Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 686 Inhuman 2-person team!

Big wave??? Emperor Song was puzzled.

Xie Lianda stared at the screen, watching the double kill coming from the bottom lane, he was so surprised that he could stuff two eggs into his mouth

Yu Luocheng also remained silent for a long time, staring at the two corpses of Qiu Minghui and the man with earrings under the defense tower in the bottom lane.

What's the deal? ? ?

Fuck, I'm going to fly! Xiao Wang immediately burst into foul language

One hit two in the bottom lane, Nima also took a double kill? ? ?

Bai Feng can't even do this kind of thing, okay? When did Lin Dong go against the sky? Is this still the Lin Dong we know?

The faces of a group of people in Japan were as uncomfortable as if they had eaten stinky socks, and the parties involved Qiu Minghui and the man with earrings were even in the mood to cry

two hit one

This is really two fighting one, and was killed directly

Where does this put their face? ?

This ad is really powerful. The man with the earrings finally realized the problem at this moment.

Originally thought that this was an ad randomly dragged by the Chinese team to change the tactical strategy.

Who knew that this ad was so strong, the shelf is simply an artifact in her hands, it can control your movement intentions to death, the man with the earrings actually saw that the shelf was about to hide just now, the problem is that he didn't care if he stepped on it If you don't step on that frame, you will be attacked a few more times by the defense tower. The position of that frame is sealed too well

Even if he died, the stud man thought that Qiu Minghui could take the other's head.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Minghui miscalculated the damage due to a healing spell by the opponent, and was directly killed by the opponent's female policewoman under the tower.

Just now, the man with the earrings has been watching Qiu Minghui's struggle with the opposing policewoman in the bottom lane.

Originally, even if Qiu Minghui made a mistake in calculating the damage, he could have exchanged his life with the policewoman. As a result, the policewoman controlled the distance to an extreme. Launched, but the policewoman attacked twice more...

After the modification of the hero Lucian, the attack distance is about 500 more than that of the male gun, and the attack distance of the female policeman is 0, which is more than 100 yards different.

The female policeman took advantage of the gap of more than 100 yards to kite Qiu Minghui alive for two seconds.

Qiu Minghui fought against the opponent under the tower. In these two seconds, he took two more damage from the defense tower...

Distance art, I'm so stupid, who is this policewoman? She's too strong! Lin Dong, who was sitting and watching the game in the soundproof room, yelled, his face full of shock

Similarly, Bai Feng, who played professionally, was also moved by it

What is distance art?

The duel between you and me is all about courage and manipulation. Whoever can hit the other side more will earn money, and whoever can win the fight.

As the hero with the longest attack distance in the League of Legends, the policewoman is the one who can best show off the art of distance.

Click when the opponent replenishes troops, retreat when the opponent wants to attack you, and click when the opponent turns around, click again when the opponent pretends to close the distance and stay still, and when the opponent really wants to attack you, click Immediately retreat to open the distance...

The art of distance pays too much attention to operation and psychology. Have you seized the opportunity to attack once more?

Qiu Minghui was hit by the kite for more than two seconds. It was because when he intended to attack the female policeman, the distance was not enough. When he pretended to retreat and suddenly counterattacked, the female policeman remained still. When he was angry and wanted to attack, The policewoman retreats...

For two seconds, Qiu Minghui was equivalent to eating the damage from the defensive tower and doing nothing, but the policewoman not only dealt two more damage, but also successfully cooperated with the damage from the defensive tower to achieve a counter-kill effect

This kind of distance art is really not good for everyone

Lin Dong admits that he can't do it, and Bai Feng also understands that it is impossible to completely achieve this kind of distance artistic operation in the face of the cunning Qiu Minghui.

However, the mysterious ad who didn't know the name died

When everyone thought she would be killed, she used her IQ to show her death to assist Bron, and when people thought she would be killed by the opponent, she counter-killed Qiu Minghui with the limit of her operation. The most unbelievable thing is her still alive

The ultimate crushing of IQ and operation

And they used Qiu Minghui's best female police officer

From Lin Dong and Bai Feng's professional eyes, Qiu Minghui's policewoman is really strong.

Unexpectedly, an unknown appearance made the policewoman play superbly. In the eyes of others, the policewoman's insignificant air skill is a magic skill in her hands. In the eyes of others, the ordinary long-distance attack is in her hands. Art, played so well that it is unbelievable, and even those Japanese players who don't understand the game at all scold Qiu Minghui with anger, why did they cancel the basic attack twice in a row?

It wasn't Qiu Minghui who canceled the basic attack himself, but Qiu Minghui couldn't touch this policewoman at all.

By the way, do you feel that this policewoman has a very human temperament? Da Luo, who was shocked in his heart, suddenly spoke.

Elegant and calm, calm and unhurried, even if the footsteps are messy... that's probably just pretending

Such an ad is too Nima like a person.

You mean... Lin Dong immediately realized.

To be honest, Qiu Minghui's female policeman is very similar to Qianmeng, but she always feels that something is not right, and she can't explain it if she wants to say it. It's just a kind of temperament, feeling

At this time, this policewoman completely overlaps with Qianmeng's temperament. Facing the fierce pursuit of Qiu Minghui and the man with the earrings, and the amusing four of her teammates who rushed to the tower and were all wiped out, she acted calmly. , Elegant kite, easily counter-kill two and not die

yes, it's here

Suddenly, Lin Dong came to his senses

He understood that there was something wrong with him always thinking that Qiu Minghui was Qian Meng.

Qiu Minghui's mentality will become excited after he has a brilliant operation and a wonderful counter-kill. He will choose to clear the soldiers and go home quickly.

The Qianmeng I know is different, every time she performs a divine operation, she behaves calmly and calmly

Have you ever heard of that saying, the beauty of a woman lies in: She had a fight with you, went out angrily, and bought some food when she came back...

This elegance and calmness is extremely seductive, so Lin Dong repeatedly thinks that Qian Meng is a woman.

What the policewoman at this moment is showing is the beauty of this kind of elegance and calmness of women

Could it be that... this guy is Qianmeng??? Such a thought suddenly popped up in Lin Dong's mind.

To be honest, only this Lin Dong has such a feeling

Let's talk about the game.

In fact, the four big men soaking in the hot spring may not be happy.

4 dozen were wiped out by Little Japan.

Killed two

Ever since, the Chinese national team's top laner, mid laner, jungler, and the shameless support gank who claimed that Pluto was too strong were eliminated in small-scale team battles, and the bottom lane killed two undead female players forming an extremely stark contrast

Anyway, Xiao Wang, Xie Lianda, and Emperor Song didn't know that Qian Meng was a woman, and Yu Luocheng, who knew the inside story, felt that he was not well.

The same is true.

Tens of millions of viewers in China saw their Captain Yu playing and saw him using Thresh, and even the commentary specifically told the players that everyone should watch the game carefully. This will be a game that Captain Yu will bring to everyone. Mainstream assisted Thresh's teaching.

As a result, Yu Luocheng's wave was strong and rhythmic, and the four of them were wiped out. Let's look at the policewoman who went down the road...

The audience is now basically in a state of wanting to buy a policewoman to practice after watching Captain Yu use Thresh

Resurrected from the spring, bought equipment, Yu Luocheng rolled back to the bottom lane with a bitter face.

Alas, it is actually relatively rare to make mistakes by yourself and lead to the wrong rhythm. Why did such an accident happen just once by yourself?

It was agreed that it was up to me to defeat Little Japan, and make the betrayer Qiu Minghui want to cry without tears. How could Qian Meng wipe away the thorn in his eyes? Why is he so stealing the spotlight?

Yu Luocheng didn't think he would lose this round, even if he lost his teammate once, he wasn't too worried.

So, seeing Qian Meng being hunted down by the other party and about to die, Yu Luocheng was very anxious and painful.

But seeing Qian Mengshen's stealth show kill Qiu Minghui, Yu Luosheng felt even more pained. Feeling better than being

Yu Luosheng pointed to Qiu Minghui's nose and said that day, today is the most tragic day for Japanese e-sports

Now that Qianmeng has won two heads, and since his own Qianmeng can guarantee her development and immortality no matter how much she flirts, then Yu Luocheng can completely let go and fight.

Qian Meng was replenishing the line to control the line, and Yu Luocheng's Thresh had already pushed behind the line.

Want to eat experience?

over thinking

The praying mantis has circled behind, be careful, Emperor Song suddenly reminded him to get off the road.

Fuck, why didn't you say it earlier? Yu Luocheng cursed.

Excessively flirting, Yu Luocheng rushed a little too far, and was about to be dumped by the other three

Qian Meng stood in a relatively safe place, as long as she ignored the praying mantis, she could go back to the defense tower after walking a few steps.

Give the light. Faced with this predicament, Qian Meng only uttered two words.

Without further ado, Yu Luocheng turned around and threw a lantern. At the same time, he flipped a pendulum of doom in his hand, and took a picture of Qiu Minghui's Lu Xi'an who wanted to come up to make dumplings, and then instantly activated the big move of the cage

Qianmeng ignored the praying mantis who was walking past her, and stepped on the lantern to arrive in front of Yu Luosheng, frantically facing the controlled ade Minghui

don't retreat, fight back

Qiu Minghui, the man with earrings, and Yamamoto Anko were also shocked

Under normal circumstances, the female policeman directly retreats to the tower and gives up the treatment to assist Thresh. At least one can be saved.

This Thresh is used as a support, so it’s fine if you don’t sell yourself. Nima turned around and gave a lantern for the ad to step on. Is this pulling the ad into the pit?

What's more, if someone Thresh throws a lantern and takes you into the pit, you really dare to point it

You can't use the thinking of normal people to measure the two players in the bottom lane of the Chinese national team, okay?

(Chapter 3 I want a monthly ticket for the last two days of this month. If you don’t vote, the ticket will rot. Everyone must remember to vote.)

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