Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1432 You are just jealous of me

Ye Bufan said calmly: "There is no mistake. This is a traditional Chinese medicine clinic run by Chinese people. It is free for Chinese people, but it charges US$100 for citizens of country M. You can choose whether to watch or not."

The man with glasses shouted: "You...you are jealous of me! Jealous that I can become a citizen of Country M!"

"I'm jealous of you?" Ye Bufan smiled disdainfully, "Sorry, I'm overthinking it, there's really nothing about you that makes me jealous.

I am proud to be a Chinese. I have never thought about becoming a citizen of Country M, and I will not be jealous of you in the slightest. "

The man with glasses shouted angrily: "Country M is the greatest country in the world, and people like you are just jealous of me!"

"The greatest country?" Ye Bufan shook his head, "In that case, why don't you go to the hospital in the greatest country for treatment? Instead, you go to our Chinese medicine clinic?"


The man with glasses opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

"If I guessed correctly, you should have been to the hospital, but Western medicine is not good at treating squints in the mouth and eyes caused by this kind of stroke. The treatment takes a long time and the effect is not good. The most important thing is that the cost is very high. .”

When Ye Bufan said this, he turned to look at Alice: "How much does it cost to treat this disease at your place?"

Alice said: "In our theoretical system of Western medicine, it is believed that this kind of squinting mouth and eyes is caused by viral infection of the facial nerve, causing nerve swelling. The treatment takes a long time and is relatively expensive, about two days. Between $10,000 and $50,000.”

Ye Bufan glanced at the man with glasses teasingly: "Your slanted mouth and eyes caused by a stroke can be cured with just a few acupuncture treatments here. The total cost of treatment is 200 US dollars.

Of course, I think that for special talents like you who come to country M, Chinese medicine is not worthy of your status. You should choose the medical system of the greatest country. It doesn’t matter if you spend more money. Are you right? "


The man with glasses was speechless again. Just as Ye Bufan said, he had just come out of the hospital. The medical expenses there were prohibitively high, so he came to the traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

"I don't want to hear so much. I know that medical skills have no national boundaries. If I am a patient and you are a doctor, I should be treated equally and not treated differently."

"Treat everyone equally, medical skills have no national boundaries?" Ye Bufan looked at him with burning eyes and said, "You must have known that you have been in country M for so many years.

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The price of Western medicine here is very different from that in China.

Have you ever informed the relevant departments of Country M that medical skills have no national boundaries and that the sales prices of medicines on both sides should be unified?

Needless to say, I also know that not only did you not do that, on the contrary, you were complacent about being able to become an M countryman and being able to buy low-priced medicines. "

At this point, he shook his head: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I just pay for the doctor and leave without seeing the doctor."

Some people are like this. They think it is reasonable for a hospital in country M to charge 50,000 US dollars, but charging 200 US dollars at a traditional Chinese medicine clinic feels too expensive, and they wish you could give them free treatment.


The man with glasses swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother, you can actually treat them differently. You can just charge more for real M country people.

But I am Chinese, and we are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor. You should give me free treatment. "

Ye Bufan originally wanted to leave, but stopped when he heard what he said.

"You said you are Chinese?"

The man with glasses said confidently: "Yes, even though I joined the nationality of Country M, I still have yellow skin and black eyes, and I am still Chinese."

At this moment, Ye Bufan's eyes instantly became sharp.

"You were once indeed a Chinese, enjoying China's benefits and China's best educational resources. In the end, China trained you into an outstanding talent.

As a result, you are completely ungrateful and don't know anything in return. You turned around and joined another nationality. You are still complacent about it. You actually have the nerve to say that you are a Chinese? "

The bespectacled man's expression froze, and then he said plausibly: "Narrow-minded! What do you know? Although I joined the nationality of Country M, I am still patriotic."

"When you joined Country M, you swore an oath under their flag, right? What was the oath? Now let me review it with you.

"I completely renounce all my citizenship and allegiance to any foreign prince, monarch, nation, or sovereignty to which I have formerly belonged, and I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, domestic and foreign..."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the man with glasses with sharp eyes: "You are a top student in the university. What does this oath mean? Do you still need me to help you interpret it?"

From the moment you took the oath, you have given up your citizenship and loyalty to China. If a war breaks out between the two countries, you will not hesitate to take up arms against your motherland, your former compatriots, and those who gave birth to you and raised you. soil of,

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Is this what you call patriotism?

If you still insist on saying this, then we in China have a very appropriate word to describe you, and that is a traitor and lackey! "


The bespectacled man's face turned the color of pig liver. He wanted to turn around and leave, but thinking of the expensive medical expenses in the hospital, he finally endured it.

"Isn't it just 200 yuan? Why is there so much nonsense? Give me treatment quickly."

As he spoke, he took out two hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and slapped them on the table.

Ye Bufan shook his head. He really couldn't be bothered to pay attention to this kind of people. Nowadays, there are more and more such refined egoists, consuming a lot of the country's resources, but in the end they come out to serve others.

The most important thing is to be confident and self-righteous.

Cao Xinghua took the man with glasses to the side. This simple stroke was extremely simple for experts like them, who are experts in traditional Chinese medicine. After twenty minutes of acupuncture, his facial features were completely back to normal.

The man with glasses took a look in front of the mirror and found that he had completely returned to normal. Instead of showing any gratitude, he glared at Ye Bufan with a malicious look in his eyes and left the hospital.

"Oh my God, what does this man think?"

Alicia said angrily, "I really don't understand. A disease that cost tens of thousands of dollars to go to the hospital was cured here in an instant, and it only cost 200 dollars. Why is he still not happy? Shouldn't he say A thank you?"

"Don't worry about him. This kind of person doesn't know what gratitude is."

Ye Bufan shook his head helplessly. How could such a person be grateful to a doctor if he could even betray the country where he was born and raised?

In their view, everything they get is deserved, but the medical fees you charge are not deserved.

Alice stood completely from the perspective of a doctor and said excitedly: "Dear teacher, Chinese medicine is really amazing. It completely cured his facial paralysis so quickly."

Then more patients came to the door one after another, and a middle-aged white man in his forties walked in with a look of pain on his face.

He first asked about the price, and finally paid the $100 consultation fee and walked into the hospital.

He was the only patient in the room at the moment. His eyes scanned for a week and finally landed on Ye Bufan.

Due to cultural differences, there is no concept here that Chinese medicine practitioners are more valuable as they get older. On the contrary, he feels that being too old may be a bit untrustworthy.

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