Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 687 Two V Three, no pressure!

Qiu Minghui was really unexpected.

Is the guts of these two people made by leopards? How can anyone dare to fight back like this when facing this kind of double-teaming, or even deliberately jump into the pit to fight when they easily walk away?

It feels like three hunters deliberately drove the two prey to the position of their trap. Originally, the three of them planned to hunt together, but in the end the two prey dragged the three of them into the trap fiercely and gnawed wildly.

Many people habitually think that Thresh is a hero with no damage. In fact, Thresh is very powerful in combat. His basic attack in the early stage is comparable to that of AD. His set of skills in the early and mid-term will also knock out 1/3 of the enemy One has more blood, especially the soul prison of the ultimate move

A pendulum of doom, a prison of the soul, with an ignition and a hook, one-third of the health is gone in an instant.

At this moment, Qiu Minghui saw his blood volume drop violently, but he was under continuous control now, and it was impossible for him to run away.

Yu Luosheng's control was very cunning. He forcibly separated Qiu Minghui and Bron, preventing Bron's shield from resisting the damage from Qianmeng's skill. After Qianmeng lit the lantern, she quickly walked behind Bron, also Very skillfully avoided Braum's shield, making Braum's shield basically useless

Qianmeng's current equipment is already very good, plus the runes worn by it, the damage caused by each attack is very high

After a lot of fighting, Qiu Minghui's Lu Xi'an was quickly killed by Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng, unable to fight back


Qiu Minghui cursed angrily, feeling extremely upset.

It was originally a very beautiful siege, but he was killed first

How come this idiot supporter of mine never knows how to release good skills? Braum's protection ability is not reflected at all.

Yu Luosheng and Qianmeng used about half of their HP to fight off Qiu Minghui's main output, leaving Yamamoto Anko's Mantis and Bron.

Qian Meng reacted very quickly. When she saw the mantis flying towards her, she immediately took a chic and elegant side-slide step, letting the mantis fly away.

This Anko Yamamoto's praying mantis has two heads, and the damage is very high. With Qianmeng's current blood volume, if he eats the damage from all the skills of the praying mantis, he will definitely be killed.

After sliding sideways, he suddenly twisted his delicate waist...

Today's masters are very predictive. For example, if you are a flexible Ezreal, then the master will choose to approach Ezreal first and wait for him to hand in the displacement skills before giving the control skills to avoid his own control skills. Was dodged by the opponent with displacement.

Similarly, Mantis is also very smart. After Qianmeng used the sliding step, she immediately released a void spike in the direction of Qianmeng.

There are three spikes, flying out in a fan shape, as long as it is touched, it will be strongly slowed down. At this time, the mantis will catch up and give it a claw...

I don't know if Qianmeng's position is particularly light, or if the heroine, the policewoman, has a slender figure and amazing willow waist, she just saw Qianmeng twisting so lightly, like a little flickering body that had been prepared for a long time. Dodged two void spikes flying past her

The fan-shaped void spikes diverge and just miss

Yamamoto Apricot felt like crying

Is this bagyanu okay?

After the mantis evolved the spike skill, the spikes flew out in a fan shape, and basically hit all of them within this range, but the policewoman was standing at the place where the two spikes forked, and did not suffer any damage

If it can't slow down to the policewoman, it will be difficult for the mantis to follow up with the policewoman. When it killed Yu Luocheng before, it used up the flash.

As a last resort, he activated the big move Void Invisibility.

Mantis' void invisibility can give him a 30 movement speed bonus, and now he is using this acceleration to keep up with the policewoman and take her life away

The mantis went into invisibility, and Qianmeng lost the mantis' vision.

She didn't appear to be in a hurry, she put a shelf under her feet, and then walked back

Yamamoto Anko was not as stupid as the stud man, he stepped directly on the shelf, he walked around a little, avoided the policewoman's shelf, and immediately activated the invisibility effect of the second stage of the big move to get close to the light dream again.

Qian Meng couldn't dodge this time, and was swept by the mantis' claws


The claws of the mantis tore a deep wound on the delicate skin of the Qianmeng policewoman, and Yu Luocheng felt distressed when he saw it. But now that he has no skills and is entangled by a pig Bron, he can't protect himself.

Qianmeng moved with difficulty, and when Mantis wanted to block the road and wait for the next wave of skills, she suddenly walked back and stepped on the shelf.

Yamamoto Anko was taken aback.

Fuck, do you want to surround me with shelves?

This trick is actually very effective. It is impossible for Yamamoto Xing to go to the shelf, so she has to go around a little bit.

But after going around like this, he couldn't output output while sticking to Qianmeng...

Taking advantage of this short respite, Qian Meng quickly walked towards the grass, temporarily avoiding the sharp edge of the praying mantis.

Yamamoto Apricot sneered, she looked exactly like a dirty Japanese officer who forced a young Chinese woman into a corner and laughed nonsense.

Flower girl, where are you running?

The passive effect of the mantis is isolation and helplessness, which can increase the damage of the mantis.

Qianmeng walking into the grass like this is equivalent to increasing the passive damage of the praying mantis. Doesn't this mean that the young woman is taking off her clothes and letting them pick them?

Apricot Yamamoto went on without even thinking about it. No man would remain rational at such a time.

Touching into the deserted grass, looking at the charming little policewoman, Yamamoto Xing couldn't help laughing, and took down the policewoman. He has three heads this time, and the head is the highest in the audience. outstanding performance

Three steps and two steps, Yamamoto Xing rushed towards the policewoman Little Beauty excitedly.


Hey, what sound, forget it, something insignificant.

Wow, why can't I move, what's wrong with my Taijun's feet

Yamamoto Xing looked down, only to realize that there was an extra shelf under her feet at some point, and this shelf deeply clamped her praying mantis feet on the ground, making her unable to move at all.

Yamamoto Anko felt annoyed for no reason.

When did this bush have a shelf? Why didn't I see it just now...

Also, this policewoman is too cunning, she deliberately lured herself into the deserted grass, where a trap had been set long ago

Damn, so hateful

The little girl who reaches her mouth can only watch her go further and further away

Suddenly, Apricot Yamamoto found that this flower girl was really courageous. During the time when she was controlled by the airs, she didn't rush to run with her torn clothes, and even turned around and shot herself a few bullets.

don't run? ? ?

Then wait to be dragged away xx

Yamamoto Xing finally broke free from the shelf, immediately released the spikes, and successfully slowed down to the policewoman who was running out of health.

Follow up immediately after slowing down, as long as one can make this policewoman bloody


Just as he was about to raise his hand, a soul chain suddenly came from not far away, leaving a blood mark on the face of Yamamoto Apricot Mantis

Apricot Yamamoto is going straight to Sparta

Just a little bit, just a little bit short of being able to kill the policewoman, but was sent back by the damn Thresh with a pendulum of doom, so she watched helplessly as the flower girl fell into the safe embrace of Thresh

hurry up, hurry up

Thresh shook the chain in his hand again, and the chain that was originally a pendulum of doom turned into a straight line flying out, hitting Yamamoto Anko's praying mantis in a straight line.

Good hook! Wu Sen shouted.

Tainima in time

Damn, it's all survived! Da Luo exclaimed for a while.

Inside the soundproof room, the large group of Chinese players, coaches, and analysts headed by Li Tuchuan all changed their mouths into an o

The policewoman's life was at stake, but she used two inconspicuous clips to delay the time for about 5 seconds, and successfully fought Yu Luocheng's Thresh again.

And during this time, Yu Luocheng Thresh's skills were refreshed, just in time to save the ad who walked the vicious dog for a circle, and then suddenly counterattacked

Here, Qianmeng has a detailed operation that even Yu Luocheng praises.

That is, she is standing on the edge of the grass to output...

Why does the female policewoman stand in the grass to output? Is it possible that just jumping out of the grass and chopping people like the big Galen can get a kind of hhpp called primary school student's domineering spirit? ?

Obviously not, the passive skill of the policewoman is that after every seven attacks, the next attack will have a headshot effect

And if the policewoman stands in the bushes and attacks, this special effect will be superimposed very quickly, and after about 4 attacks, the headshot stunt can be triggered

Qianmeng hit the mantis twice just now, one of which was a headshot effect, and the damage was extremely high.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Luocheng slapped the mantis away with the pendulum of doom, Qianmeng continued to output, and then attacked twice...

During the time when Yu Luocheng was connected to the hook and dragged, Qianmeng once again triggered the passive effect of headshot

It was these two key passive shots that dropped Mantis from a three-quarters bloodline to less than one-third.

And after Yamamoto Xing realized that his blood volume was not enough to support his obscenity, a flower girl shouted from behind him, and a long-distance musket pierced through, crippling his blood volume again some...

The long musket is extremely flexible in the hands of Qianmeng Policewoman, and with a turn, the musket turns into a sniper

Then, I saw the policewoman's sexy little buttocks squatting down suddenly, and the sniper rifle aimed directly at the fleeing Yamamoto Xing.


Apricot Yamamoto freaked out

No way, the flower girl didn't taste it, but was killed by the flower girl thousands of miles away? ?

(Chapter 1: Sending the people to Shangla is in Guangdong, hahaha, Guangdong is really a place with...Nimma’s traffic jams)

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