Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3385 Thirty-Six Holes

The Kamikaze Seven Killing Formation was broken, and everyone regained their sight.

At this time, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. Of the forty or fifty immortals who had just rushed in, less than half were still standing there, and most of them had died in the formation just now.

However, no one pays attention to these things. This is how cultivating immortals is. What everyone cares about are resources and living people. Dead people have no meaning.

Ye Bufan glanced around and was stunned for a moment when he saw the scene in front of him.

After the formation was broken, they were in the middle of a small, empty square. It was completely empty and devoid of any treasures.

And all around the square is a huge hole, arranged in a ring. After a simple count, there are thirty-six in total.

These holes are exactly the same size, and the entrances are carved with patterns of various beasts.

The darkness inside seems to be able to absorb light, and the spiritual consciousness disappears immediately after entering, making it impossible to check at all.

"It's really weird here."

Ye Bufan frowned slightly. It seemed that the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts was not as simple as imagined. Further exploration was needed to obtain the treasures.

Others also noticed this, looking at the thirty-six holes, each with a puzzled look on their face, not knowing how to make a decision.

Zhao Jiuzhou looked at Wu Yuanlang and Bai Mengyao next to him, "What do you two think?"

Bai Mengyao still smiled charmingly: "Listen to my two brothers, I will do whatever you say."

Wu Yuanlang came from Tianji Villa and had an in-depth study of various mechanism formations. His eyes were like a torch as he scanned the thirty-six holes in front of him.

Everyone else's eyes were on him, waiting for the formation master to give the final instructions.

But after waiting for a long time, Wu Yuanlang finally shook his head slightly.

“It’s really shameful, I can’t see anything.

These holes should be the passages into the cave, but they are exactly the same and there is no difference.

We can only choose one place to enter, and let God decide the rest. "

Although they felt helpless, there was nothing others could do. Even the expert at Tianji Villa couldn't see anything, and they were at their wits' end.

"In this case, we will choose this one."

Anyway, it was all about good luck. Zhao Jiuzhou pointed at the person in front of him, and the others nodded without any opinions.

Geng Junsheng stepped forward and said: "Sir Elder, I have a request. Can you bring Fairy Mu and Fairy Zhao with you?"

This guy has been pursuing Mulanzhi. He had lost points one after another before, leaving a bad impression on the opponent. Now he wants to seize the opportunity to save some face for himself.

In his opinion, his side now occupies an absolute advantage in strength. If he brings Mulanzhi and Zhao Ya with him, the other party will definitely be grateful.

Zhao Jiuzhou knew what he was thinking and Mulanzhi's identity, and then nodded.

"Well, since there are three of us old guys here, we don't care about bringing two more people."

His words were equivalent to making a decision for Bai Mengyao and Wu Yuanlang.

"Thank you, Mr. Elder."

Geng Junsheng was overjoyed and quickly looked at Mulanzhi and the two.

"Wood Fairy, come with us!"

After he said this, other immortals around him cast envious looks.

Everyone can clearly see the situation in front of them. Everything is unknown. No one knows what kind of dangers there will be later. After all, most of them died just now.

But if you follow the three old monsters Zhao Jiuzhou, Wu Yuanlang and Bai Mengyao, it will be different. Everything will be much safer, and the probability of success will be countless times greater.

It's a pity that I don't have the background or the appearance of others, so I can only stand by and watch helplessly.

"I'm not going, I want to be with Senior Brother Ye."

But he never expected that Zhao Ya would immediately stand up and refuse, casually holding Ye Bufan's arm, with no intention of leaving.

Geng Junsheng was stunned for a moment, obviously a little unexpected.

But he didn't take it too seriously. In his mind, Zhao Ya was a bit childish, but Mulanzhi would definitely not be and would definitely make the most correct decision.

"I'm sorry, seniors, senior brother Geng. Thank you for your kindness. Junior sister and I will not be in trouble."

After saying that, she turned to look at Ye Bufan, "Can junior sister and I join your team?"


Ye Bufan nodded. They came here together. Since they were willing, he would not refuse.


Everyone was stunned, no one expected Mulanzhi to be this choice.

Geng Junsheng was even more so, his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

The woman he liked took the initiative to be with someone else but rejected him, which made him feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

"Okay, since the Wood Fairy doesn't need it, let's go."

Zhao Jiuzhou was too lazy to pay attention to this. What he valued most now was what kind of treasures there were in the Palace of Beasts.

As for such trivial matters of personal relationships between men and women, he didn't care at all.

After saying that, he walked towards the hole in front of him. Geng Junsheng glared at Ye Bufan fiercely and followed him.

Soon, a group of six of them entered a hole.

Others also formed teams and chose one to gamble their luck.

After all, you have come here, and you can't return empty-handed. No matter how many dangers there are, you still have to give it a try.

"Master Ye, I've caused you trouble."

There was a blush on Mulanzhi's cheeks. She didn't know why, but she chose this man uncontrollably. She always felt that she could feel at ease when she was with him.

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "It's okay, we are all in the same team, so there is no trouble."

"That's right. You're welcome to talk to Senior Brother Ye."

Zhao Ya said with a smile, "Senior Brother Ye, which cave should we enter?"

Ye Bufan smiled and said, "You have the final say."

"Then let's take this one."

Zhao Ya pointed to a hole in front of her that no one had entered.


Ye Bufan led everyone in and walked in. Leng Qingqiu led the way. She had the highest cultivation level and the strongest ability to respond to danger.

This hole is really magical. After entering, it immediately becomes extremely empty, surrounded by mountains and water, as if you have entered another world.

"It's so beautiful here."

Zhao Ya saw the picturesque mountains and rivers around her, and her face was filled with excitement.

Seeing a beautiful white flower next to it, I reached out and picked one, and then put it on the top of my head.

"Senior Brother Ye, do you think I look beautiful wearing this flower?"


As Ye Bufan said this, he was not at all relaxed in his heart. Instead, he felt a little bit more inexplicable pressure.

He found that after entering here, his consciousness was suppressed even more severely, and even with his strong mental power, he could not see beyond ten meters.

But that's all, no other dangers were found.

Several people walked forward for a full hour, but still could not find the exit.

Mulanzhi said: "Why is this road so long? You haven't walked out yet?"

Xiaoqing put down the game console, looked up and looked around: "Are we going the wrong way?"

Ye Bufan felt something was wrong and looked around carefully, but found nothing strange.

At this moment, Zhao Ya next to him exclaimed: "Senior Brother Ye, we seem to be back to our previous position."

She raised her hand and pointed to the flowers nearby: "Look, this is where I picked flowers before, and now we are back here."

Everyone looked along her fingers, and among the flowers was the flower they just mentioned.

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