Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1387: Crystal grass

Asking for Xie Shu Zhouyu's name "Zhao Kuo nodded towards Panaga. () In fact, it was the White Ape King who admitted the result of this challenge.

The retreat of the White Ape King is very dazzling.

In the blink of an eye, it stretched hundreds of miles in the air, straight through the sky.

Provoked the Bifu army to applaud.

This is also the consolation prize of the winner to the loser.

The bigwigs of the other parties also retreated.

Only Li Wei with a pair of goldfish eyes. He walked over and threw a fist toward Committee Member Qian.

A pair of goldfish eyes blinked: "Brother Jinyigu asked me to say hello to Brother Qian. Before, I only heard Brother Jinyigu portray Brother Qian as a hero, but now I see it. It's beyond comparison.

It's really an honor for Li Wei to know someone like Brother Qian. "

Li Wei's attitude is sincere.

Have you looked for Golden Wing Valley?

I didn't talk about it before the Legion Challenge, but I didn't say it until Ah Chou won.

Li Wei's little nine-nine, played really well.

Relying on the Golden Wing Valley's description of his own cultivation level at the time, he and A Chou would definitely not be able to pass this challenge.

However, in any case, Li Wei gave up the game on behalf of the Lanxi Army, which is regarded as a favor to A Chou and Qian.

But it is not good to be too negligent with this Li Wei.


Commissioner Qian also smiled. Set up with Li Weike.

"Golden Wing Valley, it's been a long time since I saw him, he and Second Young Master Su, what are you doing now?"

For the second son of Su, Jinchaigu. Fan Wugongzi and several people, since Baoquanshan's departure. Commissioner Qian rarely contacted them.

"Well, I heard they are busy

Li Wei's eyes flashed and he said calmly.


Obviously Li Wei didn't want to say anything.

These people are well-informed, and I don't know what else is good.

I have to look for them someday.

Even if there is nowhere to go, all of them are under the command of the Wood Element Master God.

It is also good to find them to get some spiritual root seeds. (Network Novel Network e

Thousands of spiritual roots, each of the tasks of thousands of spiritual roots. It's too difficult to complete.

These decades. Through the Corridor of Fighting Beasts, Commissioner Qian only added a dozen spiritual roots.

It seems that the number of spiritual roots within the jurisdiction of Biyou Lord God has been allocated almost.

Since it has the name of spiritual root, it is the spiritual energy that gathers heaven and earth.

Commissioner Qian was able to collect dozens of spiritual roots in such a short period of time.

Relying on the two-color strange mud, the number of spiritual roots planted in the gods has reached nearly a thousand.

Even for a monk who refined the mysticism of the wood element, this was an extraordinary progress.

If Li Wei introduces monks to the gravity pool to practice. It must be convenient.

Of course, Commissioner Qian also asked Li Wei to convey his warm invitation to Jin Suangu, and welcomed the people from Jin Yigu who introduced the Jin family to the gravity pond for further training.

Commissioner Qian patted his chest and cut the cost in half.

After dividing the ownership of the gravity pool with Panagago, after giving Linda a site.

Commissioner Qian waved his sleeve and released Ah Chou out.

A Chou, who was asleep, just looked up. "

The word fight has not yet been exported.

I saw Commissioner Qian stared. "then!"

With a mouth, a burst of purple gas blasted out!

This purple qi is extremely clear. But with an extremely elegant fragrance.

"Ah! Zihua Qi!"

A Ugly overjoyed!

Although he couldn't know the situation in Committee Qian's spiritual thoughts, he was connected with Committee Qian's spiritual thoughts anyway, and he knew the difficulty of this purple qi.

A Zihua tree that has reached the age limit will produce Zihua Qi in a month, but it is a little more than a long hair.

If you want to temper the whole golden core with Zihua Qi, you don't know how many Zihua trees it will cost and how many years of output.

The scent of purple blossoms exhaled by Commissioner Qian is equivalent to all the purple blooms of Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion, and the output of several months.

Plus the purple flower instilled in the shadow of the golden fruit,

Commissioner Qian exhaled this purple air. . It will delay the progress of Commissioner Qian, quenching the golden core with Zihua Qi for more than half a year!


A Chou swallowed the purple flower energy in one go.

Commissioner Qian Lifu's eyes widened. Watching Ah Chou's reaction.

The White Ape King spit out his pill, the cold water beast. There was a change immediately.

This purple breath of my own! Although it doesn't contain the mana of Qian's own destiny. In any case, it is not much worse than that of the White Ape King.

In A Chou's eyes, the orange light was bright!

Then, in the orange light, a faint blue light passed by!

Cyan, but turquoise is a more advanced color.

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed, but saw A Chou's body and his momentum rose!

Immediately after, "is silent.

"Boss, so comfortable, but too little!"

Ah Chou blinked his eyes in excitement, then looked at Commissioner Qian pitifully.

"Uh" too little?

The spirit of Zihua is no longer in God's Mansion! "

Commissioner Qian shook his head quickly.

In the shadow of Jin Guo, absorbing the Qi of Zihua, the deduction ability has become stronger, and the various indexes of Jin Guo’s body have become more

Commissioner Qian realized this.

Zihua Qi can not only be used to temper golden cores and improve cultivation.

It also has a considerable effect on the organism itself.

Golden fruit is also a creature between plants and animals.

Seeing the White Ape King use his core energy to help the Shuihan Beast, the Shuihan Beast's strength increased sharply.

With an idea, Commissioner Qian also wanted to use this purple air to spray A Chou to see if A Chou could grow.

Now, the result is out.

The conclusion is affirmative, but the cost is huge.

The Qi of Zihua can promote A Chou's growth, but it consumes a huge amount!

Commissioner Qian had no choice but to put this matter aside.

Next, I set up a teleportation array by the gravity pool and built my own building.

Commissioner Qian added to the teleportation circle. Let the turtles take care of things here temporarily.

And he himself, with a finger, a dark yellow gravitational fluid gushing out towards the shore.

In an instant, a pond with a radius of tens of meters was formed on the shore.

Immediately after. Commissioner Qian's hand spilled.

Dozens of seeds were sprinkled into the gravity pool.

These seeds are strange, transparent, like dozens of round crystal ornaments.

It's just that in the most central place of this kind of child, a faint context appears.

As soon as these seeds were thrown into the gravity pool, Committee Member Qian was again a little frustrated.

Dozens of green brilliance immediately enveloped these dozens of seeds.

This is the mysterious power of "growth" in the wood element innate mystery.

Immediately afterwards, these dozens of seeds began to sprout and grow with the naked eye.

The buds that came out began to be slightly yellow. As the growth increases, the color of these shoots. Gradually deepen, when it grows to a height of one foot. It has become a kind of goose yellow grass.

And above these grasses, there was a slight gravitational fluctuation.

"Old money, what kind of grass is this?

Seeds seem to have no attributes. However, it can absorb the power of the surrounding elements? "

The turtle was surprised.

"This is a crystal, it has only weak wood properties, but if it grows in a place where a certain element is rich, it can absorb a certain element. It becomes a plant with this elemental power."

Commissioner Qian answered. Taking advantage of this time, from the middle of the sleeve, a crystal-like grass seed swayed again.

In order to plant these crystal grasses, Commissioner Qian. Even two-color strange mud. All vacated.

Although crystal grass is precious, its growth cycle is not very long.

Naturally, these transparent crystal seeds, one after another, were swayed out by Committee Member Qian.

It was only ten days.

The upper part of the gravity fluid with a radius of hundreds of square meters is already covered with crystal grass, the first batch planted. The color has begun to turn to dark yellow, which is close to the color of gravity fluid.

"Old money, do you want to give them these herbs?

I think it's better to let those little guys dive by the gravity pool to be useful? "

Turtle is a little strange for years.

With this gravity pool right next to him, to practice gravity mystery, you also need to consume these crystal grasses. Isn't it repeated in one fell swoop?

"No, I want to refine the base building pill that has the characteristics of profound strength and mystery, so that after the monks in the refining period take the base, they will cultivate the mystery of gravity much faster.

The possibility of forming a golden pill is even greater. "

With the answer of the Qian committee.

The turtle immediately understood the truth.

After practicing to the profound fusion of the two powers, he has a clear understanding of the nature and fusion of the various forces between heaven and earth.

Change the formula in Jidan so that the monks who take Jidan will be biased towards a certain elemental attribute after the foundation is successfully built.

So on the way of cultivating a certain elemental power, fast forward, it’s not impossible.

"But this way.

It is more difficult for them to cultivate the strengths of other schools in the mysterious elementary school~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The turtle hesitated for a moment, and still said it.

"What's the point, do you remember, when we built the foundation, how many people died in the forbidden land for seeking alchemy for a foundation?

Even if we succeed in building a foundation with us, how many people can form a golden pill?

For the vast majority of monks, even if they form a golden pill, they are lucky.

Where do I need to think about other Taoist practices? "

When the turtle heard this, he also shrugged.

Commissioner Qian was right.

In this world, geniuses are always a minority.

Ordinary people are the vast majority.

Commissioner Qian did this, at least, for most monks, it was better than bad.

Until dozens of days later. Commissioner Qian. Only the mature crystal grass was picked.

Step onto the teleportation formation and arrange for the monks of the Four Kingdoms on the planet to come to Jinshahe for further study.

On the planet Earth, a large number of monks in the training period have been selected, ready to set foot on the Jinsha River.

The medicinal materials used for refining Zhujidan are for the Commissioner Qian. It is already too low-grade, and most of these medicinal materials have been transplanted to the outside medicine garden.

Commissioner Qian returned to Tianyangxing to prepare a large number of essential medicines. , If you want to know what's going on, please log in. More chapters, support the author. Support genuine reading!

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