Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3005: Red fruit essence

Wan Lidao nodded: "You go buy Hongguo,

How many acquisitions.

The shadow of the golden fruit of the Wanli Dao was taken aback,

"Ontology, you want to refine red fruit?

The essence of this must be refined by the magic power of the Four Diamond Flower God,

General Taoism cannot be refined. "

The Shadow of Golden Fruit said,

"Except for the red fruit essence,

This Ruixian plane, what else can the Yuan Ying Da of the faction see?

I went to the plane of Ruixian, only one hundred and fifty years ago,

It took a lot of time to take care of the operation of Panshishan,

How can I understand the real mystery of the Ruixian plane? "

This red fruit can be refined with the rules of Taoism,

The Yuan Ying Flower God of Mountain Flower Plane can see it,

This is the rule of Wanlidao practice and Dao Fa has reached a certain level.

Great advancement in skill,

In order to experiment with the rule of Taoism alchemy,

Use this common red fruit produced on the plane of Ruixian to practice hands,

Originally, I didn't want to practice a baby.

These four-diamond flower **** disciples,

It’s impossible to be like the elder Yuan Ying on the plane of Shanhua,

There is a considerable supply of medicinal materials,

Refining the pill with rules and Taoism,

You can experiment with medicinal materials at the beginning,

In fact,

The level of alchemy and refining of their disciples,

If it’s not from the Temple of Heaven,

Far inferior to the elder Yuanying,


The cultivation base has reached a certain level,

The shadow of golden fruit has also increased,

Relying on the pill and magic weapon distributed by the martial arts,

It's definitely not enough.

Of course you need to refine it yourself.

Wanli Dao urged the four-diamond flower god's Taoism.

Refined ten thousand catties of red fruits.

Only then found out,

Some essences were refined in the furnace,

Ten thousand catties of red fruits,

Refining a finger-big piece.

not saying,

Alchemy is also a kind of Taoist practice,

Wanli knife refined tens of thousands of catties of red fruits,

Spent hundreds of catties of gold,

The alchemy of alchemy with the rules of Taoism.

Only then has a certain degree of improvement,

Refining a pound of essence,

The surface is like red jade,

Wanlidao takes this essence,

Urge the way,

Can promote the production of real water,

Nourish the golden core!

The four-diamond monks urged the Taoist practice to practice,

The real water produced,

It is comparable to the essence produced by red ginseng for thousands of years!

This is Jindan Taoism, Taoism mysterious.

It is much stronger than the cultivation system at the core of Tao Fa,

The higher the repair base.

The bigger the difference!

The perception of Jin Dan Dao Fa is naturally stronger than the core system of practicing Dao Fa.

Can rent the monks to produce real water,

This level of Taoism,

It’s not something that Wanlidao can understand,

Wanlidao thought for a while,

This pound of essence,

He refined for three years,

The red fruit refining is slightly faster.

This kind of essence cannot be refined,

Wanli Knife can refine this essence,

Because of the rule of Wanlidao,

Among the disciples of the Shanhua plane, they have average attainments.

Lien Dan’s level is more average,

At the beginning, red fruits were refined by the rule of Taoism,

The refining time is relatively long.

Do not enter the Tiangong Temple,

I want to get alchemy;

The required contribution point is doubled!

Wanli knife used this red fruit essence,

How to make it from red fruit,

Reported it to Quinn,

After half a month,

Quinn and Datou came over,

"This essence is good,

Let's refine some. "

Quinn said,

Gave Wanlidao four thousand contribution points,

Wanlidao set off immediately,

Bought tens of thousands of catties of red fruits,

Fresh and dried,

Refining for elders,

Quinn and big head,

But it’s not easy to go to a station to refine alchemy, refine tools,

Half a year,

Two Yuanying great powers,

These tens of thousands of catties of red fruits,

Refining a pound of essence,

Although it is better than the essence refined by Wanli Knife,


This is half a year for Yuanying Flower God,

Quinn and Datou exchanged views,

"This red fruit needs to be cultivated for a while with the rules of Taoism,

Only then can the essence be refined,

With our Taoist attainments,

The same level. "

Quinn said,

"This is hard work."

The big head said,

"Oh, you are right"

Quinn said,


Quinn and Datou returned to the mountain flower plane,

Said to Wanlidao,

This red fruit essence,

How much do they charge,

Quinn and Datou contributed their own points,

If Wanlidao don't contribute points,

It can be exchanged in kind.

Wanlidao thought,

Refining the auxiliary array needed for this array,

Exchange the red fruit essence from the elder Yuan Ying,

The magic circle rune can be different from the red fruit essence,

Elder Yuan Ying wants to refine this out,

It's easy,

"Then there are rules and principles,

Can always be refined,

The general four-diamond flower **** can't refine this red fruit essence at all. "

The golden fruit shadow of the Wanli Knife nodded,

"Don't refine this red fruit essence,

My contribution point to change the formation rune,

The contribution point is definitely a change of law books. "

Wanlidao said.

After half a year,

Panshishan medicinal materials are about to be harvested,

Wanlidao left the villa,

In the storage bag,

There are already a million catties of dried red fruits,

Million catties of dried red fruits,

More than three million catties of fresh red fruits are needed.

How much land is needed for this,

How many people need to plant?

No wonder Quinn and Datou have been refining for half a year,

Back to the mountain flower plane,

Did not use this red fruit as a mountain flower plane,


Wanlidao presided over the picking of medicinal materials in Panshishan.


at night.

Wanlidao started the red fruit essence,

Three months,

This wave of medicinal materials from Panshi Mountain was picked and processed,

The processed medicinal materials are sent to the Tiangong Hall on the surface of the mountain flower plane,

Tiangongdian is satisfied,

The contribution points are posted,


Panshishan medicinal materials are picked once every five years,

This is already Rock Mountain,

The types of medicinal materials are the most resident on the mountain flower plane,

There are fruits every year, and the medicinal materials reach the standard that can be picked.

This has only been picked every five years.

In fact,

Picked drugs,

At least thirty years.

This time the picking work is completed,

Wanli Dao is dedicated to refining pill,

Five and a half years passed.

Wanli Sword came out of the alchemy room,

Millions of catties of dried red fruits.

Refining 50 catties of red fruit essence!

This time,

Wanlidao went directly to the plane of Shanhua,

Mountain flower plane,

In the teleportation array,

Wanli Knife came out,


The monk guarding the teleportation array smiled at him.

"Brother Wan, it's been a long time"

Mountain Flower Plane Station,

Really powerful, good,

Just those few places,

Others are not equipment stores, or manors where there is a gathering of spiritual energy,

How big can the equipment store be?

Manor, usually ten li, thirty li,

How much can it benefit?

Wanli Knife,

Although he is the deputy director of Panshishan,


To the plane of mountain flower,

That disciple was dissatisfied with a smile.

Wan Li Dao nodded,

But it’s a superb expression,

Approaching Elder Quinn’s office hall,

Wanlidao's face immediately showed respect,

Walked into the office hall,

The monks who guarded the foundation building period went in to report,

After a while,

The waiter came out:

"Master Wan, please, Elder Quinn."

These monks in the foundation period,

And these four diamond flower gods,

It's not a class at all.

Brother Wan can't shout,

Call your lord.

Wanli knife entered the hall,

Handed over to Quinn,

"Elder Quinn, that red fruit essence,

I have refined fifty catties, and want to change some auxiliary arrays for the array. "


Adventure in the occupied area of ​​the devil,

Got one-third of the ten thousand team formation,

Said it again.


Quinn became interested immediately.

Received the jade bottle brought by Wanli Knife.

took a look,

Yes, it's red fruit essence,


Not as good as what he refined,


Refining these fifty catties of red fruit essence,

It may take several years,

Quinn is deducing the fusion of different rules,

How can there be time to refine this red fruit essence for several years?

"Okay, I will give you two hundred and fifty mountain and water Daofa runes,

Twenty space runes, 30 fire runes,

The demon formation was originally based on the fire system.

There is no need to use so many fire methods. "

Quinn said,

Wanli Dao's face showed joy,

"Of course, the demon spirit in the original formation,

Has been refined. "

The core runes and auxiliary runes are all arranged by him,

In this way, I want to break this pattern,

Elder Quinn, it takes a lot of effort.

Wanli Dao returned to Rock Mountain,

Get this one-third of the formation,

In itself, most of the runes refine the demon spirit,

Can continue to use,

In the Panshishan exercise room,

Wanlidao pointed it!

An auxiliary rune entered the formation,

God's mind is fully urged

This rune, and the fire pattern beside it,

Start to connect,

After half a month,

Among the volcanoes in this picture,

A green hill appeared,

Unlike these flame styles,

The law is transformed, magnificent and majestic,

The refining of this auxiliary rune succeeded,

A reminder of the law,

There are auxiliary runes,

Fall into the formation,

Five years later,

The whole array,

The mountains are looming, surrounded by threads,

There seems to be an ethereal feeling,

A collection of Wanli Knife Jue.

Walking into this array,

As if walking into a mountain thousands of miles away.

"Okay, this map can be used in the Yuan Ying period!"

Wanlidao is overjoyed,

Only then came out of the training hall.

From the successful transformation of the knife,

It has been used for fourteen years!

The price paid,

It's just a few thousand catties of gold.

Wanlidao walked to the seven-headed bird office hall,

"Seven-headed bird, I succeeded in refining the pattern."


As soon as this picture came out,

The combat power of the Wanlidao is stronger than that of the seven-headed bird.

The difference in cultivation level is not big,

Then think about Bao!

Of course I have to tell Seven-headed Bird.

The seven-headed bird nodded,

"Ten thousand li knives, Fendao the border of the country, five hundred miles away from the demons,

A manor has a spiritual root,

There are already the golden cores of the demons and humans, and they have fallen in which manor. "

The seven-headed bird said,


The sight appears,

Banao's Manor,

The Lingen in the manor,

Compared with just planting,

The root of the spirit grows a foot tall,

Completely natural conditions,

There is no planting method beside it,

The whole spiritual root,

There was a blood red, mottled cyan.

Although in the image,

As can be seen,

This blood red, cyan, like a flame,

But on another look,

It is still the tree with a height of 13 feet.

"How does this spirit root resemble the battle spirit root of the Biyou Temple that we have enlightened."

Wanlidao's face immediately changed.


There is not enough place for the spiritual energy of the mountain flower plane to gather,

A lot of golden pills, surrounded by the battle spirit roots of Biyou Temple, cultivated and understood the mystery of plants,

You know at a glance,

This spiritual root,

The fighting spirit root of Biyou Temple is a bit like ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this fire tree,

But absorbed the flames of powerful incitement,

Has absorbed the flesh and blood of tens of thousands of demon masters,

It seems that it is very different from the battle roots of the Biyou Temple planted on the plane of Shanhua.

This is the plant,

Once evolved, the difference is quite big.

"A monk who can possess battle roots at the level of Biyou Temple,

At least have Yuan Ying cultivation base,

Cooperate with this fighting spirit,

Don't talk about Brother Jindan,

Ordinary Yuanying monks go in,

The same fall. To be continued)

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