Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,433 Helena’s Physique

The middle-aged man finally chose Ye Bufan, walked to his consulting table and sat down on the chair.

"Doctor, I..."

Just as he was about to introduce his condition, Ye Bufan waved his hand, "You have a headache, right?"

"Uh...right." The middle-aged man asked in surprise, "Doctor, how did you know?"

"We in traditional Chinese medicine talk about looking, smelling, asking and feeling. By observing your complexion, we can initially infer the location of the disease."

Ye Bufan's purpose is to promote traditional Chinese medicine here and plant his own flag, so he explains very patiently.

"Give me your hand."

After saying that, he checked the middle-aged man's pulse again, took back his right hand and said: "You have had a headache for almost two days. It should be because you blew the air conditioner after drinking, or you were exposed to wind and cold in other places, which caused the wind and cold to enter your body. Generally speaking, The headache on the left side is worse than the right side..."

"Doctor, it's really amazing. I did blow the air conditioner after drinking. I have had a headache since that night, and the pain on the left side is indeed worse than the right side."

The middle-aged man's face was full of shock. He had gone to the hospital before, spent a lot of money, and had many examinations, but in the end he could not find the problem.

The young man in front of him just touched his wrist and explained his illness clearly.

"Doctor, how should I treat my disease? My headache is so unbearable that I feel like it will explode at any moment."

Ye Bufan said: "There are two treatment methods. The first is to take medicine. Take the medicine according to the prescription I prescribed. After one dose, the headache will be relieved and it will be completely recovered in three days.

The second method is acupuncture, which can completely cure your headache in ten minutes. "

The middle-aged man quickly said: "I heard that Chinese medicine is very bitter. I want acupuncture."

"Okay, the acupuncture fee is 100 yuan, and I will treat you now."

As he spoke, Ye Bufan took out the needle bag, asked the middle-aged man to sit on the chair next to him, and then began to give him acupuncture treatment.

The headache caused by the wind and cold entering the body is not considered a disease for him, a medical fairy. As long as he uses the chaos energy, he can drive away the cold air completely.

At the beginning, the middle-aged man was still a little nervous, but he felt no pain at all when the silver needle was inserted. On the contrary, the headache disappeared quickly, and his head felt a long-lost sense of relief.

Ten minutes later, Ye Bufan took back all the silver needles and said, "Okay, your headache has been completely cured. Be careful not to catch a cold again so it won't happen again."

The middle-aged man stood up from his chair with a look of disbelief, first

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He spun around on the ground twice, and then patted his head with his hand.

"Oh my god, Chinese medicine is so amazing. Thank you very much. I will tell my relatives and friends so that they will come to see Chinese medicine in the future."

He said and bowed to Ye Bufan, then took out a hundred-dollar bill and handed it to Sophie, and walked out of the hospital happily.

As a clergyman, this was the first time Helena saw acupuncture, and she said curiously: "Brother Ye, can you Chinese medicine practitioners really know what disease they have by touching their wrists? How does this work?"

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "This is the result of five thousand years of research and development by our Chinese nation. Traditional Chinese medicine talks about looking, smelling, asking and feeling. By looking at a person's Qi and feeling the pulse, a person's basic condition can be diagnosed."

"God, it's so amazing." Alicia sat in front of Ye Bufan, "My dear, please check for me, how is my health?"

Ye Bufan reached out and touched her pulse: "You are still in good health, but your constitution is a bit cold. You should pay attention to keeping warm in the future, and pay attention to your diet. Try not to eat cold food."

Because Westerners and Chinese people have different eating habits and like to drink cold water and eat cold drinks, it is a common phenomenon to have a cold constitution.

Alicia said: "But honey, I don't feel any discomfort."

Ye Bufan said: "It's not just discomfort that is a disease. Some conditions exist even if you can't feel them."

Alicia asked in confusion: "But if it's not harmful to the body, can it be a disease?"

"Since it is a disease, of course it is harmful, otherwise it cannot be called a disease." Ye Bufan said, "A cold body will reduce a person's fertility rate. In recent years, the fertility rate in Europe and the United States has been getting lower and lower. It cannot be said that it is entirely due to cold body. caused it, but it was definitely a factor in it.”

"Oh! Honey, I know, I will definitely eat less cold drinks in the future."

Alicia seemed to have thought of something, her cheeks were shy as she spoke, and she looked more and more charming.

"Brother Ye, give me a look too."

Helena sat on another chair angrily and stretched out her white wrist.

In fact, as the yellow-robed archbishop of the Divine Court, her health was so good that there was no need to see a doctor. Doing so was just to get angry with Alicia.

Ye Bufan put his hand on her pulse. It was not there at first, but then he slowly frowned, with a thoughtful look on his face.


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With him like this, Helena asked with some confusion: "Brother Ye, what's going on? Am I sick?"

"No, your body is very good. This is the first time I have seen such a pure physique."

It turned out that when Ye Bufan checked her pulse just now, he found that not only was she extremely healthy, but her constitution was also amazingly pure, and every meridian was smooth.

Although there are still some impurities overall, it is much purer than ordinary people.

"It's good since you're not sick."

Helena breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Bufan asked: "Does your physique being so pure have something to do with practicing the magic of the Divine Court?"

"Yes." Helena looked around and saw that there were not many outsiders, then lowered her voice and said, "Brother Ye will tell you a secret. In fact, in our divine court, one is the physique and the other is the person who determines the level of cultivation. Mental strength.

The stronger the mental power, the more Holy Power can be absorbed, and the purer the body, the more Holy Power can be accommodated, and the stronger the spells used.

Because of this, our daily practice is actually to purify our physique and enhance our mental strength. "

Ye Bufan nodded. Through his recent contacts, he also discovered that Shenting's practice method was different from China's techniques.

Chinese Xuanmen monks increase Xuanmen magic power in their bodies through practice, while Shenting uses external forces.

Before every battle, you must absorb the holy power between heaven and earth for your own use. But except for spiritual power, there is not much difference from ordinary people.

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly moved, "Helena, if I help you quickly purify your physique and improve your mental power, will your cultivation level rise quickly?"

"Of course, the level of our cultivation is determined by this. Our physical fitness and mental strength determine our strength.

It was only six months ago that my mental strength improved and my physique was quickly purified, and I was promoted from Archbishop in White to Archbishop in Yellow. "

Speaking of this, Helena sighed, "But these two points are really difficult. Whether it is purifying the body or improving mental strength, it cannot be completed in a short time. I still have a long way to go before I want to become a red archbishop." I have to leave, but I don’t know what year or month it will take.”

Ye Bufan said: "I have a way to help you quickly improve your mental power and purify your body."

Helena was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Brother Ye, are you kidding me? How is this possible?"

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