Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 719 Australian National Championship!

Yeah, I hope there will be no special circumstances. In front of the computer, everyone drank coffee and turned on the projector in the hall. The preview of the Australian National Championship has already appeared on the live broadcast channel. The day after tomorrow is the Chinese team vs. the Australian team. Although the number of people following the game is not as large as that of Japan, it is still the same game that everyone is paying attention to. Many people in China are already watching Looking at the Chinese e-sports team, they are also willing to watch the Chinese team stand out from the world tour!


Melbourne, Australia.

Melbourne is a slow-paced city. A country like China where you can eat 24 hours a day is completely unworkable here. Sometimes it’s even impossible to find something to eat on the street when you train late. , All the shops are closed, and even if you want to buy a chewing gum 1 second before he closes, the shopkeeper will directly treat you as a nerve. In their view, getting off work is the most sacred, and working overtime is simply a sin. That's right, in such a country where the money is almost enough to work casually, who the hell likes to work overtime, and only those stowaways, sojourners, and migrant workers who get into the eyes of money will do it.

Unfortunately, Chinese people account for the vast majority of stowaways, sojourners, and migrant workers.

Pingyu Street, this is a neighborhood where most Chinese live.

This street is basically occupied by people who came from China. Those who open restaurants, work for restaurants, students studying abroad and those who work for restaurants, help foreigners solve their needs...

Walking on this street that looked clean but was crowded with people, King Yama always had a strange feeling in his heart.

This feeling has been with me for a long time, not long after getting off the plane.

King Yama, I'm at that Chinese restaurant on the street, where are you going? said a man with a shrill voice on the other end of the phone.

Holding the mobile phone, Yan Luo Wang looked up at the Chinese restaurant written in Chinese characters on the storefront, and replied, I'm here.

Oh... oh, are you really here? The shrill voice obviously asked seriously once.

Really, is the restaurant called Su's Restaurant? Yama asked.

Yes... yes. The other end of the phone replied reluctantly.

I came in to find you?

No, no, I'll go find you right away, I'm not here.

said the shrill voice.

King Yan Luo nodded and stood there waiting.

However, soon he heard shouting from a nearby shop.

Yan Luo Wang turned his head and found a man in a suit that didn't fit quickly ran out of a restaurant that was almost closed. Behind the man was an Australian woman who was moving towards the strange man in the suit with a very sharp voice. cursed loudly.

Old Yan, hahaha, I really didn't expect, I really didn't expect that you came to Australia! The short and thin man in a suit said in a high-pitched voice.

Feng Li. Yan Luowang looked at him, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart!

Feng Li is an old friend of King Yan Luo many years ago. At the beginning, we played e-sports together, ate instant noodles together to meet the competition, and celebrated after winning the ranking. Basically, the bonus was almost used for a meal.

It's not how extravagant everyone's food is, but that the bonus at that time was enough for everyone to celebrate and eat a very ordinary meal.

So many years have passed, and seeing such an initial e-sports comrade-in-arms again, Yan Luowang is also full of emotions.

Old Yan, why did you come to Australia? Did you also come here to work? Feng Li asked with a smile. That's right. How are you doing here? Yama asked. --hell,-! At this moment, the Australian woman rushed towards Feng Li.

Feng Li was suddenly embarrassed, as if he wanted to tell the Australian woman that he was meeting an old friend.

The Australian woman ignored Feng Li completely, and continued to yell at Feng Li, probably saying that if you don't do it, you should get out.

In the end, Feng Li could only look helplessly at King Yama, and said in a low voice, Wait for me, I'll finish my work, and I'll come, just come.

Yan Luowang nodded.

About twenty minutes later, Feng Li came out of the store again, with a lot of apology on his face.

Feng Li took Yan Luo Wang to a place near the river and got on the bridge.

There are public seats on the bridge, Feng Li smiled and said: What did we talk about just now, oh, you also come here to work, by the way, do you have a job in Australia? If not, my buddy will introduce you!

Feng Li has been working here for nearly four years. The wages here in Australia are high, and the living expenses are not too high. If you work for a few more years, you can earn a lot of money.

In recent years, many people who are not well developed in China have obtained work visas in Australia through connections and money. Many people have been working here for several years and can basically start a house in their hometown after returning home.

Of course, there are still many so-called foreign students who come to Australia to study in Australia through those cheating institutions in China. In fact, they are some low-level schools in Australia, and foreign students also work here under a nice name of studying abroad.

Feng Li believed that his old friend Yan Luo Wang was also in the same situation.

Feng Li left to play games relatively early. He knew very well that games couldn't make any money at all. His old friend Yan Luowang spent a lot of time on it, most of which were wasted, and finally went to this foreign country to work. To be honest, Feng Li himself was not doing very well, the female boss scolded him just now. But no matter what, when fellow villagers come here, you have to save some face, or you'll be sorry for those awesome bastards you've bragged about in the group!

I'm not here to look for a job. Yan Luowang explained.

Well, studying abroad is similar. Anyway, everyone is a sojourner here. Feng Li said. Yan Luowang was speechless, because he didn't expect Feng Li to be completely ignorant of the world of e-sports. If Feng Li still pays attention to e-sports, then he will definitely find that some murals in Melbourne advertise the national competition, and he will definitely know that he is coming to Australia to play the national competition.

For a moment, Yan Luo Wang didn't know how to communicate with Feng Li, as if he was no longer from the same world.

What happened just now? Yama asked.

Feng Lihao was embarrassed, as if he didn't have the nerve to say it.

It took a while before he explained: Since you have come here, then I won't say anything false.

Yama raised his eyebrows.

Although we haven't seen each other for many years, everyone has contact information. King Yan Luo saw the things Feng Li posted in the group, and he seemed to be living well abroad.

But judging from the situation just now, it was not as good as what Feng Li said in the group, at least the Australian woman didn't show any respect for the kind of scolding Feng Li had given.

Well, tell me. King Yan Luo listened carefully.

Those posted in the group are half-truths. Life here in Australia is not as tiring and depressing as it is in our country, and you can make a lot of money, but other people's countries are other people's countries after all. We are very happy here. Those who have no status, you will know this when you have a job here. Feng Li said.

How should I say it? King Yan Luo was very puzzled.

Do you still remember the look in the eyes of those city people who looked down on us when we moved from a small village to a big city? Feng Li asked.

I remember very much. King Yan Luo nodded.

It was this kind of contempt that made Yan Luo Wang insist on staying in the city.

Beijing and Shanghai are particularly serious, right? It's not that they look down on people from the countryside, they look down on all outsiders, Feng Li said.

King Yama nodded, living in Shanghai, King Yama knew this feeling deeply. At least that was exactly the case a few years ago, but not anymore.

That's it. If you compare it, you will understand how much discrimination you will encounter from foreigners after you work, especially us sojourners who have not obtained a residence permit. Feng Li said.

Movies, TV shows, and some social networking sites always talk about how high the quality of foreign countries is, how foreigners respect people, and how foreigners are cultivated.

In Feng Li's opinion, these are shit!

If you think about it with your ass, you should know that there are unique discriminations between cities, not to mention that when the nationality, race, belief, and identity are completely inconsistent, in their eyes, you are just a bunch of people occupying a certain block and polluting it. The rubbish of their urban environment that lowers their quality of life!


Yes, they know how to respect people, but only if they treat you as a human being.

Before you have any special skills to make them commendable, and before you have any ability to make them willing to sign a contract with you, the Chinese who come to their country to work at the lowest level are a group of people who invade other people's territory without quality and culture Dirty rats, corpses lying on the street don't bother to call the police, wasting their coffee time!

Old Yan, our lives in this world are nothing more than our whole face. I will tell you this as soon as you come. It is indeed a shock, but there is no other way. Anyway, we are working here, and we will go back when we earn enough money. Don't worry about it. How pissed off, how looked down upon, how useless, no one knows us, after we go back, we will be uncles with a small villa in our hometown! Feng Li said, patting King Yama on the shoulder.

King Yan Luo didn't know what to say at this time.

In the past, Feng Li, he would rush up to scold a man who fought with someone because he looked down on you with supercilious eyes. After a few years, his face has changed beyond recognition, which makes King Yama really don't know what to say.

Yan Luo Wang and Feng Li didn't chat for too long and went back. Feng Li sent Yan Luo Wang halfway, seeing Yan Luo Wang's gloomy look, he felt a little sorry.

Is it because I said something that I shouldn't have said too early, but these things should have been known earlier.

On the way back, Feng Li was also preoccupied. When he turned the corner of the street, he suddenly saw a billboard.

The e-sports world tour will be held the day after tomorrow? Feng Li looked around.

It's been a few years, and I haven't touched e-sports again, and I don't know what it is like at all. I didn't expect that there will be a world tour in e-sports.

Buy a ticket the day after tomorrow, and invite Lao Yan to watch the game. League of Legends is very popular. He should play it, and he will like to watch it. We really have no status in the country. When we were young, we foolishly wanted to die for our dignity, but now... I don't even know how much this thing is worth. Feng Li said to himself.

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