Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1964: Magic weapon flying

However, with the fast escape of the Rako Protoss in the void,

As if countless meteors appeared in the sky

Rustling in the air

It was another bombing,

Several dozens of feet of gunfire passed by

But there are only a few Rako Protoss, reduced to ashes

On the two-person airship, each person’s airship, magic weapon, bombarded like thunder

The pilots of two airships,

Desperate shooting

Less than twenty casualties of the Rako Protoss,

In the thunderous roar,

A hundred swords light thunder fire,

Across a hundred miles, like clouds in a showdown

"Boom, boom, boom"

Along with the explosion of the airship protection method,

Thousands of feet of flame,

Wave after wave,


There was a scream,

The crimson airship, and the formation opposite Commissioner Qian exploded.

The monk with top grade equipment,

Product equipment

Countless blood-red monsters roared and pounced,

However, in the battle with the Lecco Guard, this top-grade equipment was also damaged

With the strength of the four-diamond flower **** in the early stage, he could not use all the mana of the top-grade equipment.

This time, bad

The blood-red monster appeared,

Still unable to protect all the monks,

A monk and magic weapon,

Shattered by several thunderfires,

There is also a monk, in an instant,

Several magic weapons were continuously urged,

It popped out like waves, shimmering like crystals, like countless mirrors

Several waves of thunder and fire blasted past, and several magic weapons were shattered.

Hundreds of blood-red strange beasts rushed violently against the thunder and fire.

This monk’s battle armor was broken, and his injuries were not light, but he was not blasted to pieces by these thunder fires.

Luan Po fully urged the flame formation,

Hands have turned into phantom

Hundreds of fireballs roared out,

Like hundreds of fires

The flame of the flame circle, with the full force of these hundreds of fireballs,

The flame has been reduced by half

"Boom, boom, boom"

Hundreds of thousands of feet of fire rushed up,

From a distance, it turned out to be beautiful and beautiful

However, it was just one; the Rako Protoss, was blown to pieces, several Rako Protoss, were blown up everywhere

Luo's hands,

Just an extra iron box, and his magic weapon will come out again

Just reach out

An iron box, a blood red brilliance,

Although they have heads and faces, they are like ghost faces.

With a pair of wings,

In an instant,

Just around this Rako Protoss,

In the ghost face, 10,000 points of blood sparks

One turn,

A Rako Protoss tumbling in the void, with its head flying up, with the blood holding its head, rushing up to a hundred feet high

The magic weapon that Luo refined is really powerful.

Not under my nine treasures show off tree,

However, the Nine Treasures show off tree, under the tempering of Qing Qi, there should be a lot of improvement

Commissioner Qian quickly repaired the map,

While thinking

The magic weapon of the dozen or so monks of this spaceship,

In addition to the top-grade equipment,

Just this magic weapon of Bro, a little more powerful,

As an abyssal monster, Luo can achieve such a high level of refinement cultivation, so he naturally has his own opportunities.

"There are too many Rako Protoss"

Luo’s magic weapon is powerful,

But he also yelled loudly

Several thunder fires blasted,

This winged grimace, tens of thousands of blood-red sparks spurted out,

With these dozens of thunder and fire,

The blood-red Mars is invincible,

Half of the thunder fire has splashed all over the sky,

The other half of the thunder fire blasted directly on the blood-red grimace.

Luan Po Xianyuan Yang Chi in one move

Nine fireballs shot out,

Several thunder fires traverse dozens of miles,

Shocked violently by nine fireballs

Facing the bombardment of the Rako Protoss,

This is the power of the ordinary four-diamond flower **** magic weapon.

However, being bombarded by these nine fireballs,

The blood-red grimace and wings stir up again and again, and countless blood-red sparks are emitted

A few thunder fires are already bursting

Blood-red grimace, rolling in the air, making a strange cry

Already has many scars

The magic weapon is damaged,

Luo roared, "Hurry up and use your magic weapon. What are you keeping?"

"Damn, our magic weapon, how can you be so powerful?"

Chi Dawei said,

Chi Da shook his hand,


A mountain flew out

Above this mountain, there are profound water, flames, and thunder roaring and rolling

This mountain, in the sky, is nothing but a radius of several meters,

However, Xuanshui, flames, and thunder seem to have a sense of boundlessness, with a range of thousands of miles.

There was a huge shock,

A thunder fire traverses dozens of miles,

Has been beaten to pieces

"If you see it, my magic weapon can also smash an attack of the Rako Protoss"

Chi Dawei said

Luo stopped talking now

Everyone has been in Longmen Inn for so many years,

There are differences in the level of refining tools, but no one has reached the level of refining top-grade magic weapons.

The outer flame array has been killed in half,

There were several big holes in the two airships

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand

A mountain range emerged,

Several Rako Protoss were trapped on the spot

"Is the formation fixed? Hurry up, go all out"

Chi Dawei shouted

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed,

In the void, there are mountains after another.

Several Rako Protoss are blocked

"Oh, the power of this formation is like this"

Commissioner Qian said apologetically

This pattern, when refining,

It’s just refined as an ordinary formation,

Blocking dozens of Rako Protoss is already the limit

"Quick, let us in"

The natives of Longmen Inn, with top-grade magic weapons, took a few surviving monks and stood outside the formation surrounded by mountains.

Shout loudly

"We also have a magic weapon"

A monk shouted

The two airships ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are in flames, constantly splashing, the way of protection of airships,

In the screaming waves, a gap, then a gap appeared

The body of the airship,

Got a few big holes

If it were not for the protection of the airship protection law,

These two airships were blown up long ago

As soon as the airship exploded,

On the battlefield in this void,

Still has a battlefield,

More reliable

"Hahaha, okay, anyway, hundreds of people can join the host in my battle"

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

The formation of hundreds of feet is doubled

Immediately afterwards,

Among the rolling mountains,

Several peaks emerged, especially steep and steep,

On the top of the mountain, there are words appearing, which is the control method of the formation attack

"You stand on top of these mountains, you can control the formation attack"

Commissioner Qian shouted, let go of the battle

A few monks flew in quickly

Pinch the magic trick on the top of the mountain

From this formation, the soaring peaks have increased several times

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