Since this time it was a virus experiment, the core members of the island hid for fear of being infected.

Including the guards brought by Teng Ishikawa, everyone was hiding in the bunker, which was why Alice escaped so smoothly.

When ordered, they all took out their guns and even flew helicopters to pursue them, but by this time it was already too late.

Alice came to the shore with excitement and jumped directly into the sea. At the same time, she activated another water escape talisman.

The talisman turned into a water-blue light that enveloped the whole person, and then dived into the water, swimming towards the distance like a big fish. .đź…†.

To be exact, it is countless times faster than a fish. With the blessing of the talisman, Alice is like a rocket launched in the water, and the speed is beyond imagination.

At the same time, the entire Ishikawa family was in a sensation.

They had been working intensively before, and all aspects of the plan were going very smoothly for a year. They were about to succeed, but there was such a big flaw.

Ishikawa Yuichi was furious, "Look for me quickly. Even if it's a dead body, you have to bring it back to me. This woman must not be allowed to escape."

At the command, people on the island swarmed up and launched an all-round search under the command of Ishikawa Jiro.

The sky was crowded with helicopters and combat secrets, searching everywhere.

Ships of all sizes spread out quickly on the water, and even submarines and water ghosts were released underwater.

Even at the location where Alice fell into the water, countless rounds of bullets were fired like raindrops, and dozens of mines were detonated at the same time.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a dragnet. If Alice had not planned carefully and held the water escape talisman in her hand, I am afraid that there would be corpses on the spot by now.

However, tens of thousands of people were dispatched, and after working for a long time, they could not find even a single person.

"Damn it, you losers haven't found anyone yet?"

\u003eIshikawa Yuichi became furious, and everyone around him was trembling with fear. No one dared to say a word at this time.

"Master, it's not good!"

Ishikawa Teng, who had just gone back to check the virus laboratory, ran out in a panic, "Alice not only ran away by herself, but also took away all our recent scientific research materials, including all the data on Amaterasu's birth..."

Ishikawa Xiong grabbed his collar and said with murderous intent, "What did you say? Tell me clearly!"

"That woman took away the data storage chip. Now we only have some samples of the latest virus in our hands. Without data, we cannot further research or continue to create this virus..."

Although he was scared, but had no choice but to tell the truth of the matter, Ishikawa Teng.

It turned out that Alice had directly taken away the latest virus research data, and also took away various virus research materials collected by Ishikawa Takei.

Since Alice is the core of all researchers, and she has slowly gained the trust of the Ishikawa family, these things are in her hands.

Although the Ishikawa family still has some virus samples in their hands, they can even spread the latest research on Amaterasu.

However, there is no further research, no data, and no antidote. Once it spreads, it will all die together.

When everyone is dead, there will be no mention of the family's rise, let alone the rebuilding of the Big Dog Country.

In other words, if Alice escapes, not only will her family's conspiracy be revealed to the public, but she will also completely destroy the foundation of Ishikawa Takehide's plan.

"BaGeYaLu! You loser!"

The angry Ishikawa Yuichi slapped him in the face with a big mouth, "Go out and look for her. If you can't catch that woman, you all will die!"

Ishikawa Teng got up from the ground and went out to join the search team.

Ishikawa Yuichi waved his hand, and ten black figures appeared behind him. These were his personal bodyguards, the Shadow Ninjas.

"You also go find someone and capture that woman no matter what!"

The shadow ninja's figure flashed and disappeared like a ghost.

Alice used two water escape talismans in succession, and when she reappeared, she had already arrived at the shore.

But she knew she was not safe at the moment, so she used the last wind talisman the moment she set foot on the land. When the effectiveness of the talisman disappeared, she was already thousands of miles away.

Here is a pile of rocks. Without the blessing of the talisman, Alice is exhausted at this time. She sits tiredly on a smooth stone and breathes heavily.

Whether it is the water escape talisman or the wind travel talisman, it has the effect of doubling the blessing, and my consumption is also huge.

Everything seemed to be planned perfectly, but Alice still underestimated the strength of the Ishikawa family and their determination to capture her.

Before they could even take a breath, there was a roar of motors in the air, and a drone appeared overhead.

"Oops, why did it come so fast!"

When Alice looked up, the drone had obviously discovered her figure, hovering overhead and never leaving.

"It's over!"

She looked around and found that there were only rocks and rocks around, not even a tree. She couldn't hide even if she wanted to.

I want to kill the drone in mid-air, but I don’t even have a decent weapon in my hand.

In desperation, I can only struggle to continue.

Run forward, hoping to escape and find a hiding place.

But now she was exhausted, and she could still run. Before she could run far, the roar of the helicopter was heard again behind her.

Then a dozen figures descended from mid-air, surrounding her with loaded guns.

These people are all the elites of the Ishikawa family. The leader of the team is Ishikawa Fuji. He gritted his teeth and said, "You bitch, please hand over the information of the Ishikawa family quickly. I can keep your body intact!"

Alice sighed dejectedly. Although she tried her best, she still failed in the end.

At this moment, the figure of the man appeared in her mind: "Dear Ye, I failed. I hope you can save the earth and mankind again!"

She muttered to herself, then took out a dagger and stabbed it in the heart.

Alice had already made enough mental preparations before taking action, and would end her life if she failed.

He originally had the intention of dying, but he didn't expect that the knife was hanging in the air but could not penetrate, and his wrist was firmly grasped by a big hand.

"President Alice, it's up to you to save the earth. I don't want to do it again."

As soon as he finished speaking, a handsome face appeared in front of him, with a faint smile on his lips. It was Ye Bufan.

With his current strength, even on the other side of the earth, he could feel the talisman he left behind being used, and he immediately realized something was wrong.

I rushed over immediately, just in time.

"Dear Ye, you are so good to come!"

Although she was pointed at a dozen guns, Alice felt safe and full of trust when she saw this man.

Seeing another person appear, Ishikawa Teng's expression changed drastically, and he gave the order, "Fire, leave no one behind!"


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