Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 956: Artillery, bombardment!


Yu Luocheng took the lead in killing Thresh on the opposite side, and then immediately adjusted the direction of the laser energy, hitting the three Russian players, the plane, the fox, and the prince.

When the lasers swept across the battlefield, Yan Luo Wang's Jess began to switch to the hammer form, and a set of skills smashed on the head of the nearest prince. It doesn't matter if you wear Jay Chou's golden armor, the weapons of future technology can easily smash you into pieces.

Cooperating with Lin Dong, the victim who was dying, and the output of Yu Luosheng's laser beam, Yan Luowang didn't hesitate to use any skills, and directly killed the prince of Demacia on the opposite side.

There are two more. Yu Luocheng's laser beam finally ended, and he hurriedly asked Zhou Yan to stay.

Thresh was dead, the prince was killed, the plane was half blooded, and the fox was half disabled. The counterattack of the Chinese national team made Russia fall apart and cry again and again.

Looking at the messy battlefield and the fleeing enemies, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

The best thing about playing the hero Eye of the Void is this kind of feeling. It's like a future man with advanced weapons holding a plasma super laser cannon. When the team battle starts, he stands in the distance and despises the group of ridiculous melee primitives. Tribal wars, and then full fire, laser strafing, chickens flying and dogs jumping, so the ridiculous primitive tribal wars suddenly died...

That kind of condescending, that kind of disdain, that feeling of dominating everything is difficult for other heroes to experience

Leave it alone, he hasn't flashed anymore. Yu Luocheng said.

Who has the summoner skill? Yu Luocheng remembers it clearly. After all, Feixie was too impulsive under the instigation of his teammates, and handed over the displacement skill...

Zhou Yan took the order, and decisively caught up with Feixie's plane with a flash. An invisible threatening claw successfully slowed down to Feixius who wanted to escape.

Yan Luo Wang, who was in good condition and powerful in fighting power, kept up with the flash and fired a series of cannonballs. He and Zhou Yan forcibly killed Feicius' plane.

Feixius was also powerless to resist, and could only cripple Zhou Yan's mantis at the end of his life.

No matter what, I will take another life of yours. Apollo became angry for a while, and threw the charming kiss and the deceitful ball at Zhou Yan at the same time.

Zhou Yan naturally couldn't dodge, he was hit by the real damage returned by the fraudulent orb, and his last life was taken away.

This Apollo is really brave.

Li Tuchuan thought secretly.

According to this kind of endgame, most people have to run away, so there is no intention to kill again. Apollo's fox actually doesn't have much health, but he caught a gap and took away Zhou Yan's mantis...

Lin Dong's life was also taken away by Apollo before, plus Zhou Yan, Apollo gained two heads in this wave.

In the same way, Zhou Yan intentionally gave the head to Yan Luo Wang, Yan Luo Wang killed the prince and the plane, and also had two heads, the middle laners on both sides can be said to be equal...

However, it was the Chinese national team that made the money, because Russia lost an extra support Thresh, whose head was taken away by Yu Luosheng's laser beam.

Apart from the head economy, Yu Luocheng also got a huge benefit, that is the number of layers of the murder book.

l One head, one assist, directly provided 4 layers for Yu Luocheng's murder book, a proper copy of the murder book

Killing people, pushing towers, and taking dragons is justified.

Yan Luowang and Yu Luocheng quickly pulled out the bottom lane defense tower on the opposite side, and then cooperated with Da Luo who teleported down, and the three of them took down Xiaolong together.

Bottom 4 has nothing to do with top lane. Neither of the top laners has teleportation. They both have control skills. Whoever sends teleportation first will be interrupted. The two of them exchanged glances at Yu Jian, and neither teleported down to support. .

In the end, the Chinese national team won the team battle, but due to the death of the ad, the damage was not enough, and it would be a bit difficult to take the dragon. In addition, Apollo's fox was wandering around and harassing. To be safe, Da Luo directly sent it down to help his teammates Take out Xiaolong and then roll back to the top lane and face Ivan.

The confrontation on the road seemed fierce, but it never broke out. Da Luo did not show reckless behavior for the time being. The same Ivan, as a strong top laner in Europe, could not take advantage of Da Luo at all, so the two of you come to me But it doesn't affect the overall situation.

Before the Chinese national team already had the advantage of a small dragon, now they have taken a defensive tower and a small dragon, and the economy is directly ahead by a small margin...

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s compare the support on both sides.

Russia's assistant Teleff, Thresh has just managed to make eye stones, shoes, and Jufeng engine. This equipment is simply the equipment that Yu Luocheng used after Bona Xiaolong. It is so miserable that I dare not look at it...

Then, in order to ensure that the vision is not completely suppressed by the opponent, he keeps buying real eyes, and his economy is in a cumbersome state. He doesn't even think about producing any auxiliary equipment or meat equipment.

Yu Luocheng was different, now he has 3 heads in the money.

Coupled with the team economy of the two dragons and the defensive tower... Give Thresh a little face, and the change of assist money is not counted.

Salary outfit: Fang of Frost

Book of Murder: 4 floors

eye stone

lesser grail

a pair of sandals

Yu Luocheng has one more murder book and one little holy grail than Thresh, which add up to uu's economy

uu economy can be regarded as a big item, and a magic penetrating stick is nothing more than uu

What's more, the price-performance ratio of the murder book will be superimposed, and Yu Luocheng will stack the book in the subsequent battle. Before the Frost Witch participated in the battle, he had to bear the AP output of the whole team, and there was no problem at all

Yu Luocheng chose to invest in equipment, he didn't spend 00 yuan directly to buy equipment with strong combat effectiveness in the early stage...

If he was using supports like Annie and Yaoji, Yu Luocheng would invest all the extra uu pieces in spell damage without hesitation, not to mention killing the opponent's support Thresh in seconds, killing adk in seconds would not be a problem.

However, based on Yu Luocheng's understanding of the hero Eye of the Void, it's really not a hero that takes magic damage and equipment, and it doesn't even need the magic world-killing hat that every mage must have.

Eye of the Void is a bit like heroes like Huo Nan and Zyra. Magic damage is not the focus, but the effects of skills such as deceleration, continuous blood loss, burning, and CD reduction.

Therefore, even if the choice of equipment for the Eye of the Void is a mid laner, the core is definitely not a magical world destroying hat. CD installed.

Auxiliary Eye of the Void, a murder book to superimpose spell power is enough, and then directly switch to the Great Holy Grail of CD reduction and the core divine equipment Landry Torture, a lifelike mid laner AP is born

We are forcing the group, don't give them a chance to breathe. Li Tuchuan said.

Well, force the group. Yu Luocheng raised his hands in agreement.

The hero Eye of the Void is not particularly good in laning, but the most powerful thing is team fighting.

Soon, the Chinese national team has appeared in the middle.

I will take the lead. Yan Luowang said.

The giant cannon opens the way, King Yama has blue hhpp in his hands, skills don’t cost money, and regardless of whether he can see Apollo on the opposite side, he shoots directly at the dark place opposite...

The shot was really accurate, and I heard the fox screaming in the dark, obviously it hit.

I'll come too. Yu Luocheng stepped forward and released a very inclined tadpole.

The big tadpole ran into the wall, and then split into small tadpoles suddenly, and the little tadpole hit Apollo's fox face. Apollo was in a state of full blood, but he was knocked out by others for 40 blood before he could face him.

Fortunately, the fox's passive is to recover blood. If it were another hero with no recovery ability, he would have to go back to the spring to wash his face after these two shots.

Russia suddenly fell into a passive state, because at this time their defense tower was occupied by two hooligans, two heroes who could fire cannons, the distance was super long, and no one dared to stand on the middle road.

Apollo's positioning is good, and he can hide some skills, but he can't defend the small group on the opposite side alone.

It's fine if the two hooligans are stuck in the middle, and there's an annoying praying mantis throwing spikes at the side. If you accidentally get stabbed, the blood loss is not much, but it's particularly maddening.

Bombardment of the Russian Central Tower

At this time, Li Tuchuan's pkpr tactics had already been manifested very clearly. When the well-equipped King Yama bombarded him, except for the higher-level foxes and princes, everyone else had to lose more than one-third of their blood.

Jess is the main gun and the secondary gun is Eye of the Void.

Yu Luocheng's secondary gun has a relatively short cd, so he throws one from time to time, one when he's in a good mood, and one when he's in a bad mood, and the mana consumption is very low. A blast from Jace.

The Russian lineup was completely overwhelmed, the positions were blasted to pieces, and the defensive towers were slowly worn down and worn out, and they were about to be pushed down.

Lin Dong, Lin Dong, the prince is half-blooded. Yu Luocheng shouted towards Lin Dong.

Lin Dong is not completely in the middle lane. He usually goes to the bottom lane to collect a wave of lines, then runs to the middle lane for a while, and then goes to the bottom lane to collect the lines. Running back and forth between the middle lane and the bottom lane, he is as tired as a dog.

The prince's blood is more resistant, so he can't be killed, Lin Dong said.

If Thresh is half-blooded, then he is basically a corpse, but the prince is a meaty jungler...

Stop talking nonsense, let's fire. Without further ado, Yu Luocheng set up his position and activated the laser beam from a very long distance, turning the enemy into nothingness.

Bang bang bang bang

Baptized by the holy gun of the laser beam, the prince of Demacia ran away in the hail of bullets, how could he dare to defend this defensive tower.

Damn, how can this be played? The Russian jungler said extremely dissatisfied.

No one dared to stand under the defensive tower, so they could only look at the opposite side and push the defensive tower down.


Suddenly, an ion cannon shot from a distance and hit the Russian jungler.

The prince didn't even react, and was directly bombarded to death by the cannonball, and the screen turned black and white.


The Russian coach Dickens couldn't even speak for a while.

Eye of the Void and Holy Gun Ranger's ult are used together for ultra-long-distance killing effects below half health. In the middle, the future guardian - Jess will add an ion cannon, and he will die immediately.

Crying, it's really crying.

The lineup of the Chinese national team is not just a hail of bullets, it is simply a laser destruction cannon, and if you are not careful, you will be blasted to pieces.

(Someone actually said that Uncle’s WeChat message was nothing other than asking for tickets. It’s too much. Didn’t I greet you warmly before asking for tickets? Didn’t I say good morning, good afternoon, good evening or something first? Obviously it is You automatically ignore those hypocrisy... Bah, sincerely say hello... Really, I won't talk about asking for votes today, and I won't say today that there is a monthly ticket for each month. Remind everyone that you have not voted for the recommendation vote, in short, it is something other than asking for votes)

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