Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 364: good luck

"Who?!" Lao Yu immediately asked nervously.

"It's okay, my own!" Xiao Fang smiled and got up to open the door.

A young man with a plain appearance and a somewhat timid expression walked in, and glanced cautiously around the room.

"Haha, He Jun, we meet again!" Xiao Fang reached out and patted the young man's head, "Not bad, the progress is quite fast, it's already rocky!"

"Well, Commander Chen taught me well..." Standing in front of Xiao Fang, He Jun was still a little nervous.

"Who is this?" Realizing that the other party was also a rock realm, Lao Yu immediately stood up.

"It's okay, he's here to observe, and he won't charge you extra!" Xiaofang pulled He Jun in, let him sit on a sofa, handed over another document, and said, "The goal this time, It's your old acquaintance!"

He Jun opened the information, and his heart suddenly "squeaked", it really is Wang Qianchen!

Then he looked at the few people around him, one wall, five rocks, how could Wang Qianchen be able to fight?

No, I have to find a way to remind him!

Because He Jun was here, Xiao Fang explained the entire battle plan again. The more He Jun listened, the colder his heart became. No matter what aspect he looked at, Wang Qianchen would definitely die!

He Jun didn't know if Wang Qianchen still misunderstood him, but he had helped Wang Qianchen so many times, so he couldn't just stand by.

He Jun is not the type that is good at disguising, plus there is something in his heart, he is always a little uneasy, and I don't know if Xiao Fang sees it. After Lao Yu left, Xiao Fang asked, intentionally or unintentionally, "He Jun, are you right? Does Wang Qianchen still have feelings?"

"Ah?" He Jun was a little stunned.

"You two belonged to the same dormitory in the [Monster Slayer Training Camp], so you should still have some feelings, right?" Xiao Fangzheng said: "But don't forget how good Commander Chen is to you, he really takes care of you. Cultivated, [Tianqi] For so many years, few have had the opportunity to cultivate by his side!"

"Well, I know..." He Jun lowered his head, no matter what others did, Chen Wanhe really had nothing to say to him.

"You won't betray us, will you?" Xiaofang asked again.

"No...no..." He Jun said quickly.

"Okay, for the secrecy of this operation, please hand over your mobile phones." Xiao Fang turned to look at the others.

In the killer's business, the most taboo thing is to leak the plan. It is reasonable to hand over the mobile phone before the action, not to mention that everyone else has handed it over first, so He Jun has to hand it over too.

Xiaofang put several mobile phones in a plastic bag, and then said: "From today onwards, everyone should not go out. There is a lot of food in the refrigerator, enough for us to eat for a week. In addition, Wang Qianchen's sense of smell and hearing They are all powerful, and they can also stealth, clone, etc., so everyone must be careful."

In order to restrain Wang Qianchen's many abilities, Lao Yu had already made a lot of preparations. The whole villa was filled with the smell of fish and the humming of the water pump. Even the windows were tightly closed, and a dark sun film was attached.

Xiao Fang and a few rock killers sat by the window, taking turns to follow the movement of the other villa.

He Jun has nothing to do, his task is to observe, and his every move is also restricted, so he can only pray in secret: "Xiaochen, you must not come..."

His hands glowed white, and he hoped that his [Good Luck] would work.


So, is it useful?

To be honest, it's still useful. After learning that Lao Yu Jinwu hides his beauty, and that he is going to go every three or five times, Wang Qianchen will definitely go to Runyuan Villa to find out.

The first time, the car broke down and he was left on the road; the second time, he was stopped by the security guards and refused to let him go; the third time, because of a leader's visit, the villa area was suddenly under martial law, and no In and out...

A similar situation happened seven or eight times. No matter how hard Wang Qianchen tried, he couldn't get in, but he was still very stubborn. Even if he failed many times, he finally came out of the door and used the skills of [Invisibility] and [Soil Walk]. mixed in.

It really made him discover Lao Yu in a villa.

As Qi Yan said, there are six or seven girls hidden in the villa, and Lao Yu lived a happy life. Except for throwing garbage and collecting takeaways, Lao Yu basically does not go out, after all, he is still wanted.

Even so, Wang Qianchen did not act, but patiently observed for several days, and determined that there was indeed only Lao Yu in the villa, and decided to start in one night!

He didn't tell Li Xian and Zhou Sheng about this matter, the two soil realms couldn't help much.


At nine o'clock that night, Lao Yu wrapped himself tightly, wearing a peaked cap and a mask, and went out to take out the trash.

Although he is a monster and rich, he has always been sympathetic to Xiangxiyu and never let girls do such rough work. And this is also the time for him to take out the garbage at a designated time. At nine o'clock every night, the thunder can't be shaken.

Lao Yu came out with the garbage and looked around furtively. The night in the villa area was silent and the lights were dim. The security guards had already left after patrolling around.

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