United states tax collector

Chapter 371 The bill enters the drafting stage

In the next few days, the topic of the tax avoidance bill continued to ferment.

Entrepreneurs from all over the country continued to accuse and criticize this bill on social platforms and in front of the media.

They claimed that this bill would shake the foundation of the United States, and even threatened that if the IRS really dared to launch it, they would definitely fight to the end!

However, what is interesting is that since the bill was exposed, no matter how the media questioned the IRS, the IRS did not have any intention of making any statement or issuing any statement, which is intriguing.

Until half a month later, the IRS still did not make any statement, and there was no news about this bill from Congress.

Many people began to think that this so-called tax avoidance bill might be just a rumor, or that the IRS just released the news to test public opinion, and gave up after seeing the fierce public opinion, and the storm slowly calmed down.

On December 14, a private plane landed on the 13th runway of Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C.

The cabin door opened, and David and his group walked out.

"Huh, we're finally back in Washington, D.C."

Looking at the blue sky and fresh air in Washington, D.C., Manson breathed a sigh of relief.

For more than half a month, they have been running around the country, and it would be a lie to say they are not tired.

Fortunately, now that they are back in Washington, they can take a break.

"Drive the car out, we're going back to the headquarters!"


Manson drove down the Cadillac beast with ease, and the group immediately got on and headed back to the headquarters.

However, on the way back, David took out his cell phone, dialed Sean's number, and said, "Mr. Sean, I'm back in Washington."

"How was it? Did the trip to each state go smoothly?"

"It went smoothly. I think it's time to draft the bill."

"Is it going to be drafted..."

Although Sean knew that this bill would be drafted sooner or later, when the moment really came, he couldn't suppress his excitement.

Before, it was just the media that broke the news about this bill, which caused such a heated discussion. If it is directly announced that it will be drafted, the sensation it will cause can be imagined.

Freemasonry, you bastards, get ready for the "Dragon Slaying Sword"!

"I have been thinking about the drafting candidates for the past few days, but I can't make up my mind. Do you have any recommendations?"

Most of those congressmen compromised because of his coercion and inducement. To be honest, he was still a little worried if he asked them to come forward to draft this bill.

We must find a truly reliable congressman!

The Kennidi family has been based in America for so many years, so they have a few reliable confidants.

"Drafting candidates... Well, I have a suitable candidate, and he is also my old friend for many years, trustworthy, I will bring him to meet you later?"

The process of the bill in the United States is like this.

Only senators or congressmen are qualified to propose bills.

After the proposal, it will enter the drafting stage.

After that, the drafter will look for co-sponsors among his colleagues to increase the weight of the bill.

Next, the bill will be formally proposed in Congress.

Then Congress will set up a special committee to debate, study, hear, and improve the bill, and finally enter the voting stage of the two houses of Congress.

And such a major bill, as its drafter and initiator, it is bound to become the focus of the world in an instant.

In other words, it will immediately become famous all over the world!

Regardless of whether it is successful in the end, it is a dazzling political capital for the drafter and initiator!

Now that David asked him if he had any recommendations, he was naturally willing to recommend a trusted member of his family.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in my office."

"Okay, that's it for now."

After ending the call, Sean dialed another number...

About forty minutes later, a business car arrived at a villa where Sean was.

The car door opened, and a middle-aged man with sparse hair got out and walked towards Sean who was waiting.

"Mr. Sean, I didn't keep you waiting for long, did I?"

"No, Church, I just told you briefly on the phone, and now I want to tell you again."

Sean organized his words and said, "Over the years, you have been marginalized in the House of Representatives, and if nothing unexpected happens, you are likely to lose in this midterm election, but once you are really asked to draft this bill, it will be your chance to become famous!"

"And if this bill is really passed, then you can rely on this political capital, not to mention staying in office, and it is also likely that you will enter the Senate, and it is not impossible to run for president in the future, do you understand!"

Hearing this, the middle congressman named Church couldn't help but get excited.

As Sean said, because he entered the House of Representatives with the support of the Kenniti family, he has been suppressed by the growing Freemasonry group over the years.

Although it is very stressful to draft this bill this time, it is indeed a good opportunity for him to change his destiny!

If it succeeds, with the huge tax revenue brought by this bill, his contribution as the bill drafter will naturally be great.

Thinking of this, he nodded heavily and said: "As long as you give me this bill to draft, I will definitely not let you down!"

"We have known each other for more than 20 years, and of course I trust you, but the decision-making power of this matter is not in my hands, but in the hands of Inspector General David, so I will take you to see him now and see his final decision!"

Sean certainly trusts his old friend, but as he said, whoever drafts the bill must be approved by David in the end, otherwise everything will be in vain!

"Okay, let's go!"

Sean got into Church's business car, and then headed towards the IRS under the escort of two Cadillacs.

Twenty minutes later, the two arrived at the IRS and went all the way to David's office.

"Inspector General David, this is Congressman Church from the House of Representatives."

"Hello, Congressman Church."

"Hello, Inspector General David, hello!"

As a congressman, Church's status is much higher than David, the Inspector General of the Internal Revenue Service.

But facing such a person who can change his fate, how dare he be arrogant, and his attitude is particularly humble in his words.

"Inspector General David, I have known Congressman Church for more than 20 years, and his wife is my cousin, she is absolutely trustworthy!"

Sean was afraid that David would not trust Church, so after the two greeted each other, he pointed out this identity directly.

David nodded and looked at Church and said, "Congressman Church, I believe you have learned some of the situation. This bill is not an ordinary bill. If you dare to propose it and draft it, you will face great pressure. So I solemnly ask you now, can you be the drafter of this bill?"

"Yes, of course!"

"If Inspector General David, you give me this bill to draft, even if I risk my life, I will guarantee to complete this task!"

In order to gain David's trust, Church also tried his best and almost guaranteed it in the tone of a military order.

"Okay, since you said so, then I think I can trust you. This bill will be drafted by you. Time, two days later!"

In fact, the reason why David handed this bill to Church in a few words was mainly because he had just quietly examined the other party's details and confirmed that the other party was indeed reliable, so he made a decision so quickly.

"Thank you, Inspector General David!"

Church was also overjoyed.

In the following time, David explained to Church about some of the work of this bill in detail.

It was not until nearly two hours later that he signaled that they could leave to prepare.

After that, David came to Donald's office and reported all the situations...


Two days passed quickly.

On this day, Congress was holding a meeting. After the meeting, the members of Congress walked out of the door as usual.

"Congressman Dunauf, may I ask how the progress of the environmental protection bill is..."

"Congressman Saroyan, Congress has been discussing the reform of the medical bill for more than half a year. May I ask where there is room for improvement?"

"Congressman Maysfield..."

All bills in the United States are related to people's livelihood issues.

In short, no matter which bill it is, it comes with a lot of traffic.

Therefore, every time Congress meets, major media will send reporters from their headquarters to interview the members and obtain traffic.

However, there are also some rules for interviews by major reporters.

Generally speaking, reporters prefer to interview senior members or some members with bright political prospects.

The so-called senior members are actually members who have worked in Congress for many years and have more political capital.

As for the junior members, they are members who have just been elected to Congress and do not have much political capital.

As for the members with brighter political prospects, this is easier to understand.

For example, they have strong capital support behind them, or they are the initiators of a major bill.

For bills that almost all people pay attention to, such as medical care, education, and welfare benefits, as its initiators, they will naturally have unlimited prospects.

Therefore, major media reporters will choose to select such members for interviews, which will also gain huge attention traffic.

As for Church, although he can be regarded as a senior member of the House of Representatives, as a faction of the Kentidi family, he has been suppressed and excluded by the Freemasonry Group in recent years, and has not received much resources in the House of Representatives.

Therefore, when seeing him coming out, the major reporters naturally have no interest, and have no intention of interviewing him at all.

They passed by him and came to interview those senior members and more dazzling members.

"Shit, you look down on me, don't you!"

If it were in the past, although Church was very unhappy to be left out by the media like this, he could only accept it with a pinch of his nose.

But now, he has a groundbreaking bill in his hands, the tax avoidance bill, and these reporters are so ignorant of it, which naturally makes him quite upset.

But he was angry, but David asked him to announce the drafting of this bill today, so he dared not neglect it. Then, he began to actively look for interviews.

"Hey, Nicholas, I..."

"Sorry, Congressman Church, I want to ask about the progress of the environmental protection bill, but I don't have time for the time being."

"Hey Holm..."

"Sorry, I have to interview Congressman Saroyan about the medical bill first. Let's talk later, Congressman Church."


Church wanted to find a few reporters he knew to announce the bill, but he didn't expect these people to ignore him, which made him more angry.

In the end, he set his target on the reporter of Huffington Post.

In the mainstream media of the United States, this one has almost no big news abroad all year round, and it is basically at the bottom.

Although the influence of this media is a little small, he only needs to use a media channel to announce the drafting of the bill, and the size of the influence is not important.

Thinking of this, Church immediately went up to her and asked, "Hey, Ms. Reporter, since you are here to interview a congressman today, why don't you interview me?"

"You... Congressman Church, as far as I know, you don't have any 'projects' on hand, right?"

Although Church has little presence in Congress, as a reporter for the Huffington Post, he is professional anyway. He just paused and called out his name.

"Yes, I didn't have one before, but how do you know I don't have one now?"

"What do you mean, Congressman Church, have you got any 'projects'?"

"Yes, I am going to draft a bill. Are you interested now?"

"Yes, yes, yes, but Congressman Church, if you really want to draft a bill, can we let the Huffington Post be the exclusive reporting media?"

Huffington hasn't got any exclusive big news in the media for a long time.

So although he didn't know what bill this was, the reporter still thought he should get the exclusive reporting rights first.

"Okay, then I'll let you be the exclusive media for my bill!"

All major media outlets have no time to deal with him. Now only Huffington is willing to let him interview, so Church certainly won't be stingy!

But at the same time, he is also very sure that after his bill is announced, those mainstream media will regret it!

"Okay, Congressman Church, turn on the camera and give me the microphone!"

As Huffington, the reporter, finished speaking, the cameraman on the side immediately turned on the live broadcast and handed over the microphone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Janice from the Huffington Post. The person we are interviewing now is Congressman Church of the House of Representatives. According to Congressman Church, he has a bill ready to be drafted. Let's hear what kind of bill it is!"

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