Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1917: Intervene

m One thousand nine hundred and seventeen chapters hands

No matter how these Haofeng soldiers came,

Can only prove one thing,

That is, the power of the Green Underworld Lord has extended to the White Bone Fortress.

However, Luanpo was a wry smile.

"The Great Wind Army of the main **** of the wind system is better than the abyss monsters."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Even if he and Luanpo are both four diamond gods,


Regarding the affairs between these main gods,

There is really no way.


Luan Po urged the Qian Qiang committee member with a clean tone.

He didn't feel much about Hao Fengjun,

Don't want to hand either.

Commissioner Qian did not move.

"Hey, what are you doing in a daze?"

Luan Po said.

at this time,

In the thunder and fire of Yunxia, ​​a clear voice commanded, the power of the formation,

Immediately increase several times!

Countless clouds, condensed into knives and swords,

These swords,

It looked like it was made of metal.

Exudes a faint brilliance,

Like a storm,

Blasted down,

However, the defensive method of the four diamonds,

Sure enough, it is strong enough.

One was covered in black fire and the other was covered in black mist.

Countless thunder and fire, swords, bombarding black fire and black fog,

It's just a wave of ripples.

"Oh-don't you think that this Yunxia Taoist method is somewhat similar to what I have performed?"

Commissioner Qian smiled.

"Oh---don't tell me, I haven't noticed yet, it's a bit like it.

Luan Po said,

"Do you know someone from the Haofeng Army?"

"Yes, my Yunxia-like high-level wind system is derived from this person."

At this moment, the profound monster covered in black flames,

The muscle ru on his face twisted and made a hideous expression,

This time, there was no huge claws as long as one hundred feet.

Instead, both hands drew a mysterious trajectory in the air,

Hundreds of black lights shook, jumping and jumping with a dizzying trajectory and incredible speed.

The endless aura of destruction suddenly exploded,

It seems that the endless clouds have been blown out of a large piece of nothingness.


With a scream, a Haofeng army wearing blue armor has exploded into a cloud of blood.

This great wind army,

It's already in the early stage of three diamonds,

Again in a battle of more than a dozen people,

However, the huge gap in rank,

Let him explode suddenly under the blow of this four-diamond u-god abyss monster!

"Hahaha----all your blood will be given away----"

This four-diamond God’s abyss monster laughed loudly.


A clear voice came from the clouds,

Lei Huo Yunxia, ​​the rotation immediately intensified!

The clouds roaring in a radius of more than ten miles, thunder and fire bombed,

It seems to have the power of heaven!

"Everyone, beware, the Fa Jue must be issued quickly!"

Amidst the clouds for more than ten miles, a cautious shout came,

Obviously, the strength of these two abyss monsters is very strong.

In the distance, Luanpo shook his head.

"A few three-diamond gods, a few second-diamond gods, and those with a high cultivation base are also the peak of the three-diamond gods.

Although the formation is good, but it is not the opponent of the two four-diamond U God.

You want to shoot? "

Commissioner Qian nodded, "Yeah."

Just when Luan Po was talking to Commissioner Qian,

The swords formed by hundreds of clouds flashed,

The speed is so fast,

Suddenly flying from outside the sky,

Booming on the abyss monster with the black fire body,

The black fire that protects this abyssal monster,

It seemed to stop and then exploded suddenly!

Accompanied by it, bright red blood splashed all over!

This abyss monster ate this trick,

Frightened and angry in my heart!

A long howl,

There is already an extra dark sword in his hand,

Just a horizontal,

On this dark sword, black fire flashed,

Dozens of long swords flying from here have been taken back by this black sword.

And the speed has increased!

Among the clouds, there was a muffled hum,

Obviously, on the Haofeng Army side, another monk was injured.

Immediately afterwards, the dark big sword shook, whistling with black fire,

The space of the black fire is already full of hundreds of meters,

Like a tsunami,

With incomparable violence and poison.

Yunxia thunder fire, touch this black fire,

All were broken by this black fire,

The large clouds of clouds collapsed into the sky full of clouds,

"Oh ----" in a scream,

A few screams came, and the three groups of blood mist suddenly exploded, rushing for several tens of meters!

The three monks who belonged to the Green Hades,

The man with a sword has been blasted to pieces!

The Yunxia formation is still running fast, but seeing the momentum,

It is a lot weaker!

The abyss monsters in the early days of the four diamonds made their ultimate moves.

Amidst the changes, it is wonderful.

The monk in the cloud formation,

One by one, they felt cold and sweat on their foreheads.

The monk who led the team also became impatient.

at this time,

A cloud of clouds flashed!

However, if you look closely, this Yunxia is different.

There is the mistiness of clouds, the sheer beauty of cliffs, the majesty of the sea, and the speed of lightning,

All the changes in the Yunxia Array, touch this Yunxia,

This cloud is vigorous and vertical,

Most of the changes in the cloud formation are resolved by this cloud,

What can't be resolved is just a shock!

In the cloud formation, changes like a sword like a sword,

But by this cloud, Huawei has shaken nothingness!

The monks in the Yunxia formation all have a feeling,

This person’s Yunxia Taoism and the Yunxia Array they are in,

There are some similarities.

""Xuanqiong Supreme Xiaguang Jing"?" In the formation, a person murmured.

In fact, the pattern of this formation, the method used,

It is the "Xuanqiong Zhigao Xiaguang Jing". Of course, the changes in the formation are also those common formations. However, certain changes have been made to the "Xuanqiong Zhigao Xiaguang Jing".

This abyss monster just turned around,

The black flame sword roars horizontally,

Infinite black flames are shining in all directions, welcoming towards this cloud!

In an instant,

There are countless "boom, boom, boom." voices sounded.

It's like countless thunders exploding at the same time,

The endless black flames roaring horizontally and horizontally~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly burst into the sky like a volcano!

This abyssal monster only felt that the clouds in front of him seemed to extend to the horizon.

It seems ethereal, and it seems extremely mighty!

I just felt a huge shock all over my body!

Half of his body has been flying several dozen feet in the blood column, and then suddenly exploded into fragments!

That's not counting,

The misty clouds, the sheer beauty of the cliffs, and the majestic force of the sea, shocked oneself to roll,

For a time, even the law can't be activated!

From the corner of my eye, I saw this cloud cloud,

The monks who have used the Xuanshui copper hammer have been rolled in it,

As Yunxia tumbling, there seems to be endless changes,

I saw it for myself, dizzy!

Bi Xuan Shui immediately turned into a series of water dragons, rolling ferociously,

I heard another dense thunderous earthquake!

A huge l, soaring to a thousand feet!

This ruined sea has four diamond u **** monsters,

Blood was splattered all over,

This is because the body of the monster in the sea is strong enough to not be broken into pieces in this blow!

The monster roared loudly,

The red copper mysterious water hammer has become a small mountain,

Towards this Yunxia is a hit!

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