United states tax collector

Chapter 372: Earth-shattering

Church adjusted his thoughts, organized his words silently in his mind, and said: "Good afternoon, everyone. The bill I am going to propose today is actually a bill that will benefit the American people. In my opinion, this bill is ten times or even a hundred times better than the so-called medical bill and education bill!"

Hearing this, the Huffington Post reporter on the side froze slightly.

She originally thought that the bill that Church was going to initiate was actually just a trivial bill to show his presence in Congress.

But now she didn't expect that it was a bill that was more influential than medical and education bills!

What kind of bill would this be?

Is Church exaggerating?

"A bill that is even more powerful than the education bill and the health care bill? You are so arrogant. I want to hear what kind of bill it is!"

"What is Congressman Church talking about? Is he trying to make himself known?"

"Haha, the health care bill and the education bill are bills that affect tens of thousands of ordinary people in America. If this congressman doesn't explain it, I will definitely scold him to death!"

At this moment, the people who were watching Huffington also became interested.

But like the reporter who was interviewing here, they were full of doubts about what Church said.

In the meeting room of the IRS.

At this time, Obadiah, Vertonghen and other senior officials were watching the Huffington Post TV station with a serious face.

And David was also among them.

They have been brewing this bill for some time.

As for the news, it was reported by the media more than half a month ago.

However, the report is just a report, after all, it has not been confirmed. Now that Congressman Church has proposed it himself, it means that this bill is no longer a rumor, but is really going to be drafted.

So it goes without saying that this will definitely cause a new round of public opinion whirlpool.

Therefore, their hearts are inevitably a little tense at this moment.

At the same time, the Kennidi family is also watching with tension and excitement.

In recent years, the fight between the IRS and the Freemasons has been fierce, but in fact, compared with the bill proposed now, it can only be said to be a minor fight that is not painful.

Only the formal launch of this bill has been a serious blow to this group of people.

And once this sword is successfully revealed, it also means that the humiliation suffered by the Kennidi family for so many years has been severely counterattacked!

At the gate of Congress, the interview is still going on.

However, Church deliberately kept it a secret at this moment, until he saw that the appetite of many people had been aroused, and even some mainstream media that had heard the news also surrounded him to find out the truth, he continued to speak.

"I know everyone is curious about what bill I'm going to initiate. Don't worry, I'll tell you in detail!"

"Our America has been a developed country for more than 60 years, but in recent years, the country has faced great difficulties, and the stock market has been in a mess. There has even been an incredible phenomenon of four circuit breakers in ten days."

"And this is just the beginning. According to the judgment of many financial analysts, we will face even greater disasters in the future."

"The world pattern has changed a lot now. The rise and system of various countries have reached the point where they can compete with our America."

"As for the desert countries, they are working on de-dollarization. All of this is seriously disintegrating our superpower. I'm afraid it won't be long before the complete collapse faced by the predecessor of the Bear Country will most likely happen to us. This is by no means alarmist!"

Of course, his words are exaggerated, but this is a statement that must be made when initiating a bill.

The reason is very simple. The initiation of each bill is not something that can be initiated as long as the congressman says it is initiated.

The reason for initiating a bill, for example, is that only when there are loopholes in education or when there is a need to make up for the gaps in it, is it necessary to initiate it.

The same is true for this tax avoidance bill.

You must first let everyone know and reach a consensus that the US finances are no longer good and the money is in the hands of capitalists.

If the IRS initiates this bill, it can receive the money from these capitalists and then use it to stimulate the economic market, so that it can reverse the economic downturn.

Or only if the bill launched by the IRS harvests the money from the capitalists, there will be more money to improve education, medical care, and provide welfare to the public and other good things!

Only in this way can it get everyone's support.

Even if it cannot get everyone's support, at least it must raise the topic of this bill so that everyone can slowly study it and expand its influence.

Otherwise, why would the people support your bill?

The so-called world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all for profit. This is the truth.

Only when the public realizes that supporting you is profitable, will they support you without reservation.

As a member of Congress, Church naturally understands this truth.

"Our status as a superpower will be destroyed? How is this possible? This congressman is talking nonsense!!"

"Um... I don't think he is completely talking nonsense. After all, the stock market has been shut down four times in 10 days. This has never happened before in the history of our country. This is worth thinking about...!"

"No matter what, I still don't believe that our great country, the United States, can end up like the Soviet Union!"

"This congressman is rambling on and on. What exactly is he trying to say? And what kind of bill is this?"

Sure enough, after Church's words came out, the Internet became hotly debated for a moment.

Although China has indeed emerged very powerfully over the years, and the European side of the EU is indeed self-contained.

But in the final analysis, they, the United States, still control the world currency-the US dollar!

There are also top high-tech companies like Guge, Weiruan, Apple, etc.

Therefore, it is understandable that many netizens do not believe that their status as world hegemon will be threatened.

At the gate of Parliament.

Because these two words of Church caused so much interest on the Internet, some mainstream media who originally went to interview other congressmen also changed their pace and rushed here.

Of course, this also made the person involved, Qiu Qi, gradually raise the corners of his mouth.

“Congressman Church, we at Huffington Post have no opinion on your previous remarks, but the current situation is like this. Most viewers now want to know, what exactly is your bill? "

The underlying meaning of this reporter's words is, stop making excuses and selling off the news, and quickly explain this bill to us!


Church moistened his throat and continued: "In the final analysis, why has our economy declined in recent years?"

"The deepest reason is that this class has gradually become fixed, and most of the benefits created in society are concentrated in the hands of that small group of capitalists!"

As mentioned above, both reporters at the scene and viewers online expressed doubts.

But everyone still agrees with Church's last few sentences.

The social classes in America are indeed fixed now.

And most of the wealth is in the hands of large capital groups such as the Freemasons, the Angsa Group, and the Illuminati. There is no doubt about this.

If the current economic decline in the United States is related to this point, it makes some sense both logically and theoretically.

"Everyone knows that now our big companies in the United States, especially Internet companies like Guge, Weiruan, and Amazon.com, in order to avoid taxes, they have chosen to register their companies in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and the Virgin Islands!"

"The total amount of taxes avoided by these companies every year is conservatively estimated to be over one trillion!"

"If this money can be received and used to stimulate the market, improve the economy, or provide welfare benefits to everyone to stimulate consumption, do you think our economy will gradually pick up?"

After hearing this, whether it was the media at the scene or the audience watching online, some familiar thoughts seemed to flash through their minds.

But before they could think too much, Church continued: "Speaking of which, many people may have guessed, yes, so the bill I am planning to sponsor is actually the bill that was circulated half a month ago. Tax avoidance bill!"

After hearing what he said, the scene fell silent.

All the media reporters were even more stunned.

And this reporter from the Huffington Post understood instantly. He said, what kind of bill is ten times or a hundred times more influential than bills like education and health care.

It turns out to be the off-site tax avoidance bill that made a fuss more than half a month ago!

"Oh Maika, didn't you say that bill is just a rumor? Why is it that a congressman is actually sponsoring it now?"

"Oh my God, it turns out this is the law..."

"Since this bill was exposed, it has been widely discussed, but neither the IRS nor Congress has come out to confirm it, so I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect that a congressman would actually launch it today!"

"After this bill appeared, the capitalists often stood up to fight against it. But now that some congressmen have actually initiated it, I'm afraid there will be a good show next!"

Just like the media reporters at the scene.

Most of the viewers in front of the TV were stunned for a long time before they came to their senses when they heard the details of the bill.

"In fact, this bill has been criticized by many people since it was announced. The reason is naturally that we in the United States are a capitalist country and this will shake our foundation. But I think I must correct one thing. We in the United States are indeed a capitalist country. , but it does not mean that all wealth must be concentrated in the hands of capitalists, and this bill will..."

Church's ability to speak as a member of Congress is unquestionable.

Under his sharp words, ordinary people gradually understood the benefits of this bill and began to support it.

In the final analysis, most people in the United States are just ordinary working people. What does it have to do with collecting taxes from these giant companies?

They didn't suffer any loss at all!

And forget it if there is no loss. According to this congressman, the tax received will be used to improve their education and medical care, and more directly, they will be given welfare benefits to stimulate consumption and the economic market. .

For them, this is simply a piece of cake in the sky!

If you don’t support it, you’d be a fool!

Soon, the explosive news about this bill quickly spread to various social platforms, software, and TV stations.

In just a few minutes, it caused a sensation throughout the United States.

For ordinary people who heard this news, they naturally wanted this bill to be passed immediately and then officially implemented.

But for companies like Oracle, Apple, and Guge, it is bad news.

It was originally time to get off work, but because the matter was so serious, major companies had to urgently call back the management to discuss countermeasures.

And at the same time.

Paden, the Masonic Group, the Angsa Group, and the Illuminati Group in the White House also heard the news, although they had already confirmed that this bill was about to be sponsored by David.

But after seeing Congressman Church officially announcing the initiative, the faces of the three major groups were still very livid at the moment.

At the gate of Parliament.

"Regarding this health care bill, our discussion group... Hey Andina, I haven't finished talking yet, where are you going?"

Saroyan, the person in charge of the medical bill, was announcing his results eloquently, but before he could finish pretending, the group of reporters who were originally surrounding him suddenly ran away like a plague, which made him a little confused.

"I'm sorry, Representative Saroyan. I heard that Representative Church proposed a remote tax avoidance bill. I'll go interview him first!"


Saroyan was dumbfounded.

Everyone is in Congress, so he naturally knows Church.

Isn’t this a guy who is deeply marginalized in the House of Representatives? Why did he suddenly announce this bill?

Could it be...

Before he could figure it out, the phone in his pocket suddenly came to mind.

Saroyan took it out and looked at the caller ID. When he saw that it was the financial backer behind him, he immediately picked up: "Mr. Lei Zhe."

"Saroyan, you are with that bastard Church, right? Hurry up and do something, don't let this bastard continue to build momentum!"

"Okay Mr. Lei Zhe, I will do it!"

Saroyan certainly knows what it means to introduce this bill at the door of Congress.

As a member of the Angsa Group, he must be on the opposite side of this bill, so he hung up the phone and walked aggressively towards Church, who was not far away and was surrounded by media reporters.

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