Zhengtao was pointing and said suspiciously.

Yao Zhengtao nodded: "Yes, Longfu City is located in Ash Ridge. However, the specific location of Longfu City cannot be determined. Because it is said that the location of Longfu City is often changing. Every follower The answers given by the people who came back from Longfu City were all different."

Chen Yang looked at the map. The dark area was vast, occupying one-tenth of the entire northern continent. It was very conspicuous on the map.

In this black area, there are no labels.

There are no cities, rivers, roads, mountains…


Chen Yang asked: "Where is Ash Ridge?"

Yao Zhengtao explained: "The Ashes Ridge is a vast hilly area, somewhat like a desert, but there is no gravel there, but endless black ashes. There are little sparks in the ashes, releasing scorching power. It is said that the Ashes Ridge's It was formed when the real dragon entrenched in Longfu City breathed out its dragon breath and burned away the originally dense forest, forming Ash Ridge."

"This legend is quite interesting."

Chen Yang smiled, pointed at the map, and asked: "Where are we now?"

Yao Zhengtao pointed to the bottom of the black area, close to the southwest edge of the North Continent, and said to Chen Yang, "That's right here, the Qingyang City area."

Chen Yang looked at the map, which marked the flight points of the empty ships.

There is a flying point outside Qingyang City.

But there is no empty ship. It can reach Ash Ridge directly. At most, it can reach Ash Source City outside Ash Ridge.

Chen Yang wrote down the specific location, exchanged a few words with Yao Zhengtao and Zhao Kun, and planned to set off immediately to Huiyuan City, and then enter Ash Ridge to look for Longfu City.

Rejecting Yao Zhengtao and Zhao Kun's attempts to stay, Chen Yang said goodbye and flew away.

Watching him go away gradually, Zhao Kun felt a lot.

The appearance of Chen Yang can be said to have changed his destiny.

Otherwise, the entire Jiujiang Helm would have died in the hands of Wangxuan Mansion, and he would not be able to become the master of the palace.

Originally, Yao Zhengtao still had a grudge against Chen Yang, but now that he has become acquainted with Chen Yang, he feels that he has gained something.

After all, Chen Yang is the one holding the Imperial Order.

After explaining to Zhao Kun that Qingyang Mansion should be managed well, Yao Zhengtao also left.

Two days later, Chen Yang arrived at the empty ship flying point outside Huiyuan City.

After getting out of the empty ship, he went straight to Ash Ridge and did not stay in Ash Source City.

Flying high in the sky, he could see the endless ash ridge in the distance. The black color spread to the end of the sky and connected with the blue sky.

In Ash Ridge, the pitch-black land seemed to be scorched, with sporadic red sparks in the black, as if this land was still burning.

Wisps of white smoke rose into the sky and filled the black earth. The temperature was so hot that even the void was distorted.

"This place is really weird."

Chen Yang muttered something, then moved and entered the Ash Ridge.

The white smoke was very choking and a little confusing to the eyes. Chen Yang could only use his true energy to push away the white smoke that dispersed over the land.

The temperature in Ash Ridge was also unexpectedly high.

Even Chen Yang, who had understood the artistic conception of the fire dragon, felt the heat and was sweating on his back.

Ash Ridge is a vast area, but Longfu City has no specific location. Chen Yang can only search every place aimlessly.

Before I knew it, five days had passed.

In Ember Ridge, all areas were exactly the same, and Chen Yang found nothing.

Just when he was depressed, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

After five days of flying, he saw someone for the first time, and he suddenly felt happy.

I saw an old man in a sloppy robe, holding something like a compass in his hand, looking at the compass seriously, and looking up from time to time to observe the Ashes Ridge.

Suddenly, the old man's eyes met Chen Yang.

With a vigilant look on his face, he turned his hand and put the compass into the ring, cupped his hand to Chen Yang, turned around and was about to fly away.

Seeing how he looked like he had found Long Fucheng, how could Chen Yang let go of this opportunity.

He quickly caught up and shouted: "Senior, please stay."

The old man was in the middle stage of Zhenfu. Logically speaking, he should not be afraid of Chen Yang, but he was like a frightened bird, not daring to look back, and walked away at a very fast speed.


Chen Yang was startled, and using the Gale of Wind mood, he followed the opponent and shouted: "Senior, I don't mean any harm, please stay."

The old man didn't respond, but instead sped up.

Chen Yang searched for five days and finally saw some hope. He had no intention of giving up and pursued the old man closely.

While chasing, he shouted: "Senior, I'm just asking for directions, please stay."

"Senior, wait for me, I'm not a bad person."

"Senior, don't run away."

One of them ran away and the other chased. The old man flew all the way. Not only did he not get rid of Chen Yang, but he was caught up by Chen Yang.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, he paused, turned to look at Chen Yang, who was approaching rapidly, and asked, "Why are you following me?"

In order to dispel the other party's wariness, Chen Yang did not get close. He stopped a hundred meters away, showed a friendly smile and said: "Senior, I just want to ask you for directions."

The old man shook his head: "There is nothing in Ember Ridge. Where are you going? How do you ask for directions? If you want to go out, just find a direction and fly straight forward. There is no need to ask for directions."

Chen Yang said: "I want to go to Longfu City."

The old man's expression changed, he shook his head and said: "Long Fucheng? What Long Fucheng, I don't know."

Chen Yang said: "Senior, I clearly saw you just now, holding something like a compass in your hand, obviously looking for a way. If you are not looking for Long Fucheng, what are you looking for? I have no ill intentions, and I would like to ask Senior, Don’t hide it from the juniors.”

The old man rolled his eyes, as if he was still thinking about what to say.

Suddenly, there was a bang, and the ashes below exploded, sparks and black ashes flying everywhere, and several figures rose into the air from the ashes.

"It's from Gray Ridge! Run!"

The old man exclaimed, turned around and ran away.

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