Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 955: Pit Teammates' Auxiliary

Another homicide happened on the lower road, and Li Tuchuan was relieved for a while.

It was really difficult to fight against the Canadian twin brothers, but when he was playing against Russia, Yu Luosheng really showed the demeanor of Hades all at once. crashed

It is very rare for a solo kill to occur in a professional league, let alone such a situation where the opponent is directly defeated in the early stage.

This time Russia is probably very uncomfortable. Their support Thresh died three times in total, and Feixie's supplementary development is not bad, but Yu Luosheng and Lin Dong's level and equipment are both ahead...

This forced the mid laner Apollo to go to the bottom lane to play support, otherwise if Yu Luosheng got a few more kills, they would not have to fight at all in this round

After Yu Luocheng got the head, he was in a happy mood, wondering if he would write a murder book?

The mid laner's Eye of the Void is not suitable for killing books, because as an aP, it is easy to be targeted by the enemy without thinking, and death is certain.

But as a support, there are a few people who are willing to throw their skills on you. The life of a support is cheap, but this kind of cheap life is always ignored...

Yu Luocheng played the Eye of the Void, and after the eye stone was released, he would definitely use the killing book. Whether he was playing in the professional league or in the normal ranking, this reason was the same as that of female fashion.

Hiding at the back of the team and outputting throwing skills, although this kind of hero has no displacement, there is no reason to die as long as you don't seek death yourself.

Since we are raising pigs, there is no need to buy shoes. Let's wait for some money to pay for the murder. Yu Luocheng's heart beat, and he determined his direction.

Roaming strategy and pig raising strategy are two of Yu Luosheng's favorite styles of play.

With the roaming strategy, the reason why Yu Luocheng can guarantee to arrive at the battlefield in about 10 seconds is because he will choose to release the 5-speed shoes earlier.

As for the strategy of raising pigs, shoes are definitely not very useful, and murder books are actually not very useful, and will not provide much damage, but Yu Luocheng understands that the next time the road will be completely a place of right and wrong, As long as you ensure that you don't die in a team battle, the murder book can be stacked anyway

Back on the line again, Yu Luocheng continued to work on the field of vision, drawing the fence of his pigsty, just to let the world know that this area on the next road was contracted by my pig factory manager, Yu Zhu.

The next thing to do is to wait quietly for wild boars from other places to come here.

The domestic pig Thresh has been slaughtered three times, the meat is not fresh, and it sells for a lot of good price, wild boar will be more valuable, I believe Apollo's wild boar will come in.

Go home on the middle road, but it is possible to go down the road to you. Yan Luowang reminded.

Yan Luowang had a fight with Apollo just now, and the two of them lost their blood one after another, and they both chose to go home.

Nine times out of ten, Apollo will come down the road. I still have some time to flash. They want to kill me when my flash is not good, and then seize the Xiaolong market in advance. Yu Luosheng said.

Really, Xiaolong Canyon is also within the range of Yu Luocheng's pigsty. Xiaolong was raised by Yu's family. If Apollo wanted to snatch it, how could he not ask him, the farmer? ?

Counting the time, Yu Luocheng instinctively glanced at the shadow behind the enemy.

Apollo must be there, Yu Luocheng could even smell the foul smell of the fox that Apollo used.

In addition, the opponent's jungle prince is probably also...

Lin Dong, you consume a set of Thresh, but don't use the displacement skill. Yu Luocheng said.

Lin Dong didn't think much about it, thinking that Yu Luocheng should be planning Thresh's idea again.

Lin Dong forcibly pushed in, and when Thresh was about to pick up the soul, he gave a holy gun ray, opened the double-gun old woman mode, and gave this domestic Thresh pig a set of skills.

Hey, you still have a temper, don't you? Lin Dong soon discovered that Thresh didn't back down, and was about to come up and fight.

Lin Dong's damage is very good now, as long as he hits Thresh to half health and cooperates with his and Yu Luosheng's output, he will definitely be asked to go to the hot spring to do his homework again.

Lin Dong refused to accept it, and continued to fight Thresh. When Thresh lost nearly half of his blood, Thresh suddenly threw a lantern behind him...

Oops, there's an ambush. ​​Lin Dong's heart tightened, his hands didn't panic, and he paid attention to who was catching cicadas behind the enemy.

As soon as the lantern was lifted, a Demacian prince holding a flag and a halberd appeared in front of Thresh as if driving a car. His murderous eyes stared at Lin Dong's black face, Lucian.

Giggle just as the prince arrived, another charming smile came from the shadow.

A nine-tailed fox stepped on the seven-star step, quickly sprang out from an imperceptible blind spot, and arrived in front of Lin Dong in the blink of an eye.

Lin Dong peed all of a sudden, this is the rhythm of playing mahjong in the bottom lane in Russia.

At the thrilling moment of Well done, Lin Dong heard a wretched and bold voice from behind.

Good, sister. Lin Dong cursed.

Damn, it's fine for Yu Luocheng, a bitch, to use all kinds of tricks to trick his opponents, but he can also do things like tricking his teammates.

He knew that there were 4 people on the opposite side, but he still asked himself to attack Thresh. To put it bluntly, he deliberately let himself sell this, this scheming

I didn't flash, I can't sell it, don't panic, hide from their control skills. Yu Luosheng immediately stated.

Lin Dong has black lines all over his head.

The next time I die, I won't believe the words of that bitch Yu Luocheng.

The prince of Demacia and the nine-tailed fox are heroes with very strong rushing ability. Can Lin Dong not panic at this time?

Lin Dong used ruthless pursuit and quickly fled backward...

At this moment, Lin Dong felt that he had humiliated the Holy Spear Ranger. Others were clearly called ruthless pursuit, and they were used to ruthlessly pursue and kill the enemy. In the end, he probably used him to escape in embarrassment. It was all caused by Yu Luocheng, a bird man

The more Lin Dong thinks about it, the more angry he becomes. In the professional circles all over the world, all aD Yin babies are held, cared for, and carefully cared for by the whole team. All the professional assistants are fierce and brave. I won't even wrinkle, just for the good development of my own aD.

As for myself, ever since I teamed up with Yu Luocheng, not to mention getting my head robbed, I have also been tricked by my own assistants

Pretty, well hidden, Yu Luocheng, who was hiding in the distance, called out, and praised Lin Dong's beautiful little operation.

Lin Dong first used Thresh's soul-hunting hook to avoid the tragedy of being controlled and killed in seconds.

Then he used his flash skill to dodge the raptor impact of the prince of Demacia on the opposite side, making the prince's skill on the opposite side miss directly.

Lin Dong's mental quality is indeed hard enough, and his operation is also in place.

Of course, the enemy's offensive can't be so simple. Prince Demacia is a man who can move three stages with the addition of flash. After seeing that Lin Dong has handed in all the movement skills, he directly raised his spear to Lin Dong's face. cover up


The earth split open, and a natural barrier rose majesticly. This barrier was like a pigsty, and Lin Dong was forcibly trapped in it. As soon as the fox and the plane arrived, Lin Dong was waiting to be slaughtered

Lin Dong was about to cry, knowing that there were dangers everywhere, he would never go to trouble the bullying Thresh.

Don't panic, Zhou Yan and King Yama are here. At this time, Li Tuchuan said.

Lin Dong didn't want to panic, but as a person who was framed in such a place, facing 4 people...

While he was reciting the Virgin Mary in his heart, a blue void figure suddenly appeared above Lin Dong's head.

The sharp claws, ferocious head, and strong wings are exactly Zhou Yan's void predator.

Lin Dong was moved for a moment. Zhou Yan's praying mantis jumped directly into the enemy's crowd. This courage is already 10,000 times better than someone who hides behind and knows to say something useless. It is also empty For the family, why is the gap so big? The stalwart praying mantis flying over his head and the wretched figure with strange tentacles pointing back and forth formed a sharp contrast.

Zhou Yan jumped into the crowd for the purpose of helping Lin Dong bear the damage. Lin Dong's blood volume is still good, but he is about to face the enemy's instant kill. If no one jumps out to help him share the enemy's attention, he will be the first A moment of death.

Zhou Yan flew into the crowd, and his target was Thresh, who had little blood on the opposite side...

In this kind of team battle, letting the enemy down first is the most important rule

Zhou Yan flew down, swept Thresh's body with his claws, and then gave him a spike skill, trying to kill Thresh first as much as possible.

Thresh didn't have much HP. After all, Lin Dong knocked out half of his HP from the very beginning.

Zhou Yan no longer has any skills. Seeing Thresh fleeing backwards, he didn't just chase after him, but immediately activated the stealth effect of his big move...

Mantis is not considered a meaty hero. If he jumps into the crowd and doesn't know how to use the void invisibility of his ultimate move to avoid the enemy's concentrated fire, then Mantis will become like Master Yi and never return.

Zhou Yan, get out of the way first. Yama, who arrived afterward, shouted.


A white laser flashed, and a white giant cannon suddenly flew towards it. It happened to explode between the four people in Russia. The fox, the plane, and the prince all suffered damage from this bombardment skill.

Well done, fight back. Yu Luocheng was overjoyed for a while, and all three tentacles entered the armed state at once.

plasma fission

void rift

Organization breakdown

And the last one, the super laser cannon

Fission bullets flew through the crowd, and cracks appeared continuously on the surface, followed by a beam of laser fire.

The sound of this laser beam is particularly exciting, and it is even more enjoyable to watch the enemy jumping in the laser beam.

Thresh on the opposite side thought he had escaped to a safe area, but who knew that the distance of the laser beam was so far away that he was immediately killed by the laser beam with his blood remaining...

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