Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 268: It's all stone

Wei Zihua guessed right. The reason why Wang Qianchen escaped without leaving any clues was because he felt the power of "Kaijian Xiaofang" and his party, and he didn't want to let them get involved, so he chose to carry this piece alone. matter.

Wang Qianchen was on all fours, running very fast, and from time to time he used the skills of [Invisibility], [Soil Walk], [Royal Wind], [Open Wall], Through Stone, and Leaping Rock. Shuttle back and forth, trying to get rid of Xiao Fang and others.

But Xiaofang is in a rocky realm, it is really difficult to get rid of him, not to mention that Xiaofang cuts out his sword energy from time to time, those fierce sword energy almost make Wang Qianchen invisible, no matter what means he uses, he can't escape him. range of attack!

Xiaofang's sword qi was extremely lethal, and huge marks were cut wherever he passed. In order not to harm the civilians, Wang Qianchen had to go to remote places, as far as possible from the urban area.

Finally, when they reached a wasteland, Xiao Fang and others surrounded Wang Qianchen.

"You **** can run..." Xiao Fang grabbed the hilt of the sword, bent over and gasped.

Several other people were also very tired, and sweat soaked the front of their clothes.

Wang Qianchen was still on all fours, staring straight at the few people around him, and he was also sweating profusely. But compared to exhaustion, he was more concerned about his own life safety. One rock realm and four rock realms seemed impossible to leave alive.

Thanks to Wei Zihua and He Jun, everything is fine.

Thinking of He Jun, Wang Qianchen had a strange feeling. He Jun had contacted Wan Long several times, but he could hear it clearly and knew that He Jun had leaked the itinerary of these people.

Just as Wei Zihua said, Wang Qianchen decided to give him a chance to see how he would deal with this matter.

When He Jun pretended to be sick and was hospitalized and postponed his trip, Wang Qianchen was relieved, thinking that he had repented, but the arrival of Xiaofang made him re-examine the whole thing.

Did He Jun really do it?

Even if he died, he wanted to figure it out, so he said quietly, "Without He Jun, you couldn't have found me, right?"

This sentence is very clever, and at first glance, it sounds a little despised by Xiao Fang.

"Hehe, has something to do with him?" Xiao Fang took a rest, then straightened up and said with a sneer, "Wanlong did tell him your itinerary, but I don't plan to wait at the terminal, that way There were too many variables, so I came to Luzhou overnight, thinking about waiting at the high-speed rail station here, but I waited and waited, but there was no sign of you! Later, I used [Tianqi]'s 'carrier pigeon' 'Department, I just found out your whereabouts! Oh, even if I am from [Tianqi], it will cost a lot of money to use a 'carrier pigeon'..."

Wang Qianchen knew that the "carrier pigeon" department of [Tianqi] was an extremely huge intelligence network, and it was pervasive in this land. Before the demon slayers in Luzhou City were repeatedly intercepted, it was the "carrier pigeon" that played a role in it.

It had nothing to do with He Jun.

Hearing this news, Wang Qianchen breathed a sigh of relief, even if he died, he could go on the road with peace of mind.

At least, he was not betrayed by the people around him!

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, brothers, get ready to do it!" Xiao Fang is what he does. He has rich experience and professionalism. He once again drew his sword, and several others showed their own guy.

The tyrannical murderous aura filled the air, and this was a team that had killed countless people.

"Xiaohonglou, you guys are ready to come out!" Banzhuan shouted in Wang Qianchen's consciousness.

"Don't come out..." Wang Qianchen took out the brick and said quietly in his consciousness: "It's not their opponent, there is no need to die in vain. After I die, the soul contract will be automatically terminated, and then you will go back to your own. Go home, it's a pity to let you follow a short-lived master!"

Of course Wang Qianchen didn't want to die, but it seemed that he had no other choice but to die.

"???" Brick said in confusion: "Why did he die in vain? Although that guy is a rock realm, but your rock realm has [Seventy-two Transformations], even if you may not be able to fight him, you may not have to. dead?"

"You're blind, didn't you see that there are four stone realms next to him?"

"Of course I saw it, what happened to the stone realm, Bumblebee and the others are also stone realm!"

"???" Wang Qianchen said in surprise: "When did Bumblebee and the others become Stone Realm, aren't they Earth Realm?"

"What, you were promoted to the stone realm in the infirmary before, and Bumblebee and the others followed you, don't you know?" Brick became more and more puzzled.

At the same time, Bumblebee and other monsters also said in their consciousness: "Yes, we have risen to the stone realm with you!"

Even Mr. Honglou said: "Although I have no realm, but after that time in the infirmary, I also feel that my strength has improved a lot!"


Wang Qianchen's heart was full of horror. It turned out that the previous promotion not only brought Wei Zihua and He Jun to a level, but also brought Mr. Honglou and other monsters to a level!

This magical fate, now Wang Qianchen believes that he is Ziwei Xing who came into the world!

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