Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 682 Golden Partner!

Policewoman? Mu Liying, they really think highly of you, just to prevent you from getting this hero, they deliberately robbed the policewoman. Yuan Chuanyihe said with a smile.

The Chinese national team has been in chaos. Although the policewoman has always been the favorite in the professional competition, she will eventually fall into the sinking compared with some of the more superior ad sevens now.

Judging from their information, there should be no one who can fight the policewoman well. What's more interesting is that they snatched the policewoman themselves in order to prevent Mu Liying from getting it. Is this really effective?

Being familiar with a hero means being familiar with all the styles of play of a hero, and knowing how to restrain

The corners of Qiu Minghui's mouth also curled up. It's really an honor for the Chinese national team to value him so much.

I'll take Lucian. Qiu Minghui said.

After the revision of Lucian, his attack distance is very short, but because of his e-skill's fast double-gun refresh, this is still the first choice. He has extremely strong combat effectiveness and explosiveness in the early stage. If he fights well, he can reduce the extreme damage of the female policeman in the early stage. The heroes are well suppressed.

One thing that needs to be confirmed is that Lucian has to dare to fight the female policeman. When he replenishes troops, he can sprint up and fight quickly, and keep changing blood. Then the problem of the female policeman's attacking distance will no longer pose a threat

When you find an opportunity, fight it out, don't be cowardly

Since you use a policewoman, I'll take a Thresh. Yu Luocheng said.

After much deliberation, the policewoman and Thresh are a very good combination. In order to respect Qianmeng's coming out, Yu Luocheng deliberately chose the most mainstream support

Yu Luosheng's choice probably made audiences across the country astonished again.

What about non-mainstream support?

Why did you choose Thresh? ?

Everyone was sick of watching Thresh. Watching Captain Yu's game was nothing more than the novelty and exhilaration of playing a special hero in a professional league. Why did Captain Yu take Thresh.

Let Thresh be Thresh, presumably Captain Yu's Thresh will always be different.

The lineup of the Chinese national team is completely determined:

Top laner Xiao Wang, wandering mage Ryze

Mid laner Xie Lianda, shadow of the blade Tai Long

Playing Wild Song Emperor, Demacia Prince

Assistant Yu Luosheng, Warden Thresh

absp; This lineup is probably the oldest style of play. It seems that after the fast-paced era of pushing, shifting, and rushing in the previous season, this version gradually tends to prolong the game time, and it is often only possible to use it in the later stage Really stand your ground.

Ryze, Blade, Prince, Thresh, Policewoman, the lineup of the Chinese team is full of the atmosphere of the last era, the lineup is stable, the team is biased, the support is slow, and the transfer is slow...

Looking at the lineup of the Japanese national team, the selection of the Japanese national team is also very particular.

On the road, the lunatic took out the will of the blade-Arelia, his choice was a bit unexpected.

The constant changes in the version have greatly increased the chances of Daofeng brothers and sisters playing. In this game, both male swords and female swords appeared.

Nv Dao is a hero who needs to be cultivated in the early stage. If she gets the head in the middle stage, she will completely transform from an ordinary fighter to a holy warrior.

Zhonglu Yuanchuan Yihe, Tiao Moling

In the last round, Yuan Chuan Yi He used Tiao Moling, this round Yuan Chuan Yi He didn't intend to change it, in fact, that was the only thing he could really fight, and in the last game, Xie Lianda was single-killed.

Apricot Yamamoto, Thunder Roar

Xiong, a hero who is so fleshy that he can make people desperate, Yamamoto Xing didn't think too much this time, and directly took his most stable jungler, a hero who can be a dog or a bear

Auxiliary, Japan chose a new hero Braum.

Braum, the heart of the Fereljord, a man who claims to replace Thresh's first brother, was simply created to support him.

Bron and Lucian, you guys have to be very careful when going down the road. Xie Lianda said slightly worried.

Bron and Lucian are now official partners in League of Legends.

Similar to Yasuoga blind monk, poodle plus bar demon...

Bron has an extremely powerful passive skill. His basic attack and skills will brand the enemy. When the enemy has this brand, every time he is attacked by a general attack, a brand will be superimposed. After the brand is full of 4, the enemy will Can be stunned and deal magic damage

Lucian's passive is dual guns, that is to say, when Braum attacks the enemy, Lucian can give a skill to it ⊥ the enemy instantly stacks up to three layers, and then just click casually to touch Braum's stun passive...

This bottom lane combination is extremely violent, even if the strength is one level lower than others, if you dare to fight a little bit, you can easily blow up the enemy.

The Japanese national team came up with such a combination in the bottom lane, and it is clear that they have practiced it. In contrast, the combination of the policewoman and Thresh will be much weaker, and no obvious mistakes can be made, even if the Thresh is as fleshy. If the auxiliary is touched by the enemy's passive, it will also die.

The strongest bot lane hero combination. I took the policewoman, but the opponent took such a combination. I feel that the gain is not worth the loss. Song Diwang said with a wry smile.

Both Thresh and the policewoman have low damage. Song Diwang was thinking that even if he went to the bottom lane to gank, he might not be able to beat the powerful combination of Lucian and Braum.

It's okay, Emperor Song, please help me, the Japanese team's jungler strength is not at the same level as yours. Yu Luosheng said.

If this female policewoman is Lin Dong, Yu Luocheng also wants to face Lucian Gablon, and now the person next to him is Qianmeng

Both sides select candidates to confirm, lock, and finally adjust

enter the game

The Japanese people at the scene cheered enthusiastically. They were full of wine and food, and they could also enjoy a game where their country turned around and defeated a powerful country. It was really a delicious weekend.

For you, I sacrificed Thresh, don't let me down, Yu Luocheng said in a team voice.

Qian Meng didn't answer.

It is true that Yu Luocheng uses Thresh as a mainstream support, but Qianmeng understands that it's not that he doesn't know how to use it, but that Thresh has already reached the pinnacle

In other words, Yu Luocheng would talk about his rune talent every time before starting the game, so that his teammates could have an assessment of his combat effectiveness.

But today, sitting next to him is Qianmeng, Qianmeng knows 100% what talent rune he brings

Red Mark: Attack Power

Yellow belt: 9 armors not explained

Blue: 4 magic resistance, 5 bsp; Obama and Bloom mainly deal with Obama's physical damage, blue magic resistance is of little significance, and the opponent's jungler is Mantis...


94 points bsp; what 21 is, needless to say

Basically it's all for meat pads.

After the middle talent 21 points come out, your hero will definitely be too fleshy

Great Essence, Armor

Such a Thresh, in addition to a little low magic resistance, is very capable of fighting in the lane.

With the growth of attack talent and attack imprint, Yu Luocheng's attack power will reach about 6 points after going out, combined with the passive effect of Thresh's e skill, every basic attack comes with magic damage, and it is about 7 AD with an attack power of around 5 when he goes out A normal attack does more damage

This kind of Thresh can be used as one in the early stage to kill the enemy

Even with her eyes closed, Qian Meng knew that Yu Luocheng was going to fight the opponent to the end.

So his talent runes were silently interspersed with things.

There are advantages and disadvantages to wearing things. The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to make up the knife, and the advantage is that it hurts a lot.

Qian Meng understood that Yu Luocheng was fighting with anger, and wanted to make up for that group of shameless little Japanese?

fool's dream

So the attack power she displayed at this time is only 6, which is obviously low for a person... but the effect is not normal when it hits the enemy

The two sides had a normal start. Both the Japanese national team and the Chinese national team took great care of the bottom lane. All the junglers opened in the upper half of the field, allowing the bottom lane combinations on both sides to reach the line earlier.

I have said it many times, whoever reaches level 2 first is the father. The jungler starts in the first half, and the bot combination can go online earlier.

The two sides were very tit for tat. From the beginning, Yu Luocheng came to the line with a holy shield.

It is necessary to mention here that Thresh is a long-range hero, it will not be able to touch the effect of the Holy Shield's real damage to minions, but if you kill a minion with a basic attack, you can still enjoy ⊥% blood recovery for yourself and your teammates.

As soon as he arrived on the line, Yu Luocheng saw Braum walking forward, obviously intending to use the auxiliary melee equipment holy shield to kill half-blooded melee minions in seconds.

Yu Luocheng was also unceremonious, and flung the chain of the sickle in his hand, slapping the strong man Bron.

Little things, let you not learn well, let you be spies, traitors... oh, no, traitors... It seems wrong too.

This time it hit Bron's body, one red damage plus one blue damage, and Bron lost some blood.

This is not over yet, Qianmeng raised the gun and sent a bullet to the bald Bron

The combined basic attacks of the two directly knocked out Bron's blood.

Bron was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly backed away...

Come back to daddy Yu Luocheng cursed.

A certain person is really aggressive. At level 1, he has no intention of surviving. A flexible reflexive E uses the forced displacement of the pendulum of doom to sweep back Bron who wants to leave.

The pendulum of doom actually requires skill, and requires players to grasp the distance and timing well. Yu Luocheng obviously played the chains superbly. When Bron thought he was in a good position, he was pulled back by Yu Luocheng and forced to fight back. took a position.

Too much Japan's assistant Bron scolded angrily, looking back is a cold winter's bite

A biting icicle flew out from Braum's shield, and rushed towards Yu Luocheng at close range...

In fact, Yu Luocheng had already been prepared. The moment he used the e skill, he immediately shifted in parallel, and used the right-angle dance step to get out of Bron's almost face-to-face skill...


Yu Luocheng smiled coldly, I hid him, so you will suffer...

As expected, Qianmeng is Yu Luocheng's golden partner. While Yu Luocheng is battling wits and courage with Bron, he has already attacked Bron twice and added a musket

Bron's blood line dropped to half, and he fled after urinating all over.

It was just the beginning of the game, and a bottle and a half of medicine was directly knocked out. The Japanese support is about to cry...

Qiu Minghui frowned even more, and said coldly to himself: Your opponent is the King of Pluto, so be careful with me.

Yu Luosheng is Yu Luosheng, and he caught his inexperienced support error at the very beginning

(Ask for a monthly ticket~~ Uncle with a monthly ticket will be more cute)

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