Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1386: Bird feather

Fortunately, birds with the same fire attribute have very strong resistance to fire damage. (Network Novel Network e

Ah Chou roared impatiently, but his body did not suffer any major damage.

"A Chou, degree, degree!"

Commissioner Qian was shouting like thunder in his divine mind!

A Chou shook all over, and immediately understood the meaning of Chairman Qian. Double wings, shaking!

In the blink of an eye, A Chou had appeared above the Qianxuan Huoluan.

As soon as a pair of wings are retracted, they pounce downward!

Although Ah Chou's attacking momentum is impressive, in this sea of ​​flames, there are many obstacles, and every point is reduced by one point.

When he rushed to the sky above Qianxuan Huoluan, his remaining strength was weakened.

Huoluan has turned her head and opened her mouth to touch!

A red flame sprayed out, hitting Ah Chou's chest.

A Chou just rolled half a mile away in the air.

Covered with orange feathers. It is already messy. Under the red flames. Flashing light.

Thousand Profound Huoluan, his head tilted, seemed to disdain A Chou in the distance.

Commissioner Qian just looked serious.

This Thousand Profound Fire Luan is truly extremely proficient in the control of flames.

Even in terms of flexibility, it is far not as fast as Ah Chou.

However, the flames laid out in the outer layer offset the degree and flexibility of Ah Chou.

It seems that it is difficult to expect Ah Chou to rely on his degree and flexibility to win.

Moreover, looking at Qianxuan Huoluan, the fire mana in his body was surging like the ocean.

If the two sides compete for the strength and durability of mana.

A Chou, definitely not the opponent of this Qianxuan Huoluan either.

Commissioner Qian gritted his teeth!

This may be the hardest battle Ran Chou has ever encountered.

"A Chou, get close to it! Your defense is stronger than it!"

The spirit of the Qian committee. Swept through the air silently.

Immediately, the strength of Qian Xuan Huoluan's body was discovered clearly by Commissioner Qian!

The strength of Qianxuan Huoluan's body was far less perverted than that of A Chou.

Therefore, although this Qianxuan Huoluan is extremely proficient in the control of flames.

However, once A Chou got close, this kind of superior control over the power of flames ceased to exist.

Although Commissioner Qian, he cherishes Ah Chou very much. However, here and now, I can't care about so much!

"Understood. Boss!"

A Chou let out a long roar. The sound of long howling, as if resounding through the world!

First, dual wielding vibrates again and again.

Thousands of sparks splashed out.

This time. Thousands of sparks. An arc is drawn in the air, forming a cylindrical shape.

Although not as regular as Qianxuan Huoluan's manipulation of flames.

However, it also concentrated firepower.

"Okay. Ah Chou, you learn so fast, that's what you want to do!"

Commissioner Qian hurriedly spread a spiritual thought to encourage A Chou.

This is the only way A Chou must go.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom" a series of explosions sounded.

The red flames around Qianxuan Huoluan suddenly began to fluctuate and burst violently!

Immediately, A Chou fluttered his wings again, and an orange pillar of fire spit out in his mouth!

A flaming mushroom cloud was when the flames around Qianxuan Huoluan rose.

Ah Chou has turned into a flash of lightning and rushed into the flame mushroom cloud!

The high temperature and high pressure, being touched by A Chou's mouth, is a point towards both sides.

A Chou was like separating water, separated the heavy flames, and plunged one head on Qianxuan Huoluan's back!

With two claws, he has already grasped deeply, and then, just one and one mention.

A blood hole the size of ten meters has appeared on Qianxuan Huoluan's back, with dark green feathers with colorful red spots, flying everywhere!

The blood, Qianxuan Huoluan's body, under the strong push, sprayed a hundred meters high. A gorgeous blood flower bloomed in the sky.

Qianxuan Huoluan's long tail has already slapped A Chou's body severely.

It's like a colorful fan burning with flames! "

There was a dull loud noise.

A Chou's whole body was lifted into flight.

However, after passing a small arc in the air, A Chou landed on the other side of Qianxuan Huoluan!

Qianxuan Huoluan's back. Suddenly there was a big horizontal hole.

Like a blood-red valley, it gurgled the ground, blowing blood frantically.


Qianxuan Huoluan screamed in pain and screamed sternly!

With a turn of the right wing, A Chou has been given a big elbow!


Ah Chou was beaten. The whole body shrank for a moment.

The sky is orange. The red bird's feathers fly around.

Two birds fighting, empty bird feathers.

The feathers of these two birds burned when they touched the water.

Touching the shore, the earth burns.

It's a pity that many monks who are just bystanders sigh.

If these feathers are collected, they are definitely the best material for refining.

"Tumble, tumble, shake it off!"

Sussmander would not be outdone.

Divine Sense was also passed to Qianxuan Huoluan. Attempt to command Qianxuan Huoluan's operations.

However, the spirit beast is wise.

The stronger the magic power of the spirit beast, the higher the wisdom, and the harder it is to control. This Thousand Profound Fire Luan can hold the mana as thick as the sea as if it were instructed by an arm.

Both mana and wisdom have reached a terrible level.

If Sussmander raised this Qianxuan Huoluan from an early age, he would be very familiar with the fighting style of the Qianxuan Huluan.

This Thousand Profound Fire Luan will obediently obey orders.

However, Sussmand was not the master of this Qianxuan Huoluan, this Qianxuan Huluan was also borrowed from fellow Daoists.

At this critical moment, the form is ever-changing between the electric light and flint, and Sussmand's command is a bit unable to keep up with the form.

Qianxuan Huoluan, "Heng" in her little nostril, adopted the most direct and powerful counterattack against Fang Hui. The most commonly used counterattack method.

Qianxuan Huoluan's claws couldn't reach A Chou. However, the slender neck is just a twist. Then, like a rubber, it pulled up quickly and stretched out like a snake.

It's a peck at A Chou!

In the eyes of most cultivators on the sidelines, A Chou’s back was deeply sunk!

"This time, this A Chou should be hurt more severely."

Many monks thought about gloating.

If A Chou really wins five games in a row and successfully wins the gravity pool, many people will lose their pants.

A Chou won one or two victories, but also in Yixiang.

The odds are not too high.

However, winning five games in a row is impossible for many people to want to come!

Therefore, the odds for Ah Chou to win five consecutive games are simply scary. .

Many monks have placed bets at such high odds.

Qianxuan Huoluan was pecking straight, but it made many people's eyes bright, and their spirits instantly erupted!

This Qianxuan Huluan's beak was like a hook, like a huge siege hammer, and it was several times larger than A Chou's beak.

In the imagination of many monks, when this beak went down, Ah Chou's flesh and blood flew across, and the height of the blood splashing was definitely not much lower than that of Qianxuan Huoluan!

Moreover, the width of this blood mist is definitely past the blood spewed by Qianxuan Huluan!

However, the situation that made everyone's eyes fall out appeared.

Ah Chou grew up with a loud scream, orange-red blood. A burst of madness from the mouth!

However, what came out immediately was an orange flame like a volcanic eruption, which hit Qianxuan Huluan's back and pecked it down.

Orange flames suddenly entered from the huge cross-shaped wound on Qianxuan Huoluan's back!

Despite Qianxuan Huluan, resistance to fire damage. It is also very high.

However, the aroma of cooked meat spread out over a dozen miles in an instant.

Then, the smell of the cooked meat turned into a burnt smell!

Qianxuan Huoluan's huge beak in the cry of pain. Suddenly lifted from A Chou's back.

A burst of orange feather fragments, as the giant beak lifted, slammed to the surroundings, splashing!

Tens of thousands of eyes clearly saw A Chou on his back. A place tens of meters in a circle is already like a bare barren mountain, with no hair growing.

What was left was a huge green-red seal "What? It didn't break the defense?"

Tens of thousands of people took a breath.

It's like pulling a bellows with tens of thousands of wind tunnels! outer!

Qianxuan Firebird's eyes were full of disbelief!

No time to think again.

Qianxuan Firebird suddenly spewed a red pillar of fire again.

This red pillar of fire concentrated.

Because of the fire column, the temperature rose sharply again. There was a hint of cyan!


The pillar of fire exploded on A Chou!

And at the center of the fire column, the orange feathers finally began to burn with a hint of cyan flames!

Originally, A Chou's orange feathers. Burning orange flames does not harm the body of orange feathers.

However, these orange feathers that were lit with a cyan flame started to shrink quickly!

Obviously, the body of these orange feathers also began to burn.

"I rely on

A Chou let out a scream, and once again squirted into the cross wound on Qianxuan Huoluan's back!

Orange flames explode fiercely!

Qianxuan Huoluan, another heart-wrenching howl... Chuan

One burns the feathers on the surface of the body, and the other burns the muscles and blood vessels inside the body. Even the internal organs, which is more painful, can be imagined with toes!

"What's going on! Shake off Ah Chou! Shake off!

Why don't you listen to me, you stupid bird! "

Sussmand jumped in a hurry!

This stupid bird, if he keeps on doing this, he will definitely lose.

This seems to be the most likely to defeat A Chou. It's the last one, this one, you can never lose like that!

Although I know it. Don't care too much with this silly bird.

Still jumping up and cursing!

Li Wei put his hands on his shoulders, and looked good at the show.

Unexpectedly, this Thousand Profound Fire Luan, with a high cultivation base, has already become psychic. Compared with humans, there is no difference anymore, and his temper is naturally not

If Sussmand didn't say anything, this Qian Xuan Huo Luan might be swiftly spinning, trying to find a way to get rid of Ah Chou.

But Sussmander. Such a curse!

Qianxuan Huoluan immediately became very angry.

Instead of using this kind of high maneuverability for sharp turns.

First, there were two fires in a row. All the feathers of A Chou's body have been lit!

Ah Chou couldn't help the effect of roasting chicken, screaming in pain!

"Boss, I finally know what it's like to make a chicken that you used to make me. I will never eat this chicken again in the future."

While A Chou was in pain, he sent such a message of spiritual thoughts to Committee Member Qian.

Commissioner Qian heard it, "pouch", just spit out.

The muscles on his face jerked,

But the body shape shook, and the size shrank in an instant, shrinking more than A Chou

Immediately after. Shake the figure again and again!

A Chou's claws, with large pieces of meat, fell off Qianxuan Huoluan's body!


A Chou shouted, the orange feathers all over her body had been burned out.

Ah Chou was like a turkey about 100 meters in size, clean in the city.

A Chou’s feet are stepped in the air, and one pair is held in two shy hands, which is to hold two crossbones large Fengtou six※

Towards Qianxuan Huoluan, it was a fierce fight!

Qianxuan Huoluan's dark green colored feathers are like being run over by ten rollers at the same time. Sprayed into the air!

Immediately afterwards, Qianxuan Huoluan's huge beak had not had time to peck at A Chou.

A burst of blood clots came from the giant beak. The fountain is gushing out!

"I don't have hair anymore, don't even think about it!"

A Chou yelled frantically and beat!

A Chou.com has entered the stage of adolescence from childhood, with a shaodong heart, and special emphasis on appearance.

The hair all over his body was burnt away, and there were a few more gaps than his body. Make A Chou sad! "

Qianxuan Huoluan was also crazy, and a pair of wings slapped A Chou wildly.

However, looking at the attack power of this pair of wings, it was far less powerful than A Chou's fist.

Simply put the two wings together and hug Ah Chou tightly!

It doesn't matter if A Chou slammed into the city gate on himself!

A huge beak is pecking at A Chou's body frantically!

Two giant birds about a hundred meters in size. Huddled in the air, like two joints mashing together, beating each other with the most primitive means.

Countless rain of blood in the sky, **** everywhere!

The monks on both sides were stunned.

I don't know who said something.

Therefore, the monks on both sides, regardless of their status, nodded in unison!

Is not it?

Whether it is a spirit beast, a sky beast, or a holy beast.

In the final analysis, they are all beasts.

Although there is the use of spells, this kind of hand-to-hand combat is what all beasts should use.

Amidst the whistling of the two sides that had spread for hundreds of miles, both sides smashed onto the golden river together.

With a "boom", the water waves splashed hundreds of feet.

Keep tight, "Boom boom boom boom!" I only saw the waves soaring all the way to the sky!

Then it immediately turns into extremely high temperature steam. It was even burned into nothingness by the heat on the two firebirds!

A monk with a little poor eyesight. Can't see the fight in the water.

I want to use my spirit to explore.

However, tens of thousands of divine thoughts collided.

A cultivator who was almost at a cultivation level, except for a moment of dizziness, but what was it. I can't detect it either.

Finally, the tumbling river water like a volcanic eruption finally calmed down.


A monster soars into the sky, bringing up steam all the way, just like a large steam train heading towards the sky.

When he fixed his eyes, it was a big bald bird, one green and one purple, but no skin was broken!

Although it has no feathers, a layer of orange flame emerged from the whole body of this big meat bird.

Just a fan, the flame is like feathers, driving the bird to move quickly!

However, although Du was swift, but swayed in the air.

"Boss" me. Victory! "

Ah Chou, who had a bruised nose and swollen face and couldn't see his original appearance, announced loudly to Commissioner Qian!

There is an indescribable pride in the loud voice!

"Great, you finally grew up."

Member Qian murmured.

In my eyes, I didn't know what was in it, and it dripped quietly!

The scene panted for a while, as if moved by the scene of Commissioner Qian and A Chou. Immediately afterwards, someone shouted: "This Ahou, at least it is also a heavenly beast, maybe it may not be a great beast."

This shout is like dropping a rock in a pond!

The voice of discussion rang in an instant!

"It's possible that after fighting with Qianyan Huoluan for so long, they haven't been defeated by the defense!

This Thousand Profound Fire Luan is second only to the existence of Phoenix! "

"Yes! To be able to win Qianxuan Huoluan, how to say, should be higher than Qianxuan Huoluan!

However, the defense power is strong, the attack power, it seems, it is not very strong! "

Some people are half agree and half doubt.

"Old Qian, you are so lucky, you really envy me" Xiao

Panaga looked at Ah Chou with piercing eyes.

Do not hide the possession in the eyes.

"Mythical beast!"

Even for the commander of the Taibai Army ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the deputy commander of the army, it is a word that shocks enough!

The old money is just pouting.

A Chou and Lao Qian. But if you have been a partner for too long, you still don't understand the meaning of Chairman Qian?

Ah Chou, who was covered in blue and purple, just bowed towards Panagar.

The fleshy wings stretched out: "Thank you Panagar!"

On Panaga's forehead, there are the green veins together!

Well, the owner just took half a million high-grade immortal stones from me, and this pet is here again.

This master and servant. What a perfect match!

Helpless, tens of thousands of eyes shot on his body.

Just wanting to pass the blunder, Panaga really couldn't hold back this face.

Divine Mind probed into the storage ring, a ring that was flushed with cyan filaments. Appeared in front of A Chou's eyes.

"This is a flame ring, which matches Ah Chou's fire attribute physique."

Panaga laughed twice.

What was taken out before so many people, at least not too bad!

"haha, thank you

A Chou clenched his fist happily, and fell into the universe of Commissioner Qian's sleeve like lightning, and fell asleep!

On the huge head of the White Ape King, his face was pale.

Say nothing. He just nodded to Panaga.

With a wave of his hand, it turned into a silver light, and it had already hit the sky!

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