Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 269: how many monsters do you have

"Why didn't you say it earlier?!" Wang Qianchen said speechlessly in his consciousness: "If I knew it earlier, I would have called Xiaowei and He Jun to come together. We have a better chance of winning together!"

"I thought you knew it! Mr. Honglou and the others came out before, didn't you see it?"

"No, I didn't think about that place at all!"

Before all the monsters came out together, it was still in Phoenix Mountain in Gaoping City. When the Eighth Prince appeared, Wang Qianchen was very nervous at that time, and he really didn't pay attention to the realm of several monsters.

"...God, I thought you deliberately kicked Xiaowei and He Jun away, just to pretend to be alone!" Banzhuan muttered.

"Don't think that everyone else is the same as you!" Wang Qianchen said angrily.

Although it was a bit late to know this surprise, but a surprise is a surprise. Wang Qianchen was really happy. Before, there were clouds and clouds, but now the haze has been swept away, and there is even a calm smile on his face.

Seeing that Xiao Fang and the others were about to attack, Wang Qianchen waved his hand, and several monsters appeared at the same time. Sure enough, all of them exuded the breath of the stone realm. Even Mr. Honglou seemed to be much stronger than before!

"Huh?!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Fang's eyes widened, and the other young people also showed surprised expressions.

"You still have so many monsters?" Xiaofang frowned and said, "I killed a few buffaloes in Gaoping before... How many monsters do you have?"

Wang Qianchen also remembered the past, when he came out of Mo Xiao's office and was besieged by several water buffaloes in the alley. At the critical moment, Xiao Fang beheaded them one by one, causing Wang Qianchen himself to be puzzled. Now he finally understands what happened.

But he didn't explain, but pretended to say deeply: "Monster? Hehe, I have a lot of that kind of thing!"


Mr. Honglou and other demons all looked at Wang Qianchen, each with a puzzled look.

"I lied to him, hurry up!" Wang Qianchen shouted in consciousness.


"Come on!"

Several monsters swarmed up, each rushing towards the long-awaited target, accompanied by the strong wind, strong light and the roar of the engine, as well as the soft chanting of poetry that sounded from time to time, the scene suddenly became a mess, and it was a lively fight.

Wang Qianchen was naturally fighting against Xiao Fang.

After "Kaijian Xiaofang" was promoted to the rock realm, he became more skilled in the use of sword qi. He himself is a "swordsman" conscious person. Playing these things is even easier. Immediately, one after another, sharp sword qi moved towards Wang Qianchen. !

Seeing this, Wang Qianchen immediately threw the bricks out, and then took out a sword from the Qiankun bag.

Before he learned swordsmanship at the recruit meeting, and after showing [swordsmanship], he felt that these things were good at playing, so he kept a sword and a sword in private, and there must be no [Monster Slayer] allotment. Weapons are good, but they can also be used in emergency situations at some point.

Although he is more proficient with bricks, and the cooperation between the two is more tacit, but sometimes an inch is longer and an inch stronger, when encountering an enemy with a weapon, you really have to change the guy.

"Clang clang-"

The slabs danced in the air, taking the lead in blocking a lot of Xiaofang's sword qi for Wang Qianchen. This job still had to be done. If it was replaced by Mr. Honglou and other monsters, they had already been cut to pieces.

Although Brick can't transform into a human form, it has sucked the blood of a lot of strong people before, and followed Wang Qianchen to rise twice. It can also move forward under pressure.

At the same time, Wang Qianchen also swung his sword, and the sword qi slashed out one after another!

When he was in the soil realm, his sword qi was still not good enough, and at most he made some air explosions; but as he advanced to the stone realm, the power of the sword qi became much stronger, although it could not be compared with the small side of the rock realm, but in With the cooperation of the bricks, Xiaofang also successfully cut a few swords!


Xiao Fang took a few steps back and saw several sword marks on his body. Although it did not constitute a fatal injury, it also affected his actions!

"It turns out that you are also a [Sword Art] Awakener!" Xiao Fang said through gritted teeth.

"Hey, last time we met, you said that I was an enlightened person from [Soil Walk], why did you change your mind this time? Come, come, let you see my other abilities, and think about what type of enlightenment I am. able!"

Wang Qianchen was talking, his footsteps moved forward quickly, and then he spit out a thick flame!

Xiao Fang was taken aback and quickly stepped back. After dodging the flames, he looked up again, only to find that Wang Qianchen was gone.

At the same time, he heard the wind beside him.

Although there was nothing beside him, he still sensed that someone was there!


Xiao Fang slashed out with a sword, but the man disappeared again.

"In the land!" Xiao Fang's eyes were quick, and he stabbed with a ruthless sword, but he still stabbed in the air.


The ground behind Xiaofang suddenly exploded, Wang Qianchen rushed out from behind him, and then slashed out with a fierce sword.

Xiao Fang's reaction was quick, and he turned back suddenly and stabbed with a sword.

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