Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3886 Specialties from Hometown

Ye Bufan nodded: "Yes, we are back again."

Zhao Ya exclaimed in surprise: "How could this happen? We have obviously gone a long way, why are we back here again?

Ye Bufan said: "It's very simple, because this is a maze."

Mulanzhi looked shocked: "Maze, is it true? Could it be a formation?"

"It's not a maze."

Ye Bufan said, "Everything here is real. It is indeed a constructed maze."

"That would be a bit troublesome."

Mulanzhi's expression was serious, "My father once said that falling into a maze is a hundred times more troublesome than falling into a maze.

Because everything here is real, if you can't find a way out, you can only be trapped inside. "

What she said was the truth. Immortals are accustomed to using their spiritual consciousness to find their way, but in mazes, their spiritual consciousness is usually suppressed.

Just like now, I can't even see ten meters, and I can't even see far enough. It's useless at all.

Hearing what she said, Zhao Ya immediately became nervous: "What should we do? Does it mean that we will never be able to get out?"

Mulanzhi said: "My father said that the simplest method is often the most effective, and the best way to deal with the maze is to dismantle it, little by little, and then go out after dismantling it all.

But this is a cave left by an ancient power. It may be very difficult to completely dismantle this maze. I don’t know how long it will take to dismantle it. "

"This is too scary."

Zhao Ya looked at Ye Bufan, "Senior Brother Ye, did you bring enough food? We won't starve to death here, right?"


Ye Bufan thought to himself, he is really a foodie, and he is still thinking about his delicious food at this time.

"Don't worry, isn't it just a maze? I have a way to get out."

Mulanzhi glanced at him with some disbelief in her eyes.

"Master Ye, are you sure? You are not comforting us, are you?"

In her consciousness, her father is the Immortal King, but there is nothing she can do about the maze. She can only tear it down. She doesn't believe that this young man has any other methods.

Ye Bufan said: "Actually, the principle of the maze is very simple. It confuses people's six senses and then blocks the way out, so that no matter how you go, you can only return to the starting point."

Mulanzhi nodded: "Yes, it is precisely because of this that it is difficult to crack."

Ye Bufan smiled and said: "So if we want to go out, we just don't need the six senses, so that we won't be confused by the maze."

Zhao Ya looked surprised: "Brother Ye, aren't you confused? How can we walk without the sixth sense?"

"use this."

Ye Bufan flipped his wrist, and a drone appeared in his palm.

I have to say that District 51 has prepared quite a lot of these things, of various types and styles, and I have used less than half of them so far.

"What magic weapon is this?"

Seeing the drone, Mulanzhi and Zhao Ya's eyes were full of curiosity. They had never seen such a thing before.

"This is a specialty of my hometown."

Ye Bufan didn't explain too much. He took out the remote control to control the drone, chose the direction directly ahead and pressed the button.

With a buzzing sound, the drone flew forward, followed closely by several people.

Not far away, Zhao Ya shouted: "Senior Brother Ye, that's not right, you are starting to go around in circles."

"You don't have to worry about it, just follow."

Ye Bufan naturally knew what was going on. The maze was confusing people's six senses. What he saw with his eyes now was beyond comprehension.

Drones rely on mechanical control. They don't use eyes to see or ears to hear. There are no human feelings and doubts, so there are no errors in operation.

Everyone completely gave up their knowledge and followed the drone for more than an hour. Although the scene in front of them remained unchanged, they did not return to the previous starting point.

Zhao Ya said: "Senior Brother Ye, is this good? I feel like we haven't gone out yet."

Ye Bufan said: "Since I didn't go back, it was a success."

Zhao Ya pouted, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face: "I don't know who could have made such a big maze with nothing to do, and I don't know how long it will take to walk."

As she was talking, suddenly there was a buzzing sound coming from the drone in front of her, and it began to spin in circles and shake, and finally fell to the ground with a splat.

"Senior Brother Ye, what happened to your hometown specialty?"

With a puzzled look on his face, he looked at the drone on the ground in surprise.

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "It's very simple, we have walked out of the maze."

"You walked out, how is this possible?"

Mulanzhi said in disbelief, "We are clearly still in the maze and there has been no change!"

"That's the genius of the arrangement here."

Ye Bufan pointed forward and said, "Where we are now is a maze, but there is already a magic array in front of us.

It's just that the scene created by the magic array is exactly the same as the maze, and ordinary people can't feel it at all. "

It turns out that the drone can fly normally in the maze, but once it enters the formation, it will be immediately interfered by the magnetic field, and even the remote control in the hand loses its signal, so it falls.

I have to say that this idea of ​​the other party is really wonderful, it is completely seamless, and it is difficult for others to detect it.

"This...this is too weird."

He saw all this clearly, but even if Mulanzhi and others broke through it, they couldn't see any difference between the illusion array and the maze.

"You don't believe it, do you? You'll find out when you go in."

Ye Bufan led everyone forward, put away the drone, and then pointed to a big tree next to him.

"You can go and touch it."

"Let me try."

Zhao Ya reached out to touch the tree trunk out of curiosity, but she passed right through and touched nothing.

The little girl exclaimed: "This is really an illusion!"

Ye Bufan said: "This illusion array is indeed very cleverly arranged and silent. If you don't know that you are here, you will never get out."

Mulanzhi praised: "Indeed, the method of the Evil Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts is so clever that it is almost impossible to guard against it."

Ye Bufan shook his head slightly. He had just experienced this formation, and the aura was still very new. It would not have been around for too long, and it was definitely not the work of the Evil Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Including the previous Kamikaze Seven Killing Formation, the protective formations outside were all made by the same person, and this person was not the Evil Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

It's just that he doesn't understand. If it makes sense to set up only one protective formation, the purpose is to prevent others from coming in and exclusively enjoying the treasures left behind by the ancient ruins.

But behind it is a phantom formation and a killing formation. What is the purpose? If you have this time, why not just go grab the treasure? Is it necessary to go to such trouble?

He was puzzled, but others couldn't think that much.

Zhao Ya said anxiously: "What should we do? How can we get out of this illusion array?

If only the old man from Shenji Villa were here, I believe he could break the formation! "

Mulanzhi didn't speak, but she was a little worried in her heart. The formation in front of her seemed to be of a very high level and could not be broken by ordinary people.

At this moment, Xiao Qing, who had been playing the game, curled his lips.

"Are you talking about that bad old man? His dot matrix skills are nothing compared to Brother Ye. He is nothing more than bullshit."

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