After Alice came to this unknown island, she initially held out the hope of spreading the news. Later, she found that all communications here were independent and impossible to do, so she finally gave up the idea.

The Ishikawa family was very anxious and eager to rebuild their empire, so everything moved forward very quickly.

It has to be said that Ishikawa Kenei is still very capable. He has made sufficient preparations before and even has plans for which top scientists to collect. When Alice arrived, she had already collected forty or fifty of the world's top medical and scientific research institutions. biologist.

Some of these people come here for money, some because of crazy ideas, and some are tied here directly. In short, everything after arriving on this island must be arranged by the Ishikawa family.

As the leader of the R\u0026D team is Teng Ishikawa, a direct member of the Ishikawa family. This guy is the only biologist in the family.

Let him take charge of this work, which is not as good as a layman commanding an expert, but there is still a huge gap between his level and Alice's.

As the work progressed rapidly, Alice naturally became the core of research and development with her strong organizational skills and medical talent.

She is only the deputy team leader in name, but she needs to direct and confirm many tasks. Ishikawa Teng gradually becomes a decoration, or a supervisor.

At the beginning, the entire Ishikawa family was still very vigilant. Later, they discovered that she had a strong working ability and had not done anything illegal. They gradually relaxed their vigilance and put all kinds of resources into her hands.

It has to be said that almost the world's top biologists and medical scientists are now gathered on this island. Coupled with the biological experimental data collected by Ishikawa Takei, the work is progressing by leaps and bounds.

Alice spends a lot of effort every day. From the bottom of her heart, she will naturally not contribute to this evil plan, but there is no way to stop other people's research.

Later, she chose a compromise plan, which was to monitor everyone's research progress, and once she discovered that someone was about to make a breakthrough, she would be the first to get the results out.

In this way, he did not contribute to this evil plan, and secondly, he made himself look like he had achieved great results and won the trust of the Ishikawa family.

Of course, all of this is predicated on a smart mind and a huge reserve of knowledge, which other people simply cannot achieve.

There are definitely geniuses in this world. She was able to serve as the president of the World Medical Association in her twenties, not because of her fame, but because of her true talents and learning.

It seems like she is working crazily every day, but in fact Alice is extremely anxious. She cannot stop this evil plan and can only hope that that day will come later.

But contrary to expectations, just a year later, a crazy biologist actually developed a new type of virus.

This thing is extremely toxic. Once infected, a high fever will occur within two hours, lung failure will occur within three days, and death will occur within seven days.

The most important thing is that this virus is transmitted through the respiratory tract, and once it spreads, it is almost unstoppable.

With this result, the entire Ishikawa family was excited. It seemed that they saw the hope of ruling the world. Ishikawa Yuichi personally named the virus Amaterasu.

Alice was so anxious that she wanted to slap the biologist to death, but she had no choice, the matter was here, and she could only think of other ways to destroy this evil plan.

But a year later, she was so trapped on this island that she couldn't leave at all, let alone get in touch with the outside world.

The only hope is that the Ishikawa family

She is becoming less and less wary, and developing the virus is only the first step. She still needs to study how to spread it and obtain relevant data.

In this case, she would have to go outside to conduct various experiments. This might also be her only chance to escape from the base.

That afternoon, Teng Ishikawa, the team leader, took more than a dozen of his subordinates to a hill in the middle of the island. The main purpose of the experiment was to test the infectivity of the virus.

In the past year, the Ishikawa family has taken in many refugees from outside. They say it is charity, but in fact they are using these people as guinea pigs.

Although Alice couldn't bear it, she had no choice. She couldn't do anything at all. For the sake of mankind on the entire earth, she could only bite the bullet and suppress the kindness in her heart.

"I will do this experiment myself. I don't trust others doing it. There must be no mistakes."

Alice's approach was approved by Teng Ishikawa. The others hid in a nearby tent. Alice wore thick protective clothing and came to the top of the mountain with the virus sample in her hand.

A hundred refugees were organized to camp on the other side of the downwind. They had no idea what was going on on the top of the mountain and were completely immersed in the activities arranged by the Ishikawa family.

According to the previously designed plan, these viruses were quietly released on the top of the mountain and the distance was recorded.

Then we began to observe the infection status of those people, obtain first-hand data, and then adjust the virus's infectivity.

After all, what the Ishikawa family wants to do is to infect the entire earth. No matter how powerful the virus is, it must be contagious enough.

"President Alice, get ready, start now!"

As the commander of this test, Teng Ishikawa issued the order.

"Okay, start now!"

Alice agreed happily, but after saying that, she took off her protective clothing and revealed a golden talisman in her hand.

Before returning to China that day, Ye Bufan gave her a few talismans, saying they could save her life at critical moments.

Alice has always been a personal collector. When she came to the Nameless Island this time, since she was not considered to be able to escape, the Ishikawa family did not search her body too carefully.

"Whether you can escape or not depends on you, don't let me down."

Praying secretly in his heart, he ignited the talisman in his hand, and then turned into a blue light that enveloped his whole body.

At that time, Ye Bufan's strength was not too strong. This was just an ordinary wind charm, but it was enough for Alice to escape now.

After the talisman was ignited, she suddenly felt that her whole body became light and airy, and then she jumped down from the top of the mountain and galloped away into the distance.

This feeling was so wonderful. It was the first time that Alice experienced it. A single step could reach more than ten meters, and every time the sole of her foot fell, it seemed as if she had stepped on a gust of wind, and then bounced up again.

The most important thing is that no matter whether there are rocks, ravines, or cliffs ahead, there is no need to think about it at all. Every step is like stepping on something real, and the whole person is as fast as the wind.

The hill they chose to do the experiment was not in the middle of the island, but about four or five kilometers away from the side closest to the sea.

Ishikawa Fuji waited for a moment and there was no movement. He felt something was wrong. When he looked up, there was no sign of Alice.

He hurriedly searched around, but found that the other party had already arrived at the shore.

This surprised him. He didn't expect Alice to run away at this time, and roared, "Get her back quickly!" After Alice came to this unknown island, she initially held out the hope of spreading the news. Later, I discovered that all communications here are independent and simply impossible, so I finally gave up the idea.

The Ishikawa family was very anxious and eager to rebuild their empire, so everything moved forward very quickly.

It has to be said that Ishikawa Kenei is still very capable. He has made sufficient preparations before and even has plans for which top scientists to collect. When Alice arrived, she had already collected forty or fifty of the world's top medical and scientific research institutions. biologist.

Some of these people come here for money, some because of crazy ideas, and some are tied here directly. In short, everything after arriving on this island must be arranged by the Ishikawa family.

As the leader of the R\u0026D team is Teng Ishikawa, a direct member of the Ishikawa family. This guy is the only biologist in the family.

Let him take charge of this work, which is not as good as a layman commanding an expert, but there is still a huge gap between his level and Alice's. .🅆.

As the work progressed rapidly, Alice naturally became the core of research and development with her strong organizational skills and medical talent.

She is only the deputy team leader in name, but she needs to direct and confirm many tasks. Ishikawa Teng gradually becomes a decoration, or a supervisor.

At the beginning, the entire Ishikawa family was still very vigilant. Later, they discovered that she had a strong working ability and had not done anything illegal. They gradually relaxed their vigilance and put all kinds of resources into her hands.

It has to be said that almost the world's top biologists and medical scientists are now gathered on this island. Coupled with the biological experimental data collected by Ishikawa Takei, the work is progressing by leaps and bounds.

Alice spends a lot of effort every day. From the bottom of her heart, she will naturally not contribute to this evil plan, but there is no way to stop other people's research.

Later, she chose a compromise plan, which was to monitor everyone's research progress, and once she discovered that someone was about to make a breakthrough, she would be the first to get the results out.

In this way, he did not contribute to this evil plan, and secondly, he made himself look like he had achieved great results and won the trust of the Ishikawa family.

Of course, all of this is predicated on a smart mind and a huge reserve of knowledge, which other people simply cannot achieve.

There are definitely geniuses in this world. She was able to serve as the president of the World Medical Association in her twenties, not because of her fame, but because of her true talents and learning.

It seems like she is working crazily every day, but in fact Alice is extremely anxious. She cannot stop this evil plan and can only hope that that day will come later.

But contrary to expectations, just a year later, a crazy biologist actually developed a new type of virus.

This thing is extremely toxic. Once infected, a high fever will occur within two hours, lung failure will occur within three days, and death will occur within seven days.

The most important thing is that this virus is transmitted through the respiratory tract, and once it spreads, it is almost unstoppable.

With this result, the entire Ishikawa family was excited. It seemed that they saw the hope of ruling the world. Ishikawa Yuichi personally named the virus Amaterasu.

Alice was so anxious that she wanted to slap the biologist to death, but she had no choice, the matter was here, and she could only think of other ways to destroy this evil plan.

But a year later, she was so trapped on this island that she couldn't leave at all, let alone get in touch with the outside world.

The only hope is that the Ishikawa family

She is becoming less and less wary, and developing the virus is only the first step. She still needs to study how to spread it and obtain relevant data.

In this case, she would have to go outside to conduct various experiments. This might also be her only chance to escape from the base.

That afternoon, Teng Ishikawa, the team leader, took more than a dozen of his subordinates to a hill in the middle of the island. The main purpose of the experiment was to test the infectivity of the virus.

In the past year, the Ishikawa family has taken in many refugees from outside. They say it is charity, but in fact they are using these people as guinea pigs.

Although Alice couldn't bear it, she had no choice. She couldn't do anything at all. For the sake of mankind on the entire earth, she could only bite the bullet and suppress the kindness in her heart.

"I will do this experiment myself. I don't trust others doing it. There must be no mistakes."

Alice's approach was approved by Teng Ishikawa. The others hid in a nearby tent. Alice wore thick protective clothing and came to the top of the mountain with the virus sample in her hand.

A hundred refugees were organized to camp on the downwind side of the mountain. They had no idea what was going on on the top of the mountain and were completely immersed in the activities arranged by the Ishikawa family.

According to the previously designed plan, these viruses were quietly released on the top of the mountain and the distance was recorded.

Then we began to observe the infection status of those people, obtain first-hand data, and then adjust the virus's infectivity.

After all, what the Ishikawa family wants to do is to infect the entire earth. No matter how powerful the virus is, it must be contagious enough.

"President Alice, get ready, start now!"

As the commander of this test, Teng Ishikawa issued the order.

"Okay, start now!"

Alice agreed happily, but after saying that, she took off her protective clothing and revealed a golden talisman in her hand.

Before returning to China that day, Ye Bufan gave her a few talismans, saying they could save her life at critical moments.

Alice has always been a personal collector. When she came to the Nameless Island this time, since she was not considered to be able to escape, the Ishikawa family did not search her body too carefully.

"Whether you can escape or not depends on you, don't let me down."

Praying secretly in his heart, he ignited the talisman in his hand, and then turned into a blue light that enveloped his whole body.

At that time, Ye Bufan's strength was not too strong. This was just an ordinary wind charm, but it was enough for Alice to escape now.

After the talisman was ignited, she suddenly felt that her whole body became light and airy, and then she jumped down from the top of the mountain and galloped away into the distance.

This feeling was so wonderful. It was the first time that Alice experienced it. A single step could reach more than ten meters, and every time the sole of her foot fell, it seemed as if she had stepped on a gust of wind, and then bounced up again.

The most important thing is that no matter whether there are rocks, ravines, or cliffs ahead, there is no need to think about it at all. Every step is like stepping on something real, and the whole person is as fast as the wind.

The hill they chose to do the experiment was not in the middle of the island, but about four or five kilometers away from the side closest to the sea.

Ishikawa Fuji waited for a moment and there was no movement. He felt something was wrong. When he looked up, there was no sign of Alice.

He hurriedly searched around, but found that the other party had already arrived at the shore.

This surprised him. He didn't expect Alice to run away at this time, and roared, "Get her back!"


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