Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 768: seventeen meters underground

Early the next morning.

As soon as Wang Qianchen got up, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Qianchen went to open the door and saw Nie Ren standing outside the door.

Nie Ren had already packed up and said with a smile, "Captain Wang, can you leave?"

Wang Qianchen also smiled and said, "Okay, let's go!"

The two went downstairs together, took a casual bite at the breakfast stall on the side of the road, and then briefly discussed a few things about the Tai Chi sign.

"I forgot to say yesterday, shall we dig it ourselves, or hire a few locals?" Nie Ren asked with a bun in his mouth.

When they dug out the Immortal Sword and the Heavenly Gang Knife before, He Jun and Fat Toutuo used to hire local people.

Wang Qianchen said: "No need, don't you have a see-through eye, you can directly locate the thing and dig it out in a few clicks."

Nie Ren smiled and said, "I think so too."

After the two finished eating, they took a taxi and headed to the foot of Mount Huangshan.

The same is true of Mount Huangshan. Some of them have been transformed into scenic spots. They will definitely not enter through the gate of the scenic spot, but let the driver circle around the foot of the mountain to see where it is more convenient to go deeper.

The driver thought they were donkey pals, and warmly recommended them the way into the mountain, and finally took them to a less traveled road.

It was only then that Wang Qianchen and Nie Ren checked the coordinates they had mastered, and after using modern instruments to determine the exact location, they went deep into the mountain and headed for the place where the Tai Chi seal was hidden.

Not long after they left, another taxi arrived. A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old girl and a middle-aged man in white got out of the car.

Unbiased, I happened to see Wang Qianchen and Nie Ren entering the mountain.

Is it him again?

Feng Jiujiu frowned slightly.

"It seems to be two cultivators..." Zhu He pretended to be unsure and said, "Isn't it also aimed at the 'Tai Chi Talisman'?"

Feng Jiujiu thought for a while and said, "Let's follow up and have a look."

"Okay..." Zhu He was about to leave immediately.

"Wait." Feng Jiujiu stopped him, then took out two pills.

"This is..." Zhu He was a little puzzled.

"Didn't you recognize it? One of them is the Lord of Dog Mountain under the King of the Golden Eagles. His sense of smell and hearing are very good. Just in case, take these two Hua Qing Dan to hide our breath. "Feng Jiujiu took one by herself and handed it to Zhu He.

Zhu He was the ling master of the White Tiger King before, and he also participated in the battle on Qingcheng Mountain, so Feng Jiujiu asked him that.

"It turns out that it's because the Emperor Nanhuang is attentive!" How could Zhu He not recognize it, he saved the whole game!

After the two demons took Hua Qingdan, they made sure that their breath was hidden, and then quietly followed behind Wang Qianchen and Nie Ren.


After mastering the specific location, Wang Qianchen and Nie Ren walked like a flying, shuttling through the ravines of Huangshan.

In fact, Wang Qianchen can be faster, he can fly, and he has the ability to [know the ground], so he can reach his destination faster. But he didn't want to expose his abilities, so he went hand in hand with Nie Ren and pretended that he was an enlightened person who could only breathe fire.

Of course, the roads in Huangshan are rugged, and some places even have no roads at all. The entrance is a cliff, and the retreat is a ravine, but this is not difficult for the two captains of [Tianqi]. After running for more than an hour, they finally came. to the place where the coordinates are displayed.

"That's it." Wang Qianchen looked around. It was a blessed land with beautiful mountain views and lush greenery. If developed, it would be a standard 5A-level scenic spot and would be full of tourists all year round.

"That's right." Nie Ren stepped on the ground with his foot, looked around again, and laughed.

"Is the Taiji talisman here?" Wang Qianchen asked.

"Yes." Nie Ren lowered his head, with a layer of gray fog covering his eyes: "I saw it, seventeen meters below the ground, it is a palm-sized cyan jade pendant with a Tai Chi pattern printed on it, and Twinkling and shining, it is not ordinary at first glance..."

Before digging, Nie Ren's voice became excited, and even swallowed a few saliva involuntarily.

"I'm sure it's at 17 meters, then I can start digging!" Wang Qianchen pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword, mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and at the same time grasped the scale and strength, for fear of accidentally hurting the Tai Chi seal.

In fact, since it is an artifact, how could it be injured by a mortal blade—although this blade is also a spiritual weapon developed by [Monster Slayer], it is still impossible to hurt the Taiji talisman.

But no matter whether it is the Sword of Immortal Slaying or the Heavenly Gang Knife, everyone is still careful when digging. After all, no one has ever seen the divine weapon, so what if you accidentally get hurt?

"Sure, that's right!" Nie Ren nodded again.


not far away.

Feng Jiujiu and Zhu He, who had taken Huaqingdan, hid in the jungle and watched this scene carefully.

"Lord Nanhuang, they really came for the Taiji Talisman! We can't let them get it, let's do it!" Worried that Wang Qianchen would hear the voice, Zhu He communicated with Feng Jiujiu in bird language.

The two demons are both birds, so there is no obstacle to communication.

Even if Wang Qianchen heard it in his ears, he thought it was just two birds.

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