Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1916: Confrontation

m One thousand nine hundred and sixteen chapters confrontation

"Bone Fortress also killed many high-ranking monks,

I don’t know how many died, but when we have more monks in the ruins of the sea and the abyss,

The Bone Fortress, we cannot dare to leave the plane where the Bone Fortress is.

In this way, the Bone Fortress is a confrontation between the two sides,

The monks of the Bone Fortress came from all planes,

The monks in the sea of ​​ruins and the abyss are also constantly teleporting past.

In that scene, the camps where both sides are stationed are already hundreds of miles away!

Even a plane next to the Bone Fortress was attacked. "

Speaking of which,

A voice sounded,

Very dissatisfied.

"I've been to the plane I captured, there is no special material, baby.

In addition to a better environment, suitable for leisure,

Not as rich as our ruins and sea. "

Everyone turned their heads. It turned out that it was a sea monster with two diamonds, Hu God, who had turned into a human form, a middle-aged man with a long face,

There are no eyebrows, and a few tentacles fluttering sparsely on his head.

Each tentacles is burning with green flames.

Originally, when talking about the battle of the Bone Fortress,

All the monks present should listen carefully,

However, the main battle is over,

Speaking of capturing a plane next to the Bone Fortress.

The monk still couldn't help talking.

"That is, I have been to the occupied plane, but the environment is better.

If it's material treasures, it's not as good as our ruins sea. "

Another monster complained,

He is also a two-diamond hu god, with a shark head on it, surrounded by countless blue water mist, like a tide.

"That newly captured plane, like you, must have never been."

The monster continued,

The face of the storyteller was twitched.

It was the second diamond hu **** who was talking, and he was the monster of the 9th grade golden core stage.

"This, I really haven't been."

It's lively now,

In the heads of the monsters,

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo finally understood.

Conquering a plane, but disappointing many ruins Hyde monsters.

In addition to a better environment,

The materials and treasures of this face are not as good as the sea of ​​ruins.

After fighting for a few months, some monsters returned to the sea of ​​ruins.


Commissioner Qian and Luanpo finished eating,

Together, they just whizzed away and disappeared into the sea in an instant.

"Hundreds of miles of camps are facing each other. This---this is really difficult to break through. The teleportation formation from outside to the Bone Fortress is not so easy."

Commissioner Qian said.

"That's for sure, it's normal for the number of monks to set up a space blockade circle."

Luan Po said positively.

Then, Luanpo’s tone changed,

"This, this is not a battle between ordinary humans, a camp of hundreds of miles, if you say you rushed past, you rushed past.

This is a monk camp for hundreds of miles. "

Commissioner Qian nodded helplessly.

"Even if the magic weapon of Longmn Inn is good, it is only a magic weapon of medium quality.

How can I survive the bombardment of so many monks,

Unless, your innate water pearl is full of power, maybe it is possible.

The magic weapons cast by overlapping arrays have their limits after all. "

Commissioner Qian felt it this time.

The magic weapon forged in the way of Dragon Inn,

After all, there are limits.

In Bambe Town,

The teleportation array leading to Bone Mountain,

Although the atmosphere is already tense,

However, Commissioner Qian and Luan Po passed smoothly.

But when I arrived at the White Bone Mountain,

Just flew hundreds of miles,

I saw a battle flag flying in front of me. There were countless monsters on the battle flag, roaring,

The cold wind was bleak, black air surged,

Hundreds of miles of abyss monsters and ruins sea camps,

It turned out to be like a boundless abyss.

In the camp, from time to time, there are Dharma phenomena,

Ferocious monsters, fierce trolls,

Walking in the midair of the camp, hundreds of feet high,

Roaring to the sky, fiercely angry, rushing straight into the sky, making the clouds and mist above this camp infinitely changeable.

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo,

Looking at this formation from a distance, stayed.

"Let's go around, this, through these hundreds of miles of camp,

The difficulty is too great. "

Luan broke astringent.

"Oh-it should be, it should be."

Commissioner Qian nodded naturally.

Broke through the camp of 100,000 monks,

Certainly the brain is not normal.

If the magic weapon of innate Taoism is created and integrated, I wonder if it can be in the camp of monks in these hundreds of miles,

Come and go freely.

The concretization of the innate Dao machine,

There is an important requirement to become a member of Qian’s committee,

But don’t talk about the concretization of the innate Dao machine,

Even if it’s the innate Dao mechanism of this innate water and pearl,

Commissioner Qian felt it,

However, to comprehend the mystery of this innate Taoism,

Commissioner Qian still doesn’t have a clue at all---I have tried using the deduction array of the shadow of the golden fruit, but this comprehends the innate Dao mechanism,

It’s not simply relying on deduction,

This requires the kind of legend-"Episode."

Unless it is the same as Luanpo, in the moment of perfection in the world in this innate water and pearl, there will be some innate physiognomy that will be transmitted to the head of the Qian.

These innate ways, relying on different personal cultivation bases, can have different perceptions.

However, definitely not much.

According to the water pearl floating in the mansion of the Commissioner Qian,

Also need to form vegetation, all kinds of animals.

According to Commissioner Qian’s estimate, the speed is about the same as that of Luanpo’s water ball and the time to perfect the world.

At least, it will take three years.

More than a month after obtaining this innate water pearl,

Commissioner Qian’s water spells have been improved.

However, it is necessary to integrate this water spell into the fusion of the four elements of mystery,

Still need some time to retreat.

How is the fusion of mysteries so simple?

The two of them are evacuating methods,

However, the momentum of this escape method is very ordinary.

He didn't go to the monster camp, and galloped to the side.


Come to the ruins of Bone Mountain, sea monsters and abyss monsters,

But not all came to participate in the war. Many cultivators made their minds and went to the world to travel violently. Only those monsters under their control, the abyss monsters, gathered in the designated direction.

Dozens of evasive lights, flying in the same direction as Commissioner Qian,

And in the White Bone Mountain, there were shouts: "From the Jackal Hall, come here to gather----"

"From Fire Leopard Mountain, come here to gather----"

These are all the monks of the various factions who arrived earlier, greeting the monks of this faction.

As for casual repairs----

The dozens of escape lights that flew out of the large army only flew more than a dozen miles,

There are dozens of monks standing in front of them,

Each was wearing a uniform armor. Behind the armor, a flag was flying, and a few big characters were written: "Demon Sanxiu League".

"Stop, where are you going?

At this time, we are in casual meditation and should contribute to the alliance,

Your behavior is to escape! It's shameful!"

An abyss monster said righteously.

However, his hideous and terrifying face trembled,

With this righteous rhetoric, it seems extremely funny.

Commissioner Qian snorted and laughed.

"How dare you laugh at the great alliance?"

The talking monk was furious!

"Haha, you're a big air blower, it's not you who decides here."

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand.


This monk has turned into a human form of ash,

Then floating in the air!

The dozens of monks who came up were shocked, and the expression on their faces immediately petrified.

A three-diamond hu god,

Can't stand a finger,

What is this trick?

"Good job, quack."

A monster in the ruined sea said,

"That is, we Yaozu advocates a freedom, who is rare for what alliance."

These dozens of loose repair monsters said one after another,

The body shape is increasing rapidly,

Lightning usually flees into the distance.

Travel hundreds of miles,

Leaving the range of the monster formation,

This is a valley,

More than a dozen sword lights burst out suddenly, shining with cold light,

Go straight for a dozen miles!

In the violent whistling sound,

The several abyssal monsters flying in the air immediately urged the magic formula to the limit, and the surrounding black mist suddenly unfolded, and it was about to expand several miles.

However, these dozens of sword lights suddenly created hundreds of sword marks, which crossed the entire space by mistake.

The black fog that was several miles away was immediately swept away,

The screams sounded, accompanied by thunderous noises,

There are already several abyssal monsters that suddenly exploded,

However, there are still a few monsters in the abyss, but they have a high level of cultivation.

An abyss monster, waved his hand,

There was a roar of thunder,

A huge black claw of several hundred feet appeared,

Hundreds of feet of giant claws burned with black flames, shining thousands of feet, just a scratch,

A sword light grows more than ten miles away,

Suddenly was caught and shattered!

There is also a sea of ​​ruins, with a sledgehammer in his hand, made of red copper,

However, on this red copper sledgehammer, there are countless blue waters surrounding it.

With a wave, the air is distorted, ripples in space,

Surrounded by the giant hammer, it is already blasting on a green sword light,

"Ka la la la ----"

From the point where the giant hammer fell, it stretched a dozen miles away,

This green sword light,

It was blown to pieces like glass!

One and one hammer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ waved again and again, covering half of the sky.

The howling sound is like billowing thunder.

These two people turned out to be the early stage of the four diamonds!

This ruined sea monster just sneered: "What a group of human races! See if I won't swallow you alive----"

The figure is vertical, it has turned into a black flame,

Madly anxious,

Ten miles away,

It's just passing by!

"Youkai, Hugh is crazy!"

With a roar,

A dozen monks have already rushed forward,

Immediately the sword qi rushed into the sky, howling like thunder,

Pieces of clouds have surged for more than ten li!

In the clouds, there are countless lightning strikes!

Although it is a battle, it is relatively close to the camps of both sides.

Obviously, both sides control the scope of their own Taoism.

"Oh---this armor."

Commissioner Qian was a little stunned.

"It doesn't seem to be the fighting force of our Giant Rock Earth God."

Luan Po said.

"It's the Great Wind Army of the Green Hades Lord! The Green Hades Lord, but the Wind Element Lord, why are they here?"

"The Great Wind Army of the Qing Ming Lord God? That is the Wind Element Lord God!"

Luan's face changed!

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