Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 769: real world

Feng Jiujiu frowned and did not speak.

She really didn't expect that Wang Qianchen was also here for the Tai Chi Talisman!

Grab it, it's a little embarrassing.

Don't grab it, it's really not reconciled to watch such a good thing fall into the hands of others.

"Don't worry, take a look again." Feng Jiujiu also replied in bird language.

"Okay, wait for them to dig it out and then grab it!" Zhu He nodded, showing his understanding.

"But there is one thing that I find very strange..." Feng Jiujiu turned her head around and said thoughtfully, "That person seems to have the ability to see through, and just now accurately said that the Taiji talisman is a few meters underground! Logically speaking, , When he was looking around just now, he should have seen us, why didn't he react?"

Zhu He was slightly taken aback.

Feng Jiujiu gently touched the tree trunk next to her, suddenly showing a look of sudden realization.


On the other side, Wang Qianchen was preparing to excavate. With his strength, it would be a big hole if he went down with a knife.

Nie Ren said suddenly, "Wait."

Wang Qianchen looked back at him: "What are you waiting for?"

"Wait." Nie Ren looked down at the phone. The location sharing initiated on the screen showed that the other party was approaching.

"Who are you waiting for?" Wang Qianchen looked confused.

"We'll know when we arrive." Nie Ren was still looking at the phone.

The voice fell, crackling footsteps sounded, and more than a dozen young men in strong suits rushed over with swords in hand, all of them exuding the atmosphere of the wall, and quickly surrounded Wang Qianchen with lightning speed.

Seeing this scene, Feng Jiujiu was also surprised, and then she shook her palm slightly, and some cyan feathers appeared between her fingers.

Zhu He was excited for a while, and he was finally about to do it!

After killing these guys, the [Tianqi] and the [Wan Yaohui] Liangzi will be forged, and he can be considered to have successfully completed the task given by the [Guangfuhui].

However, what was surprising was that Wang Qianchen was very calm.

"What do you mean, Captain Nie?" Wang Qianchen turned to look at Nie Ren.

"I already know, it was you who informed the Nie family that it was bad for me, so I planned to kill you in Huangshan. Is it okay to do so?" In fact, Nie Ren is not sure at all, and it is still speculation until now.

But seeing that Wang Qianchen didn't answer, he knew he had guessed right.

"Introduce, these are all my team members, all members of the wall, plus my peak, is it easy to kill you?" Nie Ren pointed to the people around him, and then pointed to himself, with a very proud expression.

"It's really easy." Wang Qianchen nodded and said, "But have you ever thought that since I informed the Nie family, how could I not ask them to encircle you?"

"Because you can't delay our work." Nie Ren said wisely: "Getting the Taiji Talisman is a task given to us by Fatou Tuo. How dare you kill me first, half of the coordinates are still with me. here..."

"Perhaps I, like you, led the Nie family here?" Wang Qianchen laughed.

The members of the wall immediately looked to the left and right nervously, but Nie Ren shook his head and said, "No, my people stared at Huangfeng Town all night yesterday, and no one from the Nie family came; and when my people went up the mountain, I also keep an eye on the left and right sides for any changes, and I haven't found any trace of the Nie family."

"It's really watertight..." Wang Qianchen sighed softly: "In case, I didn't let them come to Huangfeng Town at all, but went directly to Huangshan, where should I go?"

Wang Qianchen gently kicked the ground with his foot.

"It's even more impossible." Nie Ren still shook his head: "The exact location of the Taiji seal is the right coordinates before we enter the mountain. How did you let them come to this place in advance? And I just observed the surrounding area, and there was no one at all. !"

Nie Ren looked to the left and right again, a layer of gray fog covering his eyes.

"Does he really know how to see through? We are clearly here, why can't he see it?" Zhu He asked strangely in bird language.

"The interesting thing is coming, keep watching..." Feng Jiujiu laughed, and when she looked at Wang Qianchen again, her eyes were full of admiration, and she wanted to dig him into her hands.

If he were a few hundred years younger, he might have the heart to marry him!

This guy is really charming!

in the field.

Wang Qianchen sighed softly.

"Is it impossible if you say it's impossible... The world you see must be the real world?" Wang Qianchen raised his head.

"What do you mean? Stop pretending to be a ghost here!" Nie Ren frowned, feeling a little hair on his body, and pulled out a long knife. The other young people also raised the guy in their hands, ready to start an inhumane fight against Wang Qianchen. siege!

Wang Qianchen ignored him, but said loudly, "Patriarch Nie, Young Master Nie... It's been hard to feed mosquitoes all night, come out!"

The voice fell, and crackling footsteps sounded in the surrounding jungle, followed by one after another, headed by Nie Gang, the head of the Jiangnan Nie family, and his two sons, Nie Jiao and Nie Rong.

From all sides, there were at least dozens of people, murderous and powerful, all of them were the elites of the Nie family, and they instantly blocked Nie Ren and the others.

"How is that possible?!" Nie Ren's eyes widened: "I saw it just now, but there is no one!"

"I told you a long time ago that the world you see is not necessarily the real world!" The corner of Wang Qianchen's mouth twitched.

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