Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3004: Sword country


Panshi Mountain is already the border with the area occupied by the demons.

Qingxuan Country,

Close to Rock Mountain,


Qingxuan Country, but unlike the others,

It’s as nervous as going to the country on the border with the demons,

Panshi Mountain has a radius of five thousand miles,

Within one hundred years of its establishment,

There is often a sword light from the heavens,

Like a changhong at night,

Across the sky,

Come from the Mozu side,

Like passing over the rocky mountain,


Immediately there was a loud noise like a huge thunder,

There are huge fireworks in the sky,

Demon monks passing by over the rocky mountain,

The vast majority have fallen,

and so,

In the last hundred years,

There are not many Mozu monks passing by Rock Mountain.

Qingxuan country therefore,

Not much affected by the demons,

Still maintain a relatively prosperous,

Wanlidao walked into Yuhua Pass,

Walked a few miles, turned a few streets,

The shops on the street grew taller,

The streets are wider and cleaner,

The bushes for hundreds of years are lush,

This is the best shop in Yuhuaguan,

Wanlidao walked into a shop,

This shop is called Qing Tan Zhai.

Entered the Ching Tan Zhai,

The waiter greeted him immediately,

I already have wrinkles on my face,

See, Wanlidao,

But it is deeply arched,

"Inside please---"

This person has been here for decades,

I went from a teenager to middle age.

This person. But the style remains the same.

Yanshou Dan in his hand.

It would be great if I could get one,

The waiter thought,

Please go into the hall inside.

Immediately, the shopkeeper came over,

He is already a monk in the Qi training period,

Wanli Dao has cultivated for hundreds of years,

Like Commissioner Qian,

known long time ago.

Some good materials,

Can be received in the mortal world,

The shopkeeper took out a storage bag,

"This is the material collected over the years."

Take a look at Wanlidao,

Thousand-year plants grow tender leaves every morning during the solar terms.

Some stones,

Looks good,

It's a good auxiliary material for refining equipment,

Some plants,

Only a certain amount of immortal stones can be bought in Xiuzhenfang City.

The Zhoutian star formation on the plane of the mountain flower,

The team tempered some metals. Refining materials such as stone are very strong,


The effect of auxiliary materials for mixing equipment is general,

Thousand-year plants grow tender leaves every morning during the solar terms.

This is impossible for Zhou Tianxing to do.

The station of the mountain flower plane,

Used to grow those high-grade spiritual roots,

Don't think it is enough,

How can I have time to grow these ordinary plants?

Collect these materials,

Do the best by these mortals.

"Some materials are not as much as in previous years. In this way,

I will give you ten pills for life extension. "

Wanlidao said,

"My lord, some materials, other monks, come to buy them likewise."

The shopkeeper smiled and said,

Damn, pinch it with me,

Wanlidao was a little angry,


One thought,

But so,

Other monks,

Not a fool,

I know that in this mundane chamber of commerce,

The other monks also know.

Don't talk about the Four Diamond Flower God,

Yuan Ying Flower God is also possible to come,

"Well, I'll give you thirteen life extension pills,

This life extension pill can increase the life span of mortals by 15 years.

The golden core might not necessarily be able to be refined. "

Wan Lidao said proudly,


What Wanlidao said is indeed true,

Refining these elixirs,

The medicinal materials used are only a few decades,


Some varieties of medicinal materials,

But it is very precious.

Don't talk about ordinary Jindan,

The general little school,

There can be no,


The refined pill must be able to prolong life,

This pill must be able to fuse the five qi,

Generally used precious medicinal materials for hundreds of years, thousands of years,

Can be refined,

Use decades of medicinal materials to make Yanshou Dan,

This is using the rule of law,

The most effective ingredients in the medicinal materials of the past few decades are refined,

Same as Dan Fang,

However, with decades of medicinal materials,

The ordinary four-diamond flower **** cannot be refined at all,


Those precious medicinal materials,

Although it is for decades,

The Wanli Knife cannot be used much.

"That is, Mr. Master."

The shopkeeper’s smile, took the medicine,

In fact,

Collect these items,

It also has to drive quite a lot of people to do things,

Very cumbersome,


This kind of life extension pills,

The effect is the same as in the market,


In Fangshi, this pill,

It’s from 300,000 middle-grade immortal stones,

The color is not as good as this pill,

Not as effective as this pill,

Where can ordinary mortals use it.

Can take some items for thirteen life extension pills,

Holding this life extension pill is of great use.

Wanlidao walked out of this shop,

I have traveled through half of the capital,

Here, the building is gradually general,

Far from being as luxurious as the city center,

He walked into the compound,

In front is the shop,

Walk in and take a look,

It is a medicinal shop.

He walked into the medicine shop,

The waiter greeted him,

"I'm looking for a manager."

He said,


The waiter led him into the side room,

The delicately dressed steward came in,

"Well, I bought 300,000 catties of dried red fruits a few years ago.

Has it arrived yet? "


"Foot was only acquired last year. Isn't that. Immediate delivery?"

Wan Li Dao nodded,

The steward took a 10,000 li knife into the courtyard,

Open the warehouse and take a look,

Several warehouses are full,

Sweep away the magical thoughts of Wanli Dao,

All are dried red fruits, of good quality,

"it is good-"

Wanli Dao waved his hand.


Ten kilograms of gold bars are piled in a pile.

A hundred,

Gold is too heavy.

The steward looked at all the gold,

With red, pure gold.

Hongguo, a mortal edible fruit produced in Qingxuan country and several nearby countries,

Many farmers planted,

300,000 catties of dried red fruits,

Fresh red fruits are at least 1.3 million catties,

This one.

This herbal medicine shop earns three times.

The purchase price Wanlidao gave him,

One catty of gold three hundred catties of dried red fruits.

The price he charged,

A catty of yellow catty and a catty of dried red fruit.

It can be seen that dried red fruits,

It is indeed something that ordinary people eat,

Not expensive.

A reminder of Wanli Dao Fa,

The dried red fruits in this warehouse,

Flew towards the storage ring,

A few moments of effort,

Several warehouses of dried red fruits,

Has been taken away,

"The medicinal materials I said last time?"

Wanlidao said,

"Medicinal materials, we have received some from the herbalists,

However, a lot of it was given to the market,

Some stay, I will show you. "

The steward said,

Came to the store,

Open the medicine cabinet,

Take a look at Wanlidao,

Special medicinal materials on the plane of Ruixian you need,

There are only thirty kinds here,

Several hundred.

The four-diamond flower **** refines the pill,

These herbs are really not enough!

Quality, average,

For these shops, for these medicinal material shops,

Has a lot of prestige,


These precious medicinal materials are of good quality,

Sent to Fangshi,

Of course there can be more benefits,


I want to shop from these medicinal materials,

Collect some precious medicinal materials cheaply,

It’s not as easy as before,

"In this way, I will give you three hundred catties of gold,

Dried red fruits, these medicinal materials, how much are there, and how much are collected. "

Wanli Dao waved his hand,

There are thirty gold bars again.

The steward nodded repeatedly,

"of course."

In fact,

Those precious medicinal materials,

How much can I give this monk?

Of course it is for Hongguo.

Wanlidao found a restaurant and ate.

Out of the capital of Qingxuan Country,

A reminder of the escape method,

Fly towards the side of the country,

Flew more than three thousand miles,

It looks like a small town appears,

Down towards this town,

There are already many monks who have entered this town,

It says Huagaifang City!

Wanlidao also came to Huagaifang City.

Huagaifang City, in Fendao Country, near neighboring countries,

There are far less cultivators than mortals.

This is close to the border with the demons,

There are fewer squares,

Thousands of miles,

Just this larger Huagaifang City,

Has gathered for thousands of miles,

A useful property for cultivators,

Wanli Knife entered the Fang City,

Looking everywhere,

Slightly better material,

All need to use fairy stones,

The monk who set up a stall, the monk who opened a shop,

But I bought some good refining auxiliary materials,

This is the high level of Shanhua plane refiner,

Generally monks use these materials to refine tools,


Shanhua plane uses these auxiliary materials to refine,

The refined items are different.

This is not a leak,

This is the price difference caused by different applications on the mixer.

Spent a dozen celestial stones,

Just bought a god-like item,

That is legend,

Wanlidao stayed here for half a month,

Only then left Fang City,

This fly,

Flew four thousand miles toward the human occupation area,

Then I saw another square market.

This square is called Hecaifang.

But it is already far away from the area occupied by the demons,

In this Hecaifang City, he stayed for a month,

Some items are collected,


These items,

Exchange the auxiliary formation rune,

That is not enough,

Wanlidao thought and thought,

Flew towards the capital of Fen Dao Country again,

Wanli Knife, transferred to Panshi Mountain,

It has been one hundred and fifty years,

I often go to mortals to shop for treasures,

For the mortal chambers of commerce in several nearby countries,

Of course,

Entered the capital of Fen Dao Country,

Walked a few miles,

To the side,

The house here, I want to be wider,

Most businesses gather here,

He entered a large drug store,

The waiter came up,

"I want you to take care of things."

The waiter looked at the dress of Wanli Knife,

The monk's dress,

As if the quality of Jadeite is even better,

I can’t see what kind of material it is.

I knew right away that this was a rich rich man,

Hurriedly took Wanlidao into the office next to him,

Guan Shi is sitting and looking at some herbs,

The steward saw Wanlidao come in,

Smile on his face immediately,

Able to manage things,

Of course it can be seen,

This is the monk's clothing.

He arched his hand at Wanli Dao,

Wanlidao nodded,

Full of big names,

"I want to buy 300,000 catties of dried red fruits,

Gold thousand catties,

If you can buy well here,

I can give you three hundred catties of gold. "

300,000 catties of dried red fruits and gold,

This makes money,

Needless to say,

"It will take at least three months to receive it."

This manager said,

"That's good." Wanli Dao waved his hand.

Ten gold bars,

Ten catties per gold bar,

Has been placed on the desk of the steward.

The manager’s smile bloomed,

Wanli Knife is out of the national capital of Fen Dao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ body shape,

Already flew fifteen hundred miles in an instant,

After falling towards a villa,

Over the mountain villa,

Space ripples flashed,

Wanli Dao has entered the villa,

In the villa,

A monk greeted him immediately,

Arched his hand towards Wanli Dao:


This is the shadow of the golden fruit of the Wanli Dao,

Practice in this place where spiritual energy converges. (To be continued...)

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