Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1965: Yuan Ying Shenwei

Several Rako Protoss rushed in,

One sword one,

Several peaks have been smashed to pieces


These dozen mountain peaks,

Although it is a ghost,

However, using a variety of earth-based mysteries,

Heavier than a real mountain

The figures of these Rako Protoss are just stagnant,

But seeing, dozens of peaks,

Just smashed

"The human circle is really weird"

A Rako Protoss roars

Several dozens of long arms are cut out like a storm

The shadows of these mountains can't hurt them

However, it still takes a lot of energy

Dozens of mountains exploded suddenly in the air,

These fiercely charged Rako Protoss have retreated a few miles

A azure blue flying sword measuring several feet long,

Drawing out the path of the profound, it is already a sudden bombardment on a Void God Race,


Ice cubes several feet thick spread quickly on this monk’s body

"Ha, what is this?"

In the void, the cold turbulence of the void is the most frequently encountered

This Rako Protoss,


I'm going to shake this ice block to pieces

However, for a while, I only felt that

This ice is like an endless swamp,


Being resisted by this endless swamp

This Rako Protoss was taken aback

The Four Diamond Flower God, among the human race,


The magic weapon used really has its secrets, which is not comparable to ordinary void beasts.

The divine power gave another lift,

A fiery red knife light, like a horse training of thousands of feet, is extremely beautiful, with the sword intent like the sky, and it is already whizzing.


There was a thunderstorm,

The body of the Rako Protoss has already been chopped off

Until then, the divine power gushes out like a tsunami,

The azure blue ice fragments whizzed forward and backward


It is another treasure, transformed into a giant axe of hundreds of feet long, burning with raging flames, bombarding down like a huge thunder


The flame sputtered hundreds of feet high,

A big knife of the Rako Protoss was hit by the big ax after it blocked the bombardment of several magic weapons.

Already cut into pieces

There is just another piece missing from the Rako Protoss


Rako Protoss, whizzing, swinging his greatsword and warhammer,

Set off one after another violent storm

A few magic weapons fell again,

This monk of the Rako Protoss has been smashed into pieces

The magic weapon of the ordinary four-diamond flower god,

The difference between their magic weapons and Committee Qian’s is revealed

The magic weapon of the ordinary four-diamond flower god, several people in a row urged it with all their strength, and only then killed a Rako protoss,

Member Qian, Ruan Ren and Hong Duan’s magic weapon,

Thunder strike,

Rako Protoss, at least tumbling dozens of miles

However, this is already the limit for this group of monks to block the Rako Protoss

The azure blue flying sword flew up, circling in the air, drawing a semicircular azure blue arc,

Has been hit by a thunderfire, traversing several miles


Above the flying sword,

The azure blue flame flies, in the void, a deep picture

The azure blue flying sword, already shaking in the air,

Then, another thunder fire came,

In a crash,

The azure blue flying sword has been blasted into several pieces


The owner of the azure blue flying sword is just a shot of blood

This magic weapon has been tempered by the soul, and it was destroyed at once.

Several Rako Protoss,

It’s like a whistling space turbulence, appearing in front of the airship


There was a loud noise, and on the crimson airship, the flames rose.

The crimson airship was already exploded into pieces

The purple airship was in the flash of lightning,

The hull turned,

Is already a shelling out

A Rako Protoss turned to ashes,

There is also a Rako Protoss who was rubbed by the gunfire,

Half of his body has been bombarded

Ruan Ren waved his hand and a big seal came out

A Rako Protoss,

When the two swords spin, a giant spin of hundreds of feet appears.

Of the four airship operators who ran out of the crimson airship, the three of them were chopped into debris, and there were no bones left. Only one airship operator escaped.

Seeing Da Yin bang, it was double swords crossed, it was first gear.


Dozens of long double swords were broken into five or six pieces

"Damn, awesome"

The Rako Protoss shouted

This Rako Protoss, the whole body space is turbulent together

Already appeared hundreds of miles away

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

The formation opened with a bang,

The operator of the airship rushed in like flying

Nodded repeatedly to Committee Member Qian,

But I can't even speak

"Lake Protoss, it's really not built, but just a side effect, my magic weapon is already a bit unsupportable."

The operator of the airship said a word for a long time

So far, the strongest attack on the members of Committee Member Qian has been repulsed.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Hundreds of thunders sounded,

Hundreds of feet of flame chaotically,

Dozens of airships arrived, hundreds of Lecco Protoss,

Also arrived

Right around them, the battle was fierce,

The flower of thousands of flames blooms for hundreds of meters,

Bloom at the same time

Howling, crying,

Like the most spectacular soundtrack

The crimson airship exploded,

The purple airship is also dilapidated

Hundreds of mountains in a radius of one square meter appear on the purple floating ship

Committee member Qian, it seems,

Already looks like a defeated soldier

Both sides of the fierce battle did not "care" about a group of defeated soldiers

"Heaven this battle, this battle"

Luo Zhi shook his head

"The risk is really big"

Chi Dawei smiled bitterly: "Is it still useful to say this now?

It’s still my own magic weapon."

"That's it, it's useless to say these, I don't know what kind of refining techniques Longmen Inn offers."

Luan Po said,

Chi Dawei, Buruo, and the other monks rolled their eyes to Luanpa together.

As for the dozen or so airships trapped in the middle,

There have been dozens of Yuanying Flower Gods around,

Escorting these dozen or so floating ships, rushing out desperately

The power of dozens of Yuanying Flower God can only be described as horror

Dozens of horse exercises, just flying in the air, rising and changing,

As if there are billions

Like a river, like mountains, like the sea, like a starry sky

Just flutter

Don't talk about the ordinary Rako Protoss,

It is the Lecco deity, more than two dozen Lecco deities,

Being practiced by these dozens of changing horses

I just feel that the sky is colorful,

Immediately turned to ashes,

With this power, the members of the Qian gang, everyone saw their mouths wide open and their eyes widened.

"I said, how do I feel that we are like a group of mortals watching the battle of the gods aloft?"

A monk said

"Yeah, I embarked on the path of cultivation, just once again, watching the monks fighting in the air, the thought that came up,

I just think, gods, flying around in the sky, so unhappy

Since then, I have embarked on the road of seeking immortals and asking swords, and it has been 900 years.

A monk very much agreed with this, and said with emotion

"After finally cultivating to the Four Diamond Flower God, among the thousands of companions who cultivated together, there was only one person. I thought I could be proud of the world, but I didn’t expect it.

In front of this bunch of Yuanying monks, I found the feeling of being a mortal again."

Luan Po said,

Also a look of sorrow

In Tianpeng Mountain, the four-diamond flower **** master, it can be said that it is, it is really rare

Even if the mountains are broken and reach the height of the four-diamond flower **** monk, it depends on the innate water and pearl

However, Luan broke the feeling in his heart,

In fact, in Tianpeng Mountain, at least oneself is indispensable

did not expect

For Luan Po, the scene of dozens of Yuan Ying’s flower gods showing off is simply a world gap.

"The Gap of One World"

Luan Po said

As soon as this statement came out,

The German monks in the continuous mountains, including Commissioner Qian, all nodded

It takes two Lecco guards to contend with a Yuanying flower god.

Dozens of Yuan Ying Flower God gathered together,

You need to gather hundreds of Lecco guards,

At this time, the height of the God Guard of Lecco was three hundred feet,

Far inferior to the change and ascendance of Yuanying Flower God’s Taoism

More than a hundred Lecco guards, in the process of gathering,

Dozens of people have been beheaded,

The rest, I only saw,

Around me, there are billions of rivers, seas, mountains, stars, one after another, whizzing

Dozens of Yuanying Flower God’s facial features seem to fill the void

Rako's guard, a powerful attack,

At this moment, on top of this boundless form,

The power has been reduced by at least more than normal

More than a hundred Lecco guards,

Was beaten back more than a thousand miles

The loss is average,

From the void, there were bursts of thunderbolts, and dozens of Lecco guards rushed out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, the Yuanying Flower God,

Is also increasing,

Even the attacks of these Lecco guards,

As if filling the entire void,

I want to **** these dozen or so airships,


And the monks who block the movement of the two sides, whether it is the Lyco Protoss, the airship, or the Dragon Inn monk,

As long as you can’t dodge, unless you have a high-grade magic weapon, or a magic weapon of the senior member of the money level and a soft-level magic weapon, you can escape, otherwise, it will all be ashes

Around the members of the Qian gang,

The battle stopped unknowingly,

All eyes are focused on these as if the entire void is filled with morality and law.

Yuan Ying Flower God, Lecco God Guard, keep joining

Until, the Yuanying Flower God, turned into a match, passed the number of one hundred

That is, the Yuanying Flower God gathered here, after a hundred

Lecco's guard, reached the number of four hundred,

Four times the Yuanying Flower God

However, regardless of the attack of the God Guard of Rako, it seems to be countless thunder and fire, bombarding together, as if to overturn the entire void.

However, countless thousands of thunder and fire, practiced with hundreds of others,

Hundreds of horses practiced for a while, and these countless tens of thousands of thunder fires have become invisible

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