Urban ancient fairy doctor

Extra - Luo Yudie (Part 1)

In the 20th year of Long Qi, compared with before, the earth has two extremes.

On the one hand, technology is almost standing still. Under the review of the super version of the Technology Review Alliance, there is almost no significant development.

It’s no wonder that after experiencing the huge disaster that destroyed the world, people have become much more cautious about technology.

On the other hand, the mainstream of society has undergone earth-shaking changes. Cultivation and traditional Chinese medicine have risen against the trend, and people's pursuits have changed dramatically.

The most important thing is that Ye Bufan has connected the four realms, from the Holy Realm of Chaos to the earth, and they have close contacts with each other.

Of course, this kind of exchange refers to the flow of people and business circles. You can travel and do business, but monks have complicated regulations to prevent strong people from causing trouble in lower interfaces.

Under the huge influence and pressure of the Immortal Saint Ancestor, everything was in order, and the four interfaces communicated in a good order.

Where there is movement of people, there is business. Today, there are two largest business organizations in the world. One is Jubao Pavilion, which originated from Kunlun Continent.

Luo Yudie is really a strong business woman with a strong talent. She accurately grasped this business opportunity and established her own business empire on all four interfaces in one fell swoop.

It is no exaggeration to say that in her hands, she carried forward the Jubao Pavilion to the extreme, and even acquired the Star Reaching Pavilion that once dominated the fairy world.

Another business organization is the Immortal Chamber of Commerce, headed by Lu Banxia.

As a former business genius on earth, she was not willing to be lonely, and she single-handedly built such a powerful business organization in just twenty years.

In addition to her business talent, she also has a strong backer. With the Immortal Ancestor as her back, everything becomes much easier.

In the most luxurious pavilion master's office at the Kunlun Continent Treasure Treasure Pavilion headquarters, Luo Yudie sat on the large sofa and looked at the projection in front of her.

Circulated in the four realms, the most sold commodity on earth is electronic technology. Although further development is restricted, the level of entertainment technology in the past was enough to become popular in several other interfaces.

Now Jubao Pavilion has completely established its position in the business world, and everything is running smoothly. After being busy, this strong woman also has some free time, and her favorite thing is watching movies.

Compared with more than 20 years ago, Luo Yudie's appearance has not changed much. On the contrary, it has a touch of mature charm, and the whole person still looks charming.

Especially in terms of clothing, she got rid of the rigid robes of the Kunlun continent and put on the fashions on the earth, which made her a little more charming.

She only has one principle when watching movies, that is, she likes to watch sweet love dramas. What is playing on the big screen now is Westward Journey, which was once popular in China.

On the big high-definition screen, Mr. Xing was looking with tears in his eyes, speaking affectionately about that timeless classic.

"There was once a true love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I only regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is this.

If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that girl: I love you.

If I had to add a time limit to this love, I hope it would be... ten thousand years. "

Seeing this, Luo Yudie felt a sting in her heart.

She once had a true love in front of her, but at that time she chose the Luo family, chose to run the Jubao Pavilion, and gave up that opportunity.

Although she has now become the queen of the business world, she is not happy at all in her heart. At this moment, she truly understands what it means to regret something too late.

Countless days and nights, she dreamed of that man in her dreams countless times, but after all, it was just a dream and he had already left her.

Two lines of crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes. Just when her heart was filled with sadness and regret, there was a knock on the door, and then a maid came in.

"Lord Pavilion Master, there is a young man outside who wants to apply to be your assistant."

Luo Yudie wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes without leaving a trace, and her expression became cold.

"Is it a man?"

The maid nodded "Yes."

"Tell him to get out of here!"

Luo Yudie's originally charming and sweet voice was now full of anger.

Since Ye Bufan left, she has rejected any man, including several marriages arranged by her family, but they were all rejected without hesitation.

At this time, she was in a bad mood. When she heard that a man was going to be her assistant, she was naturally extremely angry.


The maid was startled. She had never seen her master so angry before, and she quickly turned around and ran out.

As soon as she left, Luo Yudie fell on the sofa behind her, her eyes empty.

"Little brother, I was wrong! If I had another chance to come back, I would definitely not choose that way. I would follow you at all costs.

I really regret it, is there another chance? "

She burst into tears and murmured, but at this moment a cold light flashed behind her, and a sharp sword light penetrated through the window and pierced her chest.

"Be bold!"

As the master of the Jubao Pavilion, there were too many people who wanted her dead, including business rivals and former enemies. Assassinations were commonplace.

Likewise, there was no lack of expert protection around her. As soon as the sword light flashed over there, four black shadows emerged from the darkness.

As the highest-level personal guards of Jubao Pavilion, these people are all strong men in the tribulation stage, and their work is divided in an orderly manner, with two facing the enemy and two guarding.

Luo Yudie was still sitting on the sofa, her eyes dull, as if she didn't feel anyone was assassinating her at all.

Maybe he was too distracted, or maybe he was used to this kind of scene. In the past, this kind of assassination would be solved easily.

What I didn't expect was that this time was different from the past. The sword light was so smart that even if two strong men in the late stages of the Tribulation attacked together, it still couldn't be stopped.

The sword flashed, and the guard's sword on the left was split into two pieces, and the one on the right had an arm cut off.

At the same time, a thin black figure appeared in the room, his face covered with black gauze, covered from head to toe.

"Lord Pavilion Master, leave quickly!"

Those who can serve as Luo Yudie's personal bodyguards are extremely loyal. One of the remaining two people rushed forward with a sword in his hand, and the other grabbed Luo Yudie and prepared to escape from here.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

The man in black snorted coldly and kicked out. The strong man in the late stage of Tribulation holding a long sword had no resistance at all and was kicked away.

Penetrating the wall behind him, he flew directly a hundred feet away.

At the same time, the long sword in his hand erupted with dazzling sword light again, and the sword pierced the guard's back.

"A bunch of losers still want to stop me!"

A flash of disdain flashed in the man's eyes, and then the long sword in his hand pierced Luo Yudie's forehead.

"Just die, if you don't have him by your side, there's no point in living!"

Luo Yudie's expression was calm and she closed her eyes without any resistance.

But at this moment, a figure flashed, and a tall and handsome young man appeared in front of her.

With his left hand behind his back, his right hand casually grabbed the sword light.

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