Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 720 Trampling on the dignity of your country



The game is coming soon, despite the serious problem of jet lag, all the members in New York are still in front of the computer in high spirits, and it depends on the performance of the teammates in Australia.

We are all cheering for you. Yu Luocheng held the phone and said to Yan Luowang on the other end of the phone.

Don't worry, since this place is entrusted to me, I will finish it well. Yan Luowang said seriously.

I should have met the Australian mid laner before. They were in the Taiwan group. They are a bit strong. I only found out yesterday. Yu Luocheng reminded.

I can handle it. King Yama said.

Okay, trust you, we'll be waiting for you in New York. Yu Luocheng finished.

Just as Yu Luocheng was about to hang up the phone, he heard Xie Lianda, Da Luo, and Lin Dong yelling into the phone: Old Yan, fuck Australia, let us single-handedly kill Australian mid laner Philip!

Yu Luocheng shook his head speechlessly, and hung up the phone directly.

Really, they even bet on such a serious matter as the national competition. Don't they think that using money will tarnish King Yama's sacred mission of representing the country this time?

Also, it's a big deal to pay the bill to kill, I bought Yan Luo Wang Chaoshen, three hundred yuan!



On the other side, King Yama shook his head helplessly.

Listening to the noisy voice on the phone, I knew with my ass that the whole team must be headed by the cheap captain Yu Luocheng, and started betting on how many heads they would get.

I was fighting for my country, and it was chilling for them to use such a sacred mission as a tool for entertainment.

Just as I hung up the phone, the phone rang again.

Yan Luowang didn't even look at his phone, he connected the phone and asked, Yu Luocheng, what the hell do you have to explain?

What Yu Luocheng...it's me, Lao Yan, I'm Feng Li. A thin voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yan Luo Wang was stunned,

It's this guy.

Old Yan, I bought two tickets for the League of Legends World Tour. I know you are busy looking for a job, but this kind of competition is said to be rare, and the city government is making great efforts to promote it. Come on, come on, let the job seeker first. Let’s put aside the work, let’s look back at the time when the bully was coaxing, let me tell you, this time it turned out to be our Chinese national team vs the Australian national team, super passionate, I didn’t expect to not touch this for a few years, e-sports It's all developed into this... Feng Li said with a smile.

Oh, Feng Li, I'm not here to look for a job, I'm just... Yan Luo Wang just wanted to tell Feng Li that he was the Chinese team of the World Tour

I'll be waiting for you at the gate, come here quickly, don't be polite to me, don't be polite to me, if you don't come, you won't treat me as a brother. Feng Li interrupted King Yama.

Feng Li knew that Yan Luo Wang was a relatively introverted person, and he would generally reject his own good intentions. Feng Li was also very sorry, and he wanted to invite Yan Luo Wang to watch such a high-end national game, and Feng Li really missed the days of playing with Yan Luo Wang and the others. He lived happily without money!

Okay, I'll come. Yan Luo Wang was also helpless. He understood Feng Li's character, and he probably couldn't explain it clearly on the phone. It's better to talk to Feng Li in person, so that Feng Li won't waste money on buying tickets. , Let’s bring it in directly as an internal guest of the contestant.

Yan Luowang knew very well that the ticket price of the world tour was very high, almost catching up with the price of some concerts, and two tickets were worth a lot.

I'm going to pick up a friend, you guys get ready first. Yan Luowang said to the team members.

Okay. Xiao Wang, Bai Feng, Chu Guan Wang, Song Di Wang and others nodded.

This competition hall is used for football matches in Australia. The hall is very large, and there are several entrances.

Yan Luowang found the entrance that Feng Li said through the guidance of the staff.

There are many people queuing at the entrance, and it can be seen that the e-sports culture is also very popular here in Australia.

King Yan Luo found Feng Li, who was short and small, in the queue. Just as he was about to go forward, he heard Feng Li scolding in a very angry voice: You bitch, you bitch, you are really embarrassing to us Chinese! do you know?

Hehe, what else can you do besides calling a bitch, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you here, so let's line up here. A hot Asian woman said in Mandarin with a local accent.

It's out of my sight. Feng Li scolded.

The woman sneered and walked towards the place where King Yan Luo had come.

King Yan Luo glanced at the woman with thinning hair, feeling vaguely familiar.

This seems to be Feng Li's girlfriend, named Pinghua, who came to Australia with him to work. Why do these young couples have to fight every time they watch a game?

Feng Li. Yan Luo Wang walked over and looked at Feng Li who was still scolding.

Feng Li was stunned for a moment, secretly wondering why he was always seen by King Yama when he was ashamed.

Feng Li was extremely embarrassed.

What's the matter, we had a quarrel, the young couple have something to say, don't quarrel in public like this? Yan Luowang asked.

Arguing? We broke up a long time ago! Feng Li spat, his eyes full of disgust and anger towards that woman.

What's going on? Yan Luowang was puzzled for a while, he remembered that the two were basically childhood sweethearts, and their relationship couldn't be better.

It's nothing more than selling myself like a whore to young Australians for a residence permit, Feng Li said.

Residence permit? King Yama was still puzzled.

When you applied for a visa to go abroad, no one told you that you can only stay abroad for seven years? If we haven't found a job that can be signed by a legal company in Australia within seven years, we have to pack up and go back to China. Me and That bitch has been here for four or five years, and it's about to expire. It's almost impossible to find a job in Australia without a diploma like me, and those fake international students don't have much hope, they learn shit If you are not recognized abroad at all, you can go back to China to pretend to be a bluff. Therefore, if you want to stay here, you need to find a job with a signature. This is almost impossible for most of the overseas students who come here to work. Another way is Marry an Australian, and once you get married, they will recognize you as a person of this country, and you can live here permanently, enjoying national social security, education, and police protection. That bitch married that Australian youth three months ago, paralyzed, Said to be a player of the national team, shit, this thing is worth showing off. Feng Li uttered a lot of words in one breath, as if he had found someone who finally uttered it quickly.

Yan Luowang fell silent all of a sudden!

What happened to Feng Li? ? The whole person seems to be full of negative energy. Although it is true that many people who go abroad to work or study abroad are like what he said, it should not be the case for all of them.

Speaking of the matter of Pinghua, Yan Luo Wang couldn't believe that Pinghua would betray the man he loved because of such a thing living abroad.

Is the comfortable life in Australia really worth yearning for?

Forget it, forget it, don't mention this kind of bad luck, brother, you wait here for me to play, I bought the ticket, I didn't expect so many people to watch this game, and there is such a long queue to buy tickets. Feng Li chattered .

Let's go through the staff passage, no need to buy a ticket. Yan Luo Wang pulled Feng Li out of the crowd, and walked towards the sparsely populated staff passage.

Hey, the boy is not bad, you also know the national team members? Yes, I should have thought that you have been in the e-sports circle longer than me, so you should know the members of our Chinese national e-sports team. Fuck, I can also leave the staff The passage is over, that bitch and his adulterer were showing off in front of me just now, go, go, go ahead of them! Feng Li said excitedly.

I'm just here for the competition... Yan Luo Wang just wanted to say that he was a member of the Chinese team this time, but Feng Li, who was immersed in his own world, really quickened his pace, fearing that Pinghua, who was going through the security check, would not be able to see him. You can also take this special passage yourself.

King Yan Luo was speechless for a while, and hurriedly followed the short and thin Feng Li.


Are you mentally ill, man? There's no end to it! Pinghua said with a glance of Feng Li who was chasing up, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

You're sick, so I'm going here too. Feng Li said unconvinced.

Hehe, just you? Pinghua smiled.

What Ping Hua couldn't stand about Feng Li was that he wanted face so desperately, he never knew how humble he was.

Forget it, anyway, he would be stopped by the security guards anyway, Pinghua ignored Feng Li, quietly waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up.

Sure enough, after a while, Gao Da's not-so-handsome boyfriend came out.

Wow, he looks so handsome in his team uniform!

Pinghua took another look at Feng Li, who was short and dressed like a kid, and felt even more fortunate that she had made a wise choice.

Honey, I'm here. Pinghua said in English to Philip who was coming.

Philip smiled slightly, walked up to the security guards, showed his player card, and signaled them to let Pinghua in.

After Ping Hua got the permission, she immediately walked over proudly and came to Philip's side. The woman seemed to want to make Feng Li give up, and she hugged Philip's neck and gave him a deep kiss.

At this moment, Feng Li was about to explode.

For a man who desperately wants face, this kind of thing is probably the most intolerable, especially when there is an old friend next to him!

Oh, it's you? Philip saw Feng Li. The tall man looked down at Feng Li completely, his eyes were full of disdain for looking at garbage and ****.

What's wrong with me! Feng Li said angrily.

It's nothing, I just want to tell you that if you have time to watch the game, it's better to spend more time washing a few dishes. You don't have much time to stay in my country to make money, so cherish it. Philip sneered.

Bastard, do you think I want to stay in such a rubbish country! Feng Li continued to roar.

Then go back to your own country early, oh, I almost forgot, today our opponent is your country's team. Also, I shouldn't waste my time here talking to you like rubbish, you are nothing, It's just a dog who doesn't even have the courage to stay in his own country and live in another country, and I am a member of the Australian national e-sports team. From the perspective of level, it is the dignity of your entire country to step on me. Philip Ha He laughed loudly and said to Feng Li. one\t()

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