Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 365: Formal fight

Lao Yu looked very cautious and careful, and made sure that there was no one around before walking towards the trash can opposite.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded: "[Qingming Space]."

The open space in front of the villa shook slightly, and a virtual space was created.

"Deng deng deng-"

At the same time, a figure jumped out of the grass next to it, and it was Wang Qianchen, who was holding a brick in one hand and a demon slashing knife in the other. forward.

"Death!" Wang Qianchen slashed with a knife.

Lao Yu stepped back frantically.

He knew that he couldn't beat Wang Qianchen, and also knew that Xiao Fang and others would come soon, so he retreated immediately and quickly!

For electric eels, speed is the first feature, and so-called electricity can only be ranked second.

But his speed is fast, and Wang Qianchen's speed is also fast, especially when using all four limbs together, it is as fast as lightning!


Meanwhile, in another villa.

"Come on, come on!" Xiao Fang shouted immediately.


The window was broken, and several rock-level killers rushed out immediately.

"He Jun, you are waiting here!" Xiao Fang shouted and rushed out.

On the path in the villa area, a few people walked through quickly, and soon came to the edge of the virtual space, and then the four rock killers acted together, breaking the space with a "click".

In the virtual space, Wang Qianchen has quickly gained the upper hand, and successfully slashed Lao Yu seven or eight times.

Lao Yu was seriously injured and struggled to resist. When he saw Xiao Fang and the others finally coming in, he immediately shouted: "Quick, quick!"

"Wang Qianchen, we meet again!" Xiao Fang was excited, he directly raised his sword and slashed at Wang Qianchen.

"It's you again!" Wang Qianchen's face sank, but at the same time he became excited again. He found Kuaijian Xiaofang and He Jun's whereabouts!

"Hahaha, it's me, we really have a fate!" Xiaofang was also very excited. He has always had a 100% win rate in the killer business, but he was planted twice in Wang Qianchen's hands. shame.


A sword qi that was more severe and domineering than before slashed over, Wang Qianchen threw the brick directly, resisted the sword qi with a sound of "clang", and then turned the knife in his hand into a sword. Fang Bi put up his sword qi.

However, Wang Qianchen's realm was a notch lower than the opponent's, and the sword in his hand was not a famous one, at least it was far worse than Xiaofang's sword, so he fell into a disadvantage again in an instant.

"Hahaha, Wang Qianchen, where are your monsters, ask them to come out together!" Xiao Fang Zhan was so excited that he was not in a hurry to let the other rock killers come forward. Their role was to contain Wang Qianchen's carry with him. Several monsters.

Wang Qianchen stretched out his hand, but only one Mr. Honglou was called out.

The two stood side by side, staring at each other solemnly.

"Why only one? Not enough! Not enough!" Xiao Fang shook his head.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lao Yu turned around and ran out. He got out through the crack in the virtual space. He was a customer and a bait. The task was completed. There was no need to fight for this life.

In the short ten-second fight just now, he was beheaded by Wang Qianchen seven or eight times, and he also tried to discharge the electricity during the period, but Wang Qianchen suffered a loss, and would not eat it a second time, but it didn't have any effect.

Lao Yu clutched the wound on his body and limped towards the other side.

"Den-deng--" At the same time, a figure just bumped into him.

"Quick, give me a hand..." Lao Yu recognized that this person was Xiao Fang's fellow who came to observe, and immediately stretched out his hand.

He Jun suddenly drew his sword.

"You..." Lao Yu was shocked.

The sword light flashed, and Lao Yu fell directly to the ground.

Xiaofang asked He Jun to wait in the room, but how could He Jun sit still? Through the gap in the virtual space, seeing that Wang Qianchen was under siege, his brain rushed out.

Although He Jun acts indecisive, he can't make mistakes in his stance. He knows that [Tianqi] is bad, [Zhan Yaoren] is good, and he also knows that Wang Qianchen has helped him so many times, if he does nothing, he will lose his conscience.

As for Lao Yu, he killed him casually. This guy hired someone to kill Wang Qianchen, so he definitely couldn't keep it.

After Lao Yu died, black smoke came out from his body, forming a scarred electric eel. He Jun threw the electric eel directly into the grass next to it, and then ran towards the virtual space.

But he had just run halfway when suddenly stopped and hid towards the shadow beside him.

Because he clearly saw that several more figures jumped out from all around, heading towards the broken virtual space.

It was none other than Wei Zihua, Du Hong and Tan Zuo!

Seeing them, He Jun's heart was both surprised and happy, knowing that Wang Qianchen was well prepared, and his worries were superfluous, how could Wang Qianchen be at a loss, he was so smart and so witty!

He Jun wanted to rush up and help them deal with Xiaofang together, but he was a little scared when things came to an end.

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